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Posts posted by Ayupmeducks

  1. Yeah I hope so too. I used to be able to see how she was going on Jean Langs site,but as that is now no longer online it might be a problem .I think I might have an email address for her i'll give it a go & let you know

    I sent Jean Lang an email, Jean says Anne is OK, has had knee surgery, moved house and has computer problems, but OK.

  2. After many years of trying, looks like I may have located two of my old mates, John Booth and Bill "Lou" Blair who I served my apprenticeship with and knocked about with!

    I received an email this morning from a lady in Cotgrave asking if I had any piccies and info on Cotgrave Colliery for their new community magazine.

    Seems a couple of the blokes who were in the office knew of both of them and are on their way to track them down on the estate for me. I know "Lou" still lives on the Estate somewhere. But Johnny could well be living abroad. As they are Brother in Laws, I stand a good chance of finding both of them now.

  3. Only the English would stuff them with Kiwi fruit Angi!! Nah we just cook ours until they are well dead & serve them up with a lot of onions a bun & maybe a big chunk of steak for good measure. I like mine well cooked too John, only way to go,but I like my steak to talk to me........how about you??

    I soak steaks in a mix of vinegar, red wine, olive oil and herbs for a couple of hours prior to BBQing, then use the marinade to baste the steaks until well done!

    Snags, only good when well and truly black, with loads of onions and plenty of good old Colemans mustard on to add flavour Carol!!

  4. Right, first things first.

    The reason i am still posting on here is two fold (that means for more than one reason for ilko and his munchkin black ice) The first is a purely technical one in that i for some reason keep getting an e-mail saying people have posted on this topic.

    The second is that i point blank refuse to have jumped up little worms like the aforementioned dyslexic duo defame my good name.

    I will now answer a few other questions.

    1) The reason i am posting on a website with bu99er all subscribers is because it was top of the list when i did a google search.

    2) I am not trying to hard sell anything to anyone, just letting smokers who want to quit know that there is a way out.

    3) Nicotine Replacement therapy will help pretty much nobody, conclusive INDEPENDANT studies show less than a 10% success rate

    4) Our Gent, thank you for confirming point 3, now consider a different way and visit my clinic. do a google for smoking cessation in Nottingham and i am sure you will find an easyway to stop smoking.

    5) Rob, cheers for the support, seems like there ARE one or 2 sane, sensible and intelligent posters on this otherwise stale forum.

    6) Caz, are you black ice in disguise??? Getting ultimate power trips from removing peoples posts??? How about you respond to my earlier challenge?? You know?? Where i asked you to point out where i had been FORCING people to stop smoking, and if you did i would happily remove all my posts myself, without the need of the all seeing and never moving moderators intervention!!!! No????

    I've got nowt agin yer meducks!

    Good for you if you can help anyone throw the baccy habit and make a living doing so. Baccy companies have made billions every year selling their diabolical products.

    When most of us on here were teens, they used glamour ads, "Nelson is good for you" Yeh!! Bloody glad they can't do that anymore, but they still use underhanded lies to sell their products!

    IF you only get one person to throw the habit, you've earned your fee!

    If my Mum and Dad hadn't got hooked, they'd be still alive today, 80 years old! But at least they wouldn't have died from coronories and hardened arteries!

    Go for it fatman!!!

  5. I was going to say summut but trying to think of what to say turned out to be hard work so at the end of the day i have nothing to say, apart from come on ENGLAND!

    They don't stand a chance Den!!

    I watched France yesterday, my God, how they played!!! How on earth they could keep that pace up for 45 minutes?? No wonder they were worn out near the 65 minute mark!

    Now if England played like that, I'd say the had a chance, funny so many French player play for UK clubs too.

    Time England looked for a new coach and manager who could get the best from the team.

  6. Googlebot has been with us since 20th June.

    He made 2,740 page visits so far during that time.

    Since I deleted the log at the beginning of February he has made 22,874 Page visits!

    So you now know someone is interested in this Cr4p! B)

    Googlebot now also has registration capabilities Mick, I have a general chat site as you know, the host had to install "bot filters" to prevent bots from registering!

    My mining forum this last week had seven bots register that I deleted when I discovered what they were!

    They are "farming" email addies!

  7. perhaps if you were to charge a  membership fee Mick, it might make them think twice before they decide to be so condescending and obstreperous..  might I suggest a fortnites trial for £2.99 with a 'moneyback guarantee'  if they found it not to their liking?

    What do you think this is?


    Good job you didn't type Freaksreunited, that name's been taken by another site ;)

  8. I couldn't start smoking again even if I wanted to, the last few years has seen be become alergic to tobacco smoke. I get what appears to be an asthmatic attack when I'm around tobacco smoke, even though I'm don't suffer from asthma!

    I also have trouble breathing around forest fire smoke too.

    As for vaccines, I know where your coming from, a mercury based substance is used as a preservative in ALL vaccines, no wonder my generation is now suffering from more cases of arthritis and altzheimers!! We are laden with mercury from childhood innoculations and mouths full of mercury amalgam fillings! When each of mine are due for replacement, I'm having the "plastic" fillings!

  9. What you have to remember 1fatbloke is it's a personal choice what we choose to do or partake of in life & at our age [& most of us are over 40 except Cali who is a mere child!!] I think we would rather decide for ourself what we want to drink/smoke or sniff & we would rather not be lectured or cajoled by someone who thinks he knows whats good for us etc, blah blah blah. So if you have anything interesting to say or you have some pictures of days gone by then by all means post away & if you dont' SHUT UP !!! for christs sake . bored

    ;) Caz must be a smoker smile2

  10. I wouldn't give much store to the WHO, they are just another tool of the big pharmaceutical companies.

    The author of a book I'm reading was a heavy smoker, he doesn't endorse ANY product, but stopped smoking within one hour using natural methods. He has written a reasonable priced book on the method he used, he is one of the leading advocates of alternate medicine and natural healing.

    I do believe there is not one illness or ailment that cannot be "cured" naturally, or even prevented naturally, and each year more and more Doctors are saying the same thing.

    Many years ago, a European MD came up with something startling, if the body ph is alkaline NO disease, or cancer can grow or live in the body!

    Jeeze! If the mainstream media EVER published that, the drug companies and private medicine would die of the truth cancer!! Imagine how many billions they would lose and how many people would be put out of work!!

    Over here now, the big drug companies are inventing diseases for their TV and magazine ads, "Acid Reflux Disease" indeed!! Used to be called simple heartburn when I were a lad, now all of a sudden it's Acid Reflux!! AND they have a nice expensive drug to treat it!! Don't cure it, but treats it. Warrabaht Alka Seltzer??? Cheap nasty and does the job at a fraction of the price. OR just change your eating habits, costs nowt!

  11. Cancers only one of the health risks associated with with smoking. Hardening of the arteries, heart disease and emphysemia are three others.

    Around 20 years ago, I went for a medical, and the Doc, who was about my age asked me if I'd ever smoked, I told him yes. He asked me what made me stop, cancer, the fear of I told him. He said emphysemia scared him from them and stopped him. He said, cancer was bad, but generally you didn't last very long, but with emphysemia, it was a long lingering nasty death.

    Both my parents died of heart disease, I blame on years of smoking! I also lost a very good mate a few years back who's arteries had hardened. He went into hospital with a leg injury that wouldn't heal, they were going to try some artery grafts, but all his viens and arteries in his legs were shot! He passed on about three weeks after entering hospital. I blame all his years as a heavy smoker on his demise.

    Stopping smoking's not easy, the person MUST REALLY want to though, or the attempt will fail. Sometime back in 1974 or 5 I saw a show either on the BEEB or ATV about smoking and it's related illnesses, maybe some of you recall it, lasted a couple of hours, made me stop from that point on! I used to have a lift to work, and the following morning I got in the car and all the blokes I travelled with had seen the same show! Nobody lit up that morning! Out of the five of us, only one went back to smoking, he died of cancer of the lungs.

  12. Caz Posted: Jun 21 2006, 08:29 AM 

    Strange that isn't it how some people look English,Spanish,Irish,but even though I know Bob Hope was born in London he looked American don't you think? 


    You know IMO if you like a place that much why o why don't you go and live their. I'm sick and tired of hearing about how wonderful these places are, my experiance and i have traveled the world been to more places than most on here also I've Been to france that many time it's boring now even to talk about.

    Now can we move on!?

    Another shitty day in paradise.....I'm Having...

    Just a point Den, visiting a place and living in the same place are two different things. You only get a view of the "surface sheen" visiting. When you live in a place for a time, you see it's other sides, your in no hurry to see everything either like a tourist does.

    I saw many books on Wollongong and saw a movie presented by the Australian High Commisssion many years ago, nothing like the real thing though!

    I spent a few days around Adalaide in South Oz while holidaying one Xmas, I personally found the place boring!! But I suppose if I'd moved there I'd have seen another side to the city.

  13. Caz Posted: Jun 21 2006, 08:29 AM 

    Strange that isn't it how some people look English,Spanish,Irish,but even though I know Bob Hope was born in London he looked American don't you think? 


    You know IMO if you like a place that much why o why don't you go and live their. I'm sick and tired of hearing about how wonderful these places are, my experiance and i have traveled the world been to more places than most on here also I've Been to france that many time it's boring now even to talk about.

    Now can we move on!?

    Another shitty day in paradise.....I'm Having...

    Bloody 'ot 'ere! Nuvver day of 90F plus smile2smile2

  14. Still trying to get in contact with Richard,he did make contact via Friends Reunited last year but have heard nothing since. Richard where are you ? we would love to catch up when we visit Nottingham later in the year

    Caz, is he related to that Notts Miners Democratic union leader???

  15. I agree ayup, seen brazil play better thou. don't look that hard to beat IMO.

    I don't think Brazil was playing anymore than normal Den, just the other team was playing a lot better than they used to.

    Remember, most players you see are now playing for world class teams during the normal season, so soccer is not so isolated as it used to be. ie South American, and European styles are no more, soccer is now on another level from when we were teens Den.

    Think back to the 1966 world cup, we had two different styles playing back then, Euro and South American, nowadays a lot of the Brazilian players play for Spanish, French, Brit and German teams.

    Soccer is changing Den, it's faster, more contact, where years ago, physical contact was frowned upon, the balls lighter, boots are mere reinforced sandels these days.

  16. ;) The yanks are all the same if they didn't invent the game they don't want to know.

    look at the world series! who do they play but themselves? home-a-fobics all of them.. !englandflag!

    BTW, the Yanks didn't invent either baseball or gridiron football Den!! Baseball was invented by Irish immigrants and Gridiron by the Canadians.

    AND that stupid sport, ice hockey, well the Canadians are to blame!!

  17. ;) The yanks are all the same if they didn't invent the game they don't want to know.

    look at the world series! who do they play but themselves? home-a-fobics all of them.. !englandflag!

    It's not the average American Den, it's the friggin media!!! Soccer is liked over here! They even play rugby league and union, even cricket! But until you can persuade the stupid media there