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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Couldn't open that at first looks like the old cinema on Valley Road to me??
  2. Not sure Mick,I am just using the info I was given I will check next time we speak,I thought you might have some pics seeing as you are the researcher from hell!
  3. Does anyone have any idea when the Cinema closed on Haydn Road? My son who is a musician, has recently discovered this fact & apparently only a small part of the building[an archway i think?] is left & it just about gives the impression that is was used as the above.It is presently being used as a recording studio.
  4. uuuuuuuuhhh too easy Mick,we watch him on satellite tv al the time.
  5. It's a bit strange thinking about Valentines day when i feel like it's still my birthday but I got my sweetheart a box card with Ostrich feathers on it............very romantic !yowza!
  6. Thanks Guys Had a good birthday,phone calls from overseas.Spent the day catching up with friends,had a nice day all in all and guess what I got for my birthday?? go on have a gue ss??
  7. Nah not a wolf spider Ayup, a huntsman,& as far as I know harmless unless you know otherwise? unfortunately he met a sad end,the other half sprayed him & he fell to the ground like stone........sad but I couldn't sleep knowing he was on the prowl. He's been hiding behind a picture frame for ages now, but once he started to move around I had visions of waking up with him on my forehead.......... yikes !!!! !faint!
  8. How about this for an unwelcome guest?? he is still sitting in the corner of the office & I don't like the way he is looking at me !tony!
  9. Since when has an Hedgegog been a marsupial,stop messing abowt............ oooooooooo I can feel a Kenneth Williams coming on !!
  10. It's an Echidna you plonker! everybody knows that. !faint! Stop drinking the Scotch Den it's buggering up your eyesight
  11. Who cares I'm sick of waiting for the patience me that's the trouble bored
  12. Ha Ha Ha you lot are all soooo funny......................NOT. Well you won't deter me, look what came to visit our bird bath today [that was just to keep BIP happy!] & now you can all bog off !rotfl!
  13. Epsom salts is another good old remedy for everything. Aches & pains,water softener,laxative & I am told on good authority that lactating women used to take it when they had too much milk & the salts would dry the milk supply up,don't know whether this is correct but it gets you thinking
  14. That makes fascinating reading Red. I remember the incident very well. Pity I can't watch the special,though it may at some point appear on Austar,hope so, I would love to watch the background behind it. I always wanted to be a detective or an Archeologist!! not much difference hey?
  15. I think he appeared on Dr Who at some point?
  16. G'day Ayup You too have heaps of wildlife,as we do here in Oz. We also have Deer in the pine plantation next to our property & one in particular is very tame,a bit too tame in fact, the neighbouring farmers will shoot him if he isn't careful
  17. Trouble is Mick we will have to wait until god knows when to get another shot. I will practice with my Duncan.
  18. That sounds about right to me Den,not sure about the other pub though,could it be The Whitemoor as once was??
  19. LOl you are such a joker BIP!! I didn't take the pic my partner did but he couldn't get the flash to work hence the blurriness. in that same POND we once had a massive Eagle which had flown into to attack a large lizard,bet you don't get them in Chilwell me duck??
  20. Another good all rounder is Bicarbonate of soda, my god the things you can use that for are far too numerous to mention & like Vinegar, it's perfectly safe for the enviroment. It's great if you use it on stains on the carpet & then pour soda water on top of it..................... Voila stains gone!!
  21. I think ive asked you before Mick, but you don't have any idea where he is now?
  22. And fish & chips wouldn't be the same without it hungry