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Everything posted by Caz

  1. What's his mushy peas like any good Mick?
  2. All good fun Angi. Hey come to think of it you haventt posted a pic either come on Angi get em out.....................I meant the photos silly!!
  3. Just heard on breakfast TV today that Elvis has 4 or 5 songs in the UK charts at the moment & at the same time,how unreal is that??
  4. I thought for a minute it was Eric Burden's not is it??
  5. Dear Daph my heart goes out to you What a sheltered life you must have lead? Come to Oz & Ill show you how the other half live's, it will make your toes curl I'll keep my eyes open for a big macho sheep shearer, someone who can teach you how to cuss [just so you are able to communicate with us] & he will also know how to treat 2 gentile ladies such as yourselves[seeing as he has to deal with small fluffy creatures all day ] I have been trying to use my imagination as to what you girlies look like behind your head wear [and you know how difficult that is for us Antipideans don't y
  6. Caz

    The Globe Cinema

    G'day Norma I see you live in Oz too. I have a heap of pics of TBS I will go through my folders & email them to you soon.Hope you had a good birthday. Caz
  7. Hello Ann Yes she will definately remember Melbourne park who doesn't? I lived at Whitemoor for a few years before I was married so I know that area very well, in fact my mum still lives there. I was chatting to Chris on the weekend & I think she said she went to both schools............would that be right?? I remember she told me she used to go up Robinswood Rd so that sounds right doesn't it? It would be great if you two did remember each other. She lives in Australia now & has done for a long time,though she visits the UK quite regularly & most of her family have been to Oz t
  8. Can you give us one of his initials please?
  9. Hello Ann, I was just speaking to Chris yesterday & she lived on Melbourne Rd, she has quite a few brothers & sisters living in Nottm & surrounding areas,& I know one of her brothers is called Geoff. As a youngster she hung around with Denise Kind, does any of this ring any bells?? PS Don't worry about the spelling of your name I often have a drink whilst i'm reading the posts on here & when trying to reply to something the keyboard has a mind of it's own!!
  10. Caz


    Hello Rick I see from your profile you are a member of the RAOB. My dad was too when I was little.I was always fascinated by his coming & going's & the marches he would take me on as a child. He died really quite young & the local RAOB guys came to visit us and brought with them the biggest boxes of new toys for myself & my sisters. They were very generous. But thinking back on it apart being in & working for the community I can't really say I knew much about how they operated & what they actually did, or I assume still do,can you fill me in please?
  11. Hello Daph, Sorry we upset you & your daughter Divinia,we Ozzies are very broad minded you know,unlike the English who like to snigger at rude words behind doors!! Here in my little piece of heaven there was a TV programme on just recently at lunchtime & would you believe they used the F word!!! true I do not lie Please do me a favor if you ever decide to visit Australia bring with you ear plugs & carbolic soap,as using swear words infused with our usual mutterings is a common occurence over here & not for the faint hearted It also occurred to me Daph I don't think we ha
  12. You did it again It's Caz here mite!!
  13. Yeah it is Bob, I heard they are in a bit of a lather over it :D :lol: :D :lol:
  14. Hi Tutanic I didn't but I know somebody who did. Her name was Christine Jones do you know her at all?? PS where did your tag come from??
  15. BIP There was a mistake with your questions,. On your 1st post, question #9 said dunny? on your next post in reply to Ayup's answer's you had question #9 dunny budgie?? Just trying to trick us hey or was it a mistake?? And before you all say anything I know this isn't a budgie but it's close :
  16. I agree Mick, Bill Maynard was great in that programme.Good to see he is still going strong even after his stroke. Did he marry an American Millionaire or something like that? [in real life I mean]
  17. You say the CD's & DVD's are deteriorating, isn't that due partly to the quality of the discs in the first place? I thought the better quality of disc the better quality film they use on the disc, hence longer life?
  18. G'day Andy Where in Whitemoor do your family live?my mum lives on there too.
  19. Whitby...isn't that where Heartbeat was filmed? beautiful scenery in that show.
  20. Sounds like 100% to me BIP what do you think Ayup??
  21. Nice one Barnze where was that taken??
  22. 1 Ants or Gnats 2 Bitzer is what you poms would call a Heinz 57 variety of dog 4 The only bluey I am ware of is a bluey work jacket or it could be a shark? 10 Is either a fresh water Alligator or a fresh stubby of beer? 16 Is a saltwater crocodile
  23. Hi Angel, Where in the Meadows did you guys live & did your parents own a shop??