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Posts posted by Chulla

  1. As a 75-year-old, this revelation may come as a surprise to some; but I have never in my life ever tasted whiskey, gin or vodka. The only time I have tasted rum was years ago when I had some in my coffee when I had a cold. As soon as I was old enough to go in pubs, and being an apprentice who never had two ha'pennies to rub together, I bought the liquid that gave me most for my money. As a consequence I drank enough beer to sink a battleship.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Yesterday I PM'd Carni, but have not received a reply from her (unusual as she is usually on the ball). On the message page, left column headed Participants, there is the word 'Block' in red. Clicking on this changes it to 'Unblock'. Have changed it back the Block. Does anyone from Admin/Moderator know what is happening here?

    As you were, she has responded. But would still like to know why the red Block word appeared.

  3. Columbian Contrasts


    The Yanks they speak a language queer,

    Of English true, it's somewhere near.

    Bide with me and I'll explain,

    Lest should it drive y'all insane.


    Here and there words go awry,

    It's gotten so we wonder why.

    In sums they do the math, yes,

    Math! I ask yer, no plural s.


    Babies pushed along in strollers,

    Hollywood stars have shiny molars.

    Divorce is rife, an institution,

    Is this legal prostitution?


    Be warned they drive wrong side of road,

    In grid-plan cities, tires take the load.

    And where a Ped Xing yonder beckons,

    It counts down to green and go in seconds.


    Roads have a median, not reservation,

    Injuns live there, in isolation.

    Boiling hot days, freezing cold too,

    Tornados, droughts and skies so blue.


    Airplanes, sidewalks, have a nice day,

    There's dozens more, include OK,

    Condos, limos, movies and gay,

    All Yankspeak that has come our way.


    For Arkansas say Ark-en-saw,

    But Kansas is not Kan-saw.

    There's Washington twice, DC and state,

    And reversed day/month in their date.


    Less said the better about their TV,

    Such abdominal tripe you never did see.

    Adverts interspersed with programs, aye,

    Junk food predominant, I do not lie.


    The gallon and ton are less in size,

    And for you dear friend a word to the wise.

    Whatever you do don't ask for a rubber,

    Aint what you think, I kid you not brother.


    For left say loo in army ranks,

    Boots are trunks and trousers pants.

    Careful if you want a fag, dear folk,

    Whole new meaning, I do not joke.


    Batters in baseball slog sans finesse,

    Footballers covered in armour-plate dress.

    But tough are the players, with jutting jaw,

    Games go forever, coz no team can draw.


    Their banknotes have backs of green,

    One-dollar coin, two-dollar bill rarely seen.

    The one-cent coin when e'er you roam,

    Will fill your pocket by the time you're home.


    You might think I'm a cheeky old git,

    Well, I suppose I am a bit.

    The country's great, its people too,

    Been there, met them, and so should you.

    • Upvote 2
  4. There are certain members who have posted hundreds - some thousands - of messages and we still do not know what they look like. Michael Booth, Mercurydancer, Blondie, Bubblewrap, Basfordred, Ayupmeducks, TrevorS, Bilbraborn, Radfordred, Cliff Ton and others, I'm taking about you! Come on, get your physog in your Profile. Make it a New Year's resolution. If you were to walk into Wetherspoons in Bulwell, Catfan would not recognise you.

    • Upvote 6
  5. #11. Something has happened. I am now getting emails telling me that a member has liked a post I made. OK but, getting back to the Notification tab, when I click on it I get 'You do not have any notifications'. When I click on 'View all notifications' I get a list of all my PM correspondence. Unless my memory is playing tricks, I thought that before September 14th I got the Likes listed in Notifications. As mentioned before, I click on my avatar to get list of Likes.

    Mick, is everything as should be now?

  6. C T. Easy. The one I deleted was the one with the original small dimensions (height and width). This is how the image first appears after posting it on to Photobucket. I then open it and change the dimensions to 700 plus. When I save this, the original size stays in the library and the new size goes in here also. I then chose the larger image to post with my message. Because you cannot tell which of the two images is the larger when looking at the library pictures, I open the smaller one and delete it, leaving only the larger image in the library.

  7. It can be very difficult to understand the violent attitude of some people. My paternal grandfather was a drinker, and, from what mam told me, got violent with his wife. She told me of the time he went for grandma and dad layed into him. Fast forward the decades and katyjay and I are researching our family history, and discover that granddad joined the Sherwood Foresters in 1914 and served with them in France until 1918 when he was transferred to the Labour Corps. He was discharged on medical grounds not long before the war ended. One can only imagine what he had been through when with the regiment and what effect it had on him. Drink was perhaps his only solace. It was no excuse, we might say, but who are we to point a finger in situations like that.

    • Upvote 2
  8. CT, I see, or I think I do. I have not purposely moved any of the images in the library, BUT, I have deleted a couple that were duplicated during the placement process. It looks like in doing this, the other images beyond it shuffled themselves forward. That said you would have thought that the replacement image would have sent itself to the message. Hmmmm.

