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Posts posted by Ayupmeducks

  1. I personally wouldn't know about Chris Ayup, not heard from her for ages must have been something I've said.........anyroadup there are it seems many women folk who are having conection problems with this site IMO that's great they where starting to annoy me with there incessant moaning.... vampire2

    if it's not one thing it's another, I don't know these ex pats, you can never please them, they are quick to leave these shores and before you know it they are making plans to come back for a visit IMO once ya gone you stay gone well that's what I say..... !englandflag!

    Only been back once in 27 years Den to see my late Mum and Dad one more time before they passed on. More chance now of finding a hen with teeth than seeing me in Blighty!

    So rule me out of "coming back" ;);););)

  2. Thats still Arkansas Den, you been boozing again smile2

    BUT, if you look to the top right, you will see a town called Mammoth Spring, thats where the wife has her Real Estate business, and we are due north of there.

    NOW find a map of southern Missouri showing the state line.

    When you do, look for Thayer, then just coming out of Thayer will be hwy 19 heading east to Alton, from the little town of Alton, 163 east for 10 miles and you will see on a good map, state road FF going north, I'm up there a couple of miles. ;)

  3. I now Caz been on meduk....

    Heard on the radio today and this is official more People are leaving these shores to settle in foriegn climes than ever before...I wonder why? !englandflag!

    Den, I left for a new life after my first marriage failed.

    Would I come back???? Never, I could never afford to live in the UK now. Housing and land prices are way beyond my means. Living costs are way beyond my means, Weather's lousy, beers too warm, everyone living in each others backyards..ie too crowded housing.

    Also too much government intrusion into your day to day lives.

    We pay $54 a year land taxes, which when the house is finished, will probably go up to $350 a year. Not bad for 80 acres of land! My electric is half what you pay, my propane is way cheaper than your gas. My water costs me the pumping costs and doesn't have chlorine or flouride in it. My food is cheaper, my beer is cheaper, I can buy my Scotch at Xmas half price of yours and the same brand. My truck only costs about 30 bucks a year to register, no MOT's either. My gasoline is one third what you pay. I could go on and on..... Less crime.... I don't need some shiny arsed beaurocrat to tell me where and how I can build on my own land either, and they don't!

    It's not quite heaven, but a lot closer than the UK is...

  4. Is it just me or are these two on another planet, anyroadup as long as they stay on their plant I will stay on mine...as anybody seen Ilko? :Vampire:

    It's not me Den, that Mick again talking of sqelching me...LOL

    Mick, I can purchase time off my host, he sells site space as well as hosts free sites so no problem mate, I am transferring files from the old Proboard site to that one, long process as the two sites are different set ups.

  5. Ahhh PHBB eh?


    Now get yerself a decent domain name and hosting before you get busy.

    Can you back up your SQL database on that system?

    I think you said something similar Mick, when I first started the Proboards one. We did get over 70 members, but not many posted. I moved to a phpbb because of poor security on Proboards, also far better format.

    I know if I do eventually get the traffic, I will have to buy host space, these free hostings don't like too much bandwidth used up.... ;)

  6. I'm going to throw caution to the wind.... I've never broken a finger, ribs, a toe and had my nose broken by a drunk Scotsman in Market Square one night many moons ago.

    Now, I'll be going out to do some mowing later, and you can bet I'll get off the tractor, slip and break a finger. :Fool:

  7. Most pubs I went in Den, and that covers clubs too, had a sign saying "Our beer is served at 5C"

    One of the big digs over there is the warm Pommie beer!

    When you buy a beer down under Den, the law in every state states you have to have a clean glass each fillup. You are not allowed to use the same glass without it being washed!

    The clean glasses are kept in a large glass fronted freezer, when they get a glass out, it's frosts up! Then the cold 5C beer is poured into it!

    BTW, you can ask for a jug of beer of you want! Same as here, saves keep getting up and going for refills. BUT then who wants their beer to get warm as Pommie beer, Nahhh I'll drink mine in Midi's, don't last long anyway, cold to the last drop B)

  8. Want to keep coming back Den??? Now you have got to be joking smile2

    Been back once way back in the early 90's, I don't think I will be back again Den, once were enough, best part of trip was when I was looking out of the plane window at Heathrow as it was taxying down the runway !rotfl!

    Sorry Den, can get all the Brit beer I want over here ;)

  9. Oi! I took the Liguphone course in Aussie Strine before they let me in that great Island continent, had to pass 2000 questions or no visa!

    Pommie bastard...as in "howya goin yer Pommie Bastard?" Now then mate, how's things with you.

    Poofter as in "Bloody Pommie Poofter" Queer *@.

    Hope that helps Den :crazy:

  10. Kinoath mite. Youse bloody pommer puffters. Us Ozzies talk the queens lingo , infact we have a public holiday for her birthday & youse guys don't even have that,we even invited Sir Les Patterson.

    To celebrate old Lizzie,we drink lots of grog,eat heaps of snags,& belch a lot cuz we are cultured...................... bloody oath mite. smile2

    And the guys arent any better either,they get pretty crook too. !rotfl! We aussie Sheilas are a force to be reckoned with so watch it. I can drink you under the table when it comes to the amber nectar,you old drongo bighug . Bet youse are flat out like a lizard drinking, trying to think of something funny to reply hey you old Galah. :Friends:

    Ya'see Den, I understood every word Caz posted ;)

  11. This made me chuckle....I sat down and put my feet up to watch a hired movie the other night, I know what you are thinking, dennis staying in well not really I was asked by my daughter if I would like to go over to theirs for my tea and so I did.

    After I had finished stuffing myself silly with free sausage, stake, lamb burgers and BBQ chicken we all settled down to watch a film, the main menu came up and one of the choices was language, basically you have to choose the language you want before you can play the film, anyroadup there was over thirty languages to chose from and one of them was Australian.....Now is it just me but don't the aussies speak broken English? should it have said Aboriginal? that I can understand.... girlvboy

    Stone the bloody crows yer old galah, they bloody speak the queens english! Bloody oath yer old pommie bastard, nah sit dahn and listen, I spent ten years in the colonies and never once did I 'ave eny trubel understanding 'em! I ate their snags, had sangers fer me crib, even 'ad loads of coldies mate. Even camped near a billabong when I went camping!

    Bloody old galah, saying they don't speak the queens! Caz will have summat to say to yooze when she gets on, bloody oath she will!! ;)