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Posts posted by Ayupmeducks

  1. I may get access to some old footage of Nottingham on 16mm film.

    Anyone any suggesstions on viewing or converting?

    It looks like this and wont fit into my VCR?

    I recall a few years back now one of our mailmarketing companies used to sell a machine that converts 16mm film to Video, they weren't that expensive either. Do a google Mick.

  2. When I was about 13, my Mum got a job with the Lady Bay dry cleaners, and we moved into their new shop on Alfred Street South opposite Agars green grocery corner of BBH and Robin Hood Street. The old shop across the road was closed down.

    I had a crush on Agars daughter, Jennifer. Years later I worked with old man Agar at Cotgrave colliery where I finsihed my apprenticeship off.

  3. Yes,the caretaker`s house is still standing, but everything else has been demolished including the school,everything from that period in Nottingham has gone,Mundella, Bluebell Hill school,Elm Grove, and the Hop Bloom pub on BBH,where Harry(cannot remember his surname) used to let us play skittles in the back yard of the pub.

    Next to the school was a printworks(? Sissons) who also had a large enamel thermometer on their wall,the saleman must have been selling job lots in the area at that time!!

    Thats right I recall that thermometer too!

    I used to live in Kings Lynn Terrace off Turner Street those days. Two up two down, outside bog and coalhouse.

    Recall the Shaws on Pym Street?? Coal merchant, his son Graham also went to BBH schools with me.

    One of my Grans lived on Raglan Street off Peas Hill Road, the other lived on Blake Street off Gordon Road.

  4. I went to Trent Bridge School with a lad called Richard Churchill.

    I an sure his dad was the Caretaker at Bluebell Hill?

    Too long ago for me to remember Mick. I know the caretaker lived on the premises though, there was a house at one end of the playground near one of the entrances.

  5. B) I remember seeing the queens coronation on our own tele....acording to me mam we to had an house full for that royal pageant..... B)

    We didn't have a tv then Den, I think my mum first got us one about 1955 or 56. Our main problem was being on DC, they then converted us all to AC around 1955 era.

  6. Incidentally, you(ayupmeducks) must be about my vintage,did you attend Bluebell Hill School?

    I sure did Stan, infants and junior! 1952-1958. I can remember sitting on the stone stairs at lunchtime in summer listeneing to the test match for the ashes on those big Rediffussion speakers one of the teachers put out for us, and to think... we though it was live too!!

    Yep I recall when sugar rationing finished, early 50's, then sweets became a common thing in our lives together with fillings!!!

  7. John,

    My missus had a very similar ailment about 15 years ago.

    It was a disease called Ross River virus and was transmitted by mossies.

    After an intense course of I don't know what from the GP after a couple of months she became free of it and it hasn't returned.

    I hope yours clears succesfully soon.

    Baz :ph34r:

    Not the same one Bazz, I recall the one your on about from my ten years down under.

    I am on the mend, doubt I would be if I'd gone to a Doctor though!! I'm on a high salt/vitamin C regimin, the salt is to kill the parasites and the C for my immune system.

    Each day I am feeling a little better, so the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.

  8. john mate you dont deserve that after the years i have known you, love, keep well duck got your email and will change what you asked me to no worry, keep your chin up john, chrissie

    Thanks Chris much appreciated. I'm fighting it and I'm determined to overcome it, whether or not it's possible to be 100% cured I don't know, but I'm determined never to go through this again!

  9. Sunday afternoons, mid 1950's, there used to be the afternoon movie on that old 12 inch black and white TV. Mam would go down to the sweet shop just on Alfred Street South opposite Turner Street and get a couple of blocks of Cadbury's choccie. Then we would settle down for the movie, scoff choccie and just pig out!! Dad would be snoring, he'd been to the Coachmakers Arms before dinner and was sleeping it off.

  10. As I've been very ill, as some of the members know..........

    Sorry to read of your illness, Ayup....

    Best Wishes for a speedy recovery..

    Rather wondered where you had 'got to'!

    Take Care


    Robt P.

    Thanks Rob, one thing about this disease, I like to get the word out how easy it is to contract and how nasty it is. I've found out the last few days that mosquitos also transmit it.

  11. As I've been very ill, as some of the members know.

    I have Lyme Disease, a debilitating disease caused by a tick bite. The disease is a bacterial/parasite based one, easy to get but bloody hard to get rid of and very painful!!

    Problem with Lyme is, it's so hard to diagnose as each patient has different symptoms, the majority of Doctors misdiagnose it and the treatment they dish out doesn't always work.

    I chose my own route after reading the horror stories patience had with their Doctors, I chose a natural method which is working, I am getting better. Salt/C regimen.

    1g of salt and 1000mg of vitamin C every hour for 12 hours. The salt raises the bodies salt level to make it inhospitabal to the parasite and C for killing the bacteria.

    I can now walk again, my legs and knees are getting stronger, though still stiff and some pain. BUT a big improvement on four weeks back where I could hardly stand and was in agony.

    So where is Lyme found??? Virtually every continent on earth!!!

    Symptoms vary, mine started with swollen hands, and sore wrists, I thought it was normal aging!! Progressed to sore tendons in my upper arms to sore shoulders, thought I'd the onset to arthritis. Then I had very swollen knees and could hardly stand on them, thought this was due to an old pit injury so shrugged it off. All these at seperate times over the last few years.

    Then about eight weeks back, all the above came on me in one fowl swoop!

    Thats when I knew I was ill with something!

    So don't be as complacent as I was, make sure, especially if your into camping, fishing or just the great outdoors, that any aches and pains are other than just plain aging! You may have been bitten by a tick!!

  12. Where do they teach that accent?

    Even the most budget airlines have a pilot that speaks like that?

    The military used to teach personel how to talk with a plum in their mouths Mick.

    A bloke who worked as a miner with me at Boulby in North Yorks was a first louey in the Royal Marines until he injured his knee, they paid him off.

    I asked how someone with a working class North Yorks accent managed officer training school. He told me they gave him ellocution lessons, in his own words, "they couldn't have a dickhead working class accent as an officer".. He still hung onto some of his officer ways, his name was Smith, but he'd also taken his wifes name, hence hyphonated!, Perrow- Smith! His Dad was one of the Onsetters on my shift.

  13. he was a machanic, used to sit on a chair between two machines waiting for something to go wrong. i got offered an apprentiship at players as an electrition but turned it down because i didn`t want to work at the same place as my parents. oh what foolish decisions you made when you were young. my dad said i would regret it when i got older.

    I believe there were whole families working at Players Rob!

    We had a few Father and Sons working at Clifton Pit and Cotgrave.

    When I was at Wongawilli Colliery in NSW, there was a Deputy and his Electrician son there. They came from Nottingham and origonally worked at Cotgrave!

  14. As most of you know I worked there for some years and as ayup says the factory was built on stilts which meant that the main factory floor was roughly twenty feet above ground level and the space between the main factory floor and ground level was the underneath car park which if I remember rightly did sink several times, they just kept on reserfacing it to bring it level again....

    I haven't been back for roughly six years so I don't know if the underneath is still being used as a car park, the factory also has a large outdoor one which in my day you used if you were on mornings...

    It was an impressive building Den. When I first arrived on site, they still had the huge ramp up to what would be the manufacturing floor! Huge trucks and concrete mixer trucks used to drive up there, gives you some idea of how big that ramp was!

    I was there until your staff were installing the ciggie machines and started test runs, that was when I left Wilson Ford Rewinds for greener grass.

    What I was doing was stripping the fan motors in the sir conditioning units, fitting new end sheilds and scraping the white metal bearings.

    JP wanted silent motors, so selected sleeve bearings over ball and roller bearings. Bull Motors got the contract, but!! even with belts set at Fenners correct settings, these bearings seized up.

    The motors were designed as lift motors, not belt drive motors. And lift motors are direct drive.

  15. I've had loads of fun baiting the 419 scammers. Been Captain James Kirke of the enterprise, that was funny, you can't imagine how thick those scammers really are!! Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. Even a billionaire business man, I got them up to 85% my share.. LOL Then I told them to eff off, you've been scammed !rotfl!