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Status Replies posted by siddha

  1. I was gifted these glass plate negatives some years ago. It took some time but I found the family involved and many of the vistas. Thought I'd share.


    1. siddha


      Fabulous to be able to see these. Where are the churches particularly the one with the Romanesque arch?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. for those of you who remember Nequest Music Shop im sad to say my uncle David Nequest passed away to day please feel free to add any comments if you remember david and the music bussiness

    1. siddha


      Very sad to hear this. It was a good shop, I bought music from there regularly.

      I think I knew John Nequest , he was one of the Outlaws (scooter boys)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)