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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Hello Ayagorawiya, Yes it would be great . If Mekit gets back to me Ill do my best. You never know I could be living very close to him.....stranger things have happened!! Caz
  2. G'day mekitgabakuds, If you know where in Oz Sammy went to live I could try & do a search for you,as you can see I live in Oz so it's not a prob. Hope you have as much fun as I am having on this great site. Caz
  3. Even I know it's Noele Gordon! Caz
  4. Just wondered as Christmas is fast approaching, what memories you have from when you were a child & beyond? I remember living on Ryehill St & we were sooo excited as Christmas approached. Don't remember Christmas starting before December unlike today when it starts in October [well it does here in Australia] When we woke up really early on Christmas morning it was so cold, but we didnt care, we could see our santa sacks at the bottom of the bed, & everytime we moved our feet we could hear the paper rustle.I dont remember if we were allowed to open our pressies in the bedr
  5. Happy Holidays Mick Catch up when you get back Caz.
  6. I remember my first day ay Arkwright Infants School. I was taken there after being at home with my mum for 5 yrs,well you can imagine it was like being separated from your siamese twin. I think I screamed for what seemed like hours. I can see the other kids faces now, I was laying on the floor & they were looking down at me on the floor of the classroom. The worst thing was the teacher Mrs Cree told me my mum had gone home & just as I was settling down my mum poked her head over the glass of the door to see if I was ok, I saw her face & started all over again,embarressing isnt it
  7. Well my boy so you wanna know how they got caught hey??? Apparently what happened was [& i have it on good authority] after the incident, at the next assembly, old Pot leg walked up & down the aisles of assembled students, limping & looking at the floor & everyone wondered what the hell he was doing.He pulled a a few kids out and sent them to the front of the hall, now you might ask what was he doing? most of us only had one pair of shoes , the silly buggers who did the painting had paint all over their shoes & thats how he found out who did it :o w
  8. Hi Mick, I have a question for you or any other members know how the culprits who painted the graffiti on the roof of TBS were caught out???? Rgds Caz
  9. Is it Nottingham Castle?? Caz
  10. G'day Mick Just chatting with my partner & recalling some of the music from the Fe'. We remember Michael Jackson's ABC, the girls used to dance in a circle to that one & we all knew the hand movements that went with it too. I have a couple of musical memories which I directly associate with the Fe' & am very nostalgic about. The 1st is "Something in the Air" by Thunderclap Newman & the 2nd is the "Harlem Shuffle" I LOVE that song & didn't hear it for years & years, mind you living in Oz didn't help!! Other songs we remember are Wet Dream, that was very naughty at the
  11. Hello Mick, I have a heap of pics of Trent Bridge School, they were taken when I was there on holiday. I asked the headmistress at the time if i could have a look inside & she said she couldn't let just anyone walk round the school!!! I told her I was an old student & visiting from Australia but it didn't wash well not with her anyway. I spoke to the caretaker & he took pity on me & said to come back tomorrow & I could have a look around,well I did just that. The place hadn't changed a bit except it was much smaller than I remember of course, the cloakrooms & the ho
  12. G'day Ilkolad, B) Apart from living on Ryehill Terrace across from the Almshouses, my family also lived at #6 Ryehill St until about 1967 ish which was practically opposite the Almshouses. The house was next to the alley way which was the back entrance to the doctors surgery. Anyway,as a child I was fascinated by the Almshouses & the big gate & I remember my mum telling me that the old man who used to live in the aforementioned place & wandered around Ryehill St aimlessly, had a metal plate in his head from the war. Poor old bu99er. The kids jumping up to have a sticky beak over
  13. Ilkolad :D Did I get a lovely surprise when I logged in today & you had updated your last email with a pic of Ryehill Terrace .....sob sob I am so nostalgic, never seen it from this angle I can even see my bedroom window! The Almshouses attachment was very interesting too,funny thing is I had forgotten or didn't realise [not sure which] that they backed onto London road, what a small sheltered world we lived in then hey? I remember the bonfires we used to have in the Terrace too, god knows how we managed it, it'a a wonder we didnt set the houses on fire!! I left the Terrace in about 72
  14. Hi Ilkolad, Sorry forgot to mention that the Tophams who owned the newsagency, also had a daughter & they gave my mum a heap of clothes for me which I loved, especially the very sexy black swimsuit with the lace insert which I wore for swimming lessons at the Portland baths, I felt so good in that swimsuit but probably looked ridiculous!!! Caz
  15. G'day Ilkolad, :D Great to receive your reply what a small world, I lived at Number 10 Ryehill Terrace,before the entry. What year did you leave ? As I recall a couple of Irish boys lived at number 11 in about 1967 to 1972 ish? Were they related to you at all? Barry Straw certainly rings a few bells, I seem to remember his mum Mrs Straw, her name was a familiar name to me but why I dont know. Phil Hall was the fruiterer, I can see his yard now. I remember the very tall Jamaican lady that lived on Rye hill Terrace too & a couple of old spinsters whose names escape me. I also lived on Rye
  16. Hello Mick, Andy & myself left school in 1970 so we are actually younger than somebody............yippee!!!! LOL. As I told you there were 6 Molik boys,George,Martin, Peter,Andy & 2 younger boys who you wouldnt know. I would think that Pete Molik was probably around your age & at Trent Bridge around the same time? He is now a copper here in Victoria. Yes, Orange street was where you remember it. I lived over Arkwright St in Ryehill Terrace which was off Ryehill st where the Greyhound pub was, I have spent many an hour with my dad drinking Portello & eating crisps with the lit
  17. :D G'day Mick Great to receive your reply. Mmm sounds like the same Alan Haywood to us, he certainly had a sister, but as to her name we aren't sure. They lived on Woodward Street in the Meadows.As to the connection, my partner Andy Molik, was a friend of his along with a heap of others, Stenneth Gordon,Richard Greatorex,to name a couple all jack the lads from Trent Bridge School 66/70. The Molik boys[6 of them] lived on Orange street, & 4 of them emigrated along with there parents to Melbourne in 1970. A couple of the boys left a few months later, you may remember them, as the Meado
  18. Hi Mick, :D Was interested to see you mention a pal of my partners from Trent Bridge School. His name is Alan Haywood & Andy hasn't had any contact with Alan since about 1970. We were just wondering if you or anyone using this site had heard or seen anything of him in recent years. We would be very pleased to receive any news at all. Love this site,only recently disovered it. We are in Australia so we love any mention of Nottingham & the Meadows. Thanks in anticipation. Caz