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Posts posted by Gem

  1. 22 minutes ago, FLY2 said:

    Oh dear Lizzie, the mushroom top was a doddle, it was the carrot that I struggled with as it kept wobbling and falling over.

    I remember chalking a pattern on my top but I knelt on it  to spin  so the pattern rubbed off.  I also used the skate and book but never on a steep hill,  my cousin talked me into trying a big hill but I must turn right at the bottom of course I didn't. Broken anke and wrist the bank in question is the one in a previous picture, he had trouble sitting down while  was spoilt LOL.

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  2. 18 hours ago, loppylugs said:
    15 hours ago, loppylugs said:


    Sorry about the typo in the earlier post.  I'm sure I typed 'training' hadn't noticed my rotten Ipad had changed it to 'trading'  You must    wondered what I was talking about.


    Don't worry  loppy i once said i couldn't find any tiny rubber "bullets" how it got from buttons to bullets i will never know.

    • Like 1
  3. Ben was our second puppy but i think he will be the last, i now live in a small fishing village so there is no traffic or large shops all things a puppy needs as part of his training. Just have to take Silas out and about he likes out but not about, lazy little devil.

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  4. Everyone who was interested in my posts  and made comments on Ben,  he went last week to start on the hard work that makes a guide dog. The training we had given him was passed as excellent so he was ready to go, its hard to let him go  when you have had him for 14months and he has been with you all the time. Miss him for many reasons.



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  5. 3 hours ago, catfan said:

    Cut mesen shaving this morning & took ages to stop bleeding due to blood thinning medication, had to stop in.

    Maybe  time to hand the job over to MrsC...........I have got an old cut throat razor that belonged to my Grandfather sharpen it up be as good as new.

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  6. 16 minutes ago, nonnaB said:

    Youve pinched my blanket, just you wait til you move. Our lot stand up for their rights Gem in no uncertain terms.

    Nonna, that is not my dog she has just returned from the vet my friend sent pic, will try and upload mine, senior citizen moment LOL

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  7. At the minute i am peeved.... at the antics of rent an idiot who are at Alder Hay hospital, i have every sympath for the parents but their supporters seem to forget about all the other sick children. The noise and upheavel they are causing affects staff visitors and most of all the children, the staff devote themselves to caring for all the patients and do not deserve the bad press from so called "friends of Alfie".  Its only my opinion sorry if it offends anyone.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

    If anyone broke into my house in the middle of the night, I wouldn't stop to consider their welfare. They'd more than likely get a very sharp WW1 officer's sword through their middle or up their rear end. It's my home and unless I invite people in...which is rare, cos I prefer cats....they have no right to be there!

    Complete agreement Jill, it's my house if your not invited don't expect a welcome. Our alarm system was upgraded five years ago and it is LOUD enough to wake the dead, which could be a problem as the cemetery is two minutes away. I ring my daughter every night to remind her to put it on.

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  9. It's mine Margie, i had commented on a similar doll seen on a visit to Whitby, so they decided i must like them. I find her very creepy her eyes follow you !!!!!!!! When i found that another was on the way i just had to say how much i liked it unfortunately knowing them as i do more will follow.  Hopefully i can put a limit on how much they can spend....... I have popped in a few times but never felt it was the right time, will now catch up on what i have missed.

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  10. Thank you very much for your kind thoughts and messages i appreciated them very much. At the moment NS is not a good place for me, maybe in a few months when things are not so raw. I also enjoyed all the interaction on my own comments and i thank you all for that.

    Take care of yourselves Gem.

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  11. I have come onto the forum to say thank you for all the information and nostalgia that Alan and i have enjoyed over the years. Alan died from a heart attack on the 17th and i am finding it hard to accept, wish you all a healthy and happy future.
