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Posts posted by FrankWheldon79

  1. One important thing here is the fact that this bloke was identified by the NEP days ago when his trial started, even publishing his picture in the NEP.
    Surely this cannot be right or proper, it looked like the NEP were showing him in a bad light before his trial was over, in my opinion this was grossly unfair.
    I don't know Mr Amoroso, never heard of him until I read the NEP article the other day but the publicity he (Mr Amoroso) received cannot be fair.
    If I was Mr Amoroso I would certainly be consulting my legal advisers about this.

    Well exactly, especially when you consider the first day that they reported that the first witness gave a vivid and disturbing account etc etc........ but didn't say that the first thing that very same accuser said when he went on the stand was "I was lying" - (YES REALLY) - the Post seemed to have omitted that little snippet. very convenient!

  2. Just an update:

    Mr Amoroso was found NOT GUILTY on all charges at Nottingham Crown Court. The Crowns case was that ridiculous that he didn't even offer a defence! Yet a jury of his peers found him not guilty.

    I'll give you an example: He was charged with assaulting a boy in 1985 in his house on the Rivergreen estate in Clifton. Yet Mr Amoroso didn't move to Clifton until December 1988 (obviously documented with deeds etc). Added to this is the fact that in late 1988 the house in Clifton he moved to was a new build that was only built in early 1988! Also the boys father (a solicitor) made a statement saying that the family didn't even move to Nottingham until 1986. So he was charged with assaulting a boy in a house that he didn't own and that did not even exist in a year when the boy didn't even live in Nottingham never mind Clifton. Yet he was still charged with it?!?!?!?!?

    The other charges related to a family of scumbags in Clifton who claimed he had assaulted them to reduce their punishment for crimes they had committed, the authorities knew this but kept playing along.

    Then we get to the charges relating to Frank Wheldon: these were made solely by Gary Reid - a scumbag career criminal who was in prison when Amoroso was remanded and saw an opportunity to make money and reduce his sentence by making claims against the teacher. These claims were however proven as a complete fabrication in court. What is more, it wasn't the defence team that proved the fabrication but the Crown Prosecutions own witnesses! This was a theme all the way through the trail.

    Gary Reid was in my year at school and in the school football team - as was I.

  3. Anyone go there at that time?

    What house?



    1) Obviously the legend of the Coal Wall.

    2) Sneaking into the forum at night and running across the swimming pool covers to see if you could make it to the other side without sinking.

    3) Anyone remember the car being driven into the swimming pool? I remember the school morning bulletin the next day that read something like "If you want to play squash then you can do this alone , but if you want to use the pool you will need an 'Escort'".

    Other stories?