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Everything posted by markfox

  1. Hi Everyone! Thats a great story, thankyou! I live in Carrington now but grew up on thackerays lane so know that area really well. The home ales building is vacated by the county council in march so will be sold soon afterwards. Im hoping to go into there and have a nosey around before its impossible. My mate Nicks dad Stuart Hallam used to run the brewery tours there. Lived in the old farm house next to the vale but they knocked it down and built a huge block of flats there now. I would love to see some old photographs of thackerays lane, my house was the one that had the dodgy extensi
  2. Hello Everybody, This is my first post on here but I am pleased to say that the cafe you are asking about was owned by my grandmother Eileen Rhodes of Thackerays Lane at this time. There would also have been the familiar faces of my Aunty Alma and Uncle John Bow who eventually bought the cafe from my grandmother. Uncle John taught my mum Yvonne her times tables in the cafe when she was very little. I will find out what the shop sold but I am quite certain it was probably grocery and general supplies. Local family the Evans who lived on Byron Street nearby also worked in the cafe. Dorothy