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Everything posted by Bilboro-lad

  1. Godwin's Law? I'm gonna have to laff out loud.
  2. Yes I can well understand you chuckling because you have that sort of mentality. Blindly following 3% of the scientific establishment because you think it's clever to do so. It's not. It's not clever at all. In fact it's rather worrying. Do you believe in alien abduction? Why not? 2% of American's have been abducted. It's the lunatic fringe mate, every topic or subject has one. Yes I can well understand you chuckling.
  3. Who's 'we'? Are you a split personality? Either you believe in science (and hence the climate model currently in use) or you don't. Which is it? Will you tell me? (he won't).
  4. The difference is I've got an army of 97% of the scientific establishment behind me. Do you believe in evolution? Why? More than 3% of scientists disbelieve it? Or are they the lunatic fringe? Which camp are you in? Science - or quackery?
  5. It's the WHOLE of the scientific community. 45% of Americans believe that God created the Earth and Man in his present form in the last 10,000 years. FORTY FIVE PERCENT of the population. Do you believe in creationism? Why ever not? You have the ability (sadly not unique) to believe the 3% of climate scientists who disagree with climate change. You post childish looking maps like they are some kind of 'fact'. 3%!!! Show your 'evidence' to the scientists - they are the ones that need it. They are the 97% that (apparently) have missed your junior school maps. Get a grip folks - you aren't
  6. "A 1991 Gallup poll found that about 5% of American scientists (including those with training outside biology) identified themselves as creationists." ( So do you all believe in creationism then? 5% of scientists believe it compared to just 3% against Global Warming. Come on guys - smell the coffee.
  7. Oh we've started nitpicking have we? An enquiring mind is one that understands how science works, and doesn't jump on the latest bandwagon. 97% of climate scientists agree - but you choose to follow the 2% that can't make up their mind and the 1% that are authors making big bucks out of the feeble minded. Do you believe in science? Big Bang, evolution, climate change? Or do you prefer God made the world, creationism and anti climate change conspiracy theory? Which is it? Science or quackery. Take your pick folks. (but you can't mix and match cuz science doesn't work like that.)
  8. Let's put it into perspective shall we? 3% disbelieve climate change. 2% of Americans believe they have been abducted by aliens. How dare you disbelieve in alien abduction. How very dare you?
  9. Yes I agree. Only complete idiots choose conspiracy theory over scientific evidence and then deny others an opinion.
  10. Only 3% agree with that view. There are probably about 8% who are total crackpots. One cool winter in the arctic means about as much as one warm summer in the UK. So what? Why do you insist on believing the crackpots when there is no evidence other than a few graphs that look like they were made in a junior school. You simply CHOOSE to believe it because it's trendy to do so.
  11. Climate change has always been about unpredictable weather, and that's what we are seeing.
  13. There are always active volcanos but nothing on the scale of Mt St Helens. What do you mean by denigrating? It's YOU that is flying in the face of 97% of climate scientists. It's YOU that chooses to believe without proof. I don't know how you can do that without laughing.
  14. I say that it's faith because there is no research from 'real' scientists that say global warming is a hoax. You simply believe what you want to believe because you want to believe it. That's called faith. It's the trendy thing to do. 97% of 'real' scientists say that it is man made. We know that events in the past have a reason (Volcanos and such like) but there aren't any volcanoes active today. The last one was Mt St Helens and we had about 8 crap summers thereafter. Getting all huffy about it only makes you look silly.
  15. The notion that global warming is a massive conspiracy theory is pretty dumb. The evidence is there. That's what science reports. The notion that you can pick and choose what science you believe is just plain dumb. If you believe without evidence - then you have a faith - and nothing more. I guess NASA never made it to the moon either (they are ardent supporters of GW).
  16. It was never predicted to be in Notts. I told you that before it arrived.
  17. 97% of global warming scientists agree that global warming is a man-made phenomena. They believe this because there is no other explanation. All the warming/cooling events of the past have a reason that has been identified (Earth's wobble, volcanic activity, meteorite strike.) but today there are none of those. If you cannot provide evidence for what is causing the warming via natural process - they you are wrong. Simple as that. You believe in faith, not science. Belief without evidence is FAITH.
  18. I think it's sarf of Birmingham that are expecting the high winds.
  19. My BBC weather app says wind speeds of 23 mph on Sunday night.
  20. Different butterflies, killer bees, ash dieback disease etc. All brought on by the mythical climate change. Someone forgot to tell mother nature cuz she believes it. Another pointer is the rain, When I was a kid, november and March meant drizzle. Very fine rain that wets you through and sits on your hair and clothes. We never get it now, we get the more continental flash floods. Drizzle is the stuff that a 'wet Sunday' is talking about.
  21. Tell that to the wildlife and funguses that now grow/live in the UK but didn't before.
  22. How many times did you see brushes get stuck permanently sticking out of the chimney? A good chimney fire at night was quite a spectacle.
  23. For every denier there are a hundred that claim it's true. If she's so smart - tell her to tell us why the planet is warming. It looks like she was a researcher decades ago anyway. Hardly relevant today. BTW you keep banging on about PhDs. My daughter is a PhD researcher/student, but she doesn't know everything.
  24. Yes they are all wrong. You have to do the Sherlock Holmes thing: ""Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." They've checked everything else - only man-made climate change remains. If you can't tell us what is making the planet warmer - then you'll have to agree. You simply believe what you choose to believe, without any proof whatsoever, just a few cranks and crackpots trying to sell books.