  9. Some silly people believe that we are reincarnated. Supposing that they are right, who or what would members like to come back as? Alternatively, who or what do they think they were in a previous life? I'll suggest anything to get a laff, but you never know, there might be a member or two who have a funny feeling that they have been here before.

    Stand back for future Forest top goal-scorers, greatest guitarists, and UKIP prime ministers!

    Of course, we could be mischievous and pick a member and fantasize what they might come back as.

  10. I have noticed that a picture I posted showing Nottstalgians at the November meet-up has disappeared, replaced with a notice saying 'Sorry, this person moved or deleted this image'. Oh no I didn't. Does anyone know why/how this happened? I have checked my Photobucket library and the image is still there.

  11. Members are still having problems in trying to post images with their messages - you don't have to tell me how frustrating it is; took me ages to get the hang of it. As the saying goes, once you get the hang of it, it becomes easy. The following is how I put images in my postings. I have Windows 7; I assume that other programmes will be the same with regard to posting images. This is how to do it from scratch, step by step:

    There are other ways of doing this but I think the one most members use is Photobucket. Perhaps members who use a different system might like to do what I am doing and give a step-by-step instruction. First of all you have to send your images to Photobucket for them to store (they are not stored on your computer). To do this:

    1. Google or Explorer 'Photobucket'

    2. Click on 'Sign up' and do just that and then go back and

    3. Click on 'Log in'

    4. Click on 'Upload'

    5. Click on 'Choose photos and videos'

    6. Reduce screen size and then in new page from Desktop

    7. Click on 'Documents', or where you store your images

    8. Click on the photo you want to load into Photobucket library. Photo will appear in Photobucket page (might have to wait a little bit)

    You now have it permanently in the Photobucket library, but it will likely be too small, so:

    9. Put cursor below blue boxes that say 'Prev' and Next' and five icons appear - click on centre one that says 'edit'.

    10. Click on 'Resize'

    11. Change number above to somewhere between 700 and 800.

    12. Click 'Apply'

    13. Click 'Save'

    You are now ready to insert image into message

    1. Call up Photobucket on internet

    2. Click on 'Log in'

    3. Click on 'Library' (will show your pics)

    4. Click on the one you want to insert

    5. On right-hand side click on 'IMG' at bottom of list - it will briefly turn yellow and say 'copied'

    6. Now come out of Photobucket (click X in top right corner of screen)

    7. Bring Nottstalgia thread on to screen and click 'Reply box'

    8. Click on 'More Reply Options'

    9. Click on 'Enable HTML?'

    10. Click inside 'Reply box'

    11. Click 'Post' in drop-down menu - image will not appear, just letters and numbers

    12. Add caption above or below letters/numbers

    13. Click 'Post' and image and caption will now appear in thread entries.

    Yes, it looks complicated but suggest you print these instructions to help you do it. As to how you insert more than one image, if you need to, I do not know if there is an easy way of doing this. What I do is insert one image and then post. As long as you have not logged out of Nottstalgia you can keep posting more images into your message - remember; if you are adding new images to your library, you need to increase their size as instructed above.

    • Upvote 3
  12. I'm sitting here, mid nuts and liquorice,

    Full to the brim, nowt did I miss.

    Found some room for Christmas pud,

    Thanks Mrs Chulla, the food was good.

    On the tele nowt but crap,

    Every year junk and pap.

    Why do they think we want to see,

    Such seasonal dross on our TV

    Like the bears we should hibernate,

    'Till January 2, my favourite date.

    Then back to normal with news at six,

    Routines familiar, I'll give it some ticks.

    Makes no difference I'll acclaim,

    Next year will be the same

    No matter we cry and bawl,

    What can we do about it? - sod all!

    • Upvote 2
  13. There's is a Christmas tradition observed by many people in Britain and America, and one that was observed by me last night in Nottingham at 5:15 pm at the Broadway Cinema. As with the last few years there the film being shown, by popular request, was It's a Wonderful Life. Mrs, Miss and Mr Chulla went there three years ago, but this time I was alone. Alone that is except for the nearly-full main auditorium of people who appreciate that this is one of the finest films ever made, and certainly the most popular. Most I suspect were there like me having seen it before but wanted to spend Christmas Eve in the right mood the start the festivities.

    Young and old filled the seats, and as soon as the film's studio identity of a swinging bell came on screen we all knew what was coming, with Dimitri Tiomkin's music accompanying the opening credits. And when the first words were uttered - "I owe everything to George Bailey" we were in there, back where we had been before, back in that wonderful world of cinema where for a couple of hours you step off the street into another world.

    I have seen the film seven or eight times and never tire of any part of it. I know where the sentimental bits come in, I am prepared for them but a tear still rolls down my cheek; I can't stop it. There is not a dull spot in its over-two-hours length, and there is nothing to be criticised. As the end-credits rolled the audience spontaneously applauded; their Christmas was off to a good start.

    As Clarence the guardian angel says in the picture - "(we) have been given the greatest gift" (life), and that "each (person's) life touches so many others". Life really is wonderful. Unfortunately, too many people in this world do not realise it. Perhaps they should be made to watch It's a Wonderful Life. To those of you reading this and who have never seen it, next Christmas go the Broadway and enjoy the experience.

    • Upvote 3