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Posts posted by Ayupmeducks

  1. Now I have a faster internet service I will be scanning the Clifton Pit overlay maps, they were drawn on surface street maps, hence what we call overlay maps. The Clifton Estate isn't on the overlay maps, so it may be an eyeopener for that part. Although workings did not go as far south west as that, just a little north of Ruddington.

    Some of the northern workings went up to the University, out to the edge of Beeston and under Hawthorn street in what was the old Meadows, they also went out under the playing fields along the Embankment.

    They are quite interesting as the dates of the workings are listed too!

  2. I know what you mean Den, same here, plus three crowns. Refined sugar is not good for us, just wished our Mothers had known that years ago, then maybe we would now have a full head of healthy teeth and no mercury in our systems.

  3. My mother quote: 'you know what thought did? s##t it's self and thought again..!!!'

    un quote.

    Did anyone's grand parents refer to horses as 'bobbos' when they were a kid? what the hell was that all about eh?

    My parents did when I was a kid, I also taught my kids Bobbo's. No idea where it came from though..

  4. Global warmings a natural phenomenom the earth goes through. One volcano eruption throws more pollution into the atmosphere than we humans have in the time we have been on earth.

    BTW, I keep hearing, change to natural gas, it's cleaner... I'm sure from my chemistry lessons many years ago, that when gas is burned, the chemical reaction is to produce heat and carbon dioxide.... So much for clean gas...

    We have a very active solar event going on at the moment, it's been active for over a year now. The sun is emitting larger than normal radiation, hence the warmer winter we are having.

    There is also a source of radiation coming from deep space thats got the scientists confused, it too is producing a heating effect on our solar system. Could it be influencing our sun?? Likely, admit some scientists.

  5. This is a tale I related on my website.

    We were having trouble with the AFC, (armoured face conveyor), there were several pans that had holes in them causing fines to go back on the bottom chain and jamming it up, thus blowing the fusible plugs in the couplings.

    I was sent to the tailgate with a pocket full of fusible plugs to fill the couplings and replace the plugs.

    I was sat down when the supply lads arrived having me snap. Not too long, one of the supply lads came up to me and asked me if I'd seen his 'oss, no I replied, he was over there a few minutes back.

    Anyway, the supply lad went down the gate looking for the pony to no avail, he'd gone!

    The tail gate was pretty low in places and there were three air doors at the top to divert air.

    Turned out, that pony had made his way down the gate to the doors, about a mile in total darkness! Waited at the doors for someone to come through, waited at each door for the same and then made his way down 2's main road, another mile in total blackness, past the inbye bunker, down 1's road, a mile and a half or more in darkness, then down 42's road to the Stonehead Drift, where he'd walked up hill for three quarters of a mile, this road was well lit. He was found waiting outside the air doors to number 2 pit bottom where his stable was!

    Not a bad feat without getting injured!

  6. Remember Mars bars were huge? I remember paying 3d for one. What about Caramac, I loved that one.

    :crazy: Strange how things looked much bigger than they were when young and cheaper too. I remember my first Caramac, well piece of. I was travelling back home with me mum on the top deck of the number 60 bus or was it the 66 to Bilborough from Nottingham, anyroadup it was a bus not a tram as you might have been lead to believe by some unscrupulous members,when me mum turned to me and said would I like a piece of chocolate, well what is one going to do? Refuse! Not Bl00dy lightly.

    Ever since that day I have had a weakness for Caramac, it’s not actually a chocolate but a Toffee confection I believe…and s0dding expensive and smaller. Well that’s what I reckon..


    They are smaller Den, remember when Rollos were so big you could use them as spare wheels for the car? Well mini! Even they are smaller, and of course, more expensive.

    Chocolate's not the same these days with the manufacturers using cheap veggie fats instead of cocoa butter they used when some of us here were kids.

  7. Mines on one phone line John & I have a 4 outlet wireless/modem/router. Working good tonight though the wireless connection is a lot slower.

    OK Caz, I had a second line installed for the direct dial up so as to free the main line, just a local only line so only cost the monthly rental. It will be disconnected soon now we have DSL.

  8. This board runs on a MySQL database, of which there would need to be a second?

    I have found with linking other sites, that they rarely give us a link on there pages?

    You'll always get sites that won't reciprocate and loads that don't have the facilities like Wikipedia.

    One board headed favourite links would be enough Mick!