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Everything posted by Caz

  1. OMG!! No you don't do you?? Thank god I have boys. My mum brought up 3 girls on her own & we were very horrible, well some of us were hey Smithylass?
  2. Florida sounds good, France..............ok but full of French people ooops sorry but I know they hate the English & the rest of humanity
  3. Hello Bryce I have it on good authority that you are the main man when it comes to Boots social club?? Well I was wondering whether you know Richard Greatorex? I heard he worked for Boots when he left school & that he was a member of the boots social club,do you know him or know of him ?? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Cazza PS Don't forget to post a pic of yourself so we can put a face to the name.
  4. Sure have, especially here in Oz. I would die if I had all that fat hanging over the top of my hipsters :o Young girls just don't seem to have any respect for themselves do they? or they are so confident they just don't give a damn
  5. NO she's a honey & a little younger than me.........though she doesn't look it :D When I say hung out I meant it in the nicest possible way She does frequent a few pubs but I can't say where in case she doesn't want to be discovered & as she's my sis I had better be careful as when I visit the UK again she wont let me stay <_<
  6. I think you may be a teeny weeny bit jealous Den I would be scared of my drinks being spiked & that would be the least of my worries
  7. Me thinks it's about time the rest of the contributors to this site included a photo of themselves so we can see who we are talking to No idea about the sign over the Palais,wonder if Smithylass knows? I know she hung out there a bit in her younger days. Caz
  8. Last night we watched a doco about poms going to Spain/Greece for their holidays & also about expats who were living & running businesses there........well what an eye opener that was! I had told my partner of the reputations of some of them when they go on holidays to the above but he was really shocked at their behaviour,talk about let it all hang out & that was just the men Most of them were couples too as in 2 men 2 women,not many men/women couples, & groups of one sex or the other, is it really that bad or were they playing it up for the cameras?
  9. Thanks Guys I must admit I don't feel any different until I look in the mirror YIKES it's a bit scarey I've gone one better & invited the blighters surprise party or strippers for me NO WAY!!! HMM come to think of it a nice muscly exotic dancer might not be that bad
  10. OO I loved Marvin Gaye. His voice is synonymous with my school days & the Sante' Fe, warm sunny days, light nights walking along the Trent having a fag & being caught by the local bobby. I used to hate it when he caught us smoking, I was really scared he would tell my mum I was only very young 13/14 maybe? I don't really like it when other singers sing his songs either, I like to hear the original songs in their true form [my son is a musician] & i'm sure he would be LOL at this as when he first started in the business he always did covers,but it was different with him i'm his mu
  11. As you can see from my profile I am 49 & soon to be 50 We are having a BIG party on the weekend of my birthday [my partner was 50 yesterday] would love to send you all an invite but I know it's a wee bit far to travel to get p****d Can't say I'm happy about being 50, but I'm fit, walk 4 times a week, at least 7/8 klms each time, do Pilates/Aerobics/weights, so if this is 50 it ain't bad Never understand why people are shy of their age especially if they take care of themselves. So you guys, whats it like after 50 is it worth going on or shall i do the deed now?? :o Caz
  12. Thanks Mick. looking forward to hearing anything about Richard Greatorex good or bad. Cazza
  13. Actually I was curious to know if anyone on this site had been to Boots social club as we heard an old friend of my partners used to be a member. We would like to find him if we can,his name is Richard Greatorex.........anyone know him or his whereabouts?? Caz :D
  14. God it's so familiar to me that song......what year was it admin? as for the singer Ill rack my brains until I remember
  15. Well I'm not sure but we met up with some old school friends via Friends Reunited & went dont to the Meadows to meet them. We saw it as we were walking back[chaperoned of course!!!] But as I said previously, my partner is sure he saw it on the corner but on the same side[probably too many free beers on the night hey?] I think it's a "choice" sort of place too if you get my drift? Caz
  16. b****y Hell if I had grandkids I would be the right age to qualify for that
  17. You got what it takes to satisfy me You got what it takes to da da da da da Baby you got what it takes ???????????????????? A complete guess here but is it Wayne Fontana??
  18. If you look at the 1st pictue you posted on here Mick you can see The Medz next to the cob shop?? Caz
  19. We have just been looking at the pics that Mick posted of Arkwright st. I see the Medz pub is there in the middle, has it always been there? my partner swears he remembers it being on the corner when we walked up there last year. Please put him out of his misery Caz
  20. Come on expats where are you?? Maybe you are away on vacation?? Would be interested to hear you're stories.
  21. Do we have to give something up? If I HAVE to give something up it will have to be unhealthy food, not that I eat that much but the little I do eat I will try not to, how boring hey?? :o My wish for New year apart from a healthy & happy life for the people i love is to win the Powerball & get everything lifted & i mean EVERYTHING :D Whats your's Mick?
  22. His name was London. He travelled to a different place every episode & made new friends in every town, solved their probs & carried onto the next place for the next show {god love him}!! Anyone remember the song associated with the show? It has the words "I'm Drifting"????? Caz
  23. Hey I'm Back Is it The littlest Hobo? Caz
  24. Has it got anything to do with Sneinton market? I know there was a pub there that used to be open very early in the morning if not 24 hrs a day.
  25. And it was the ruination of you............right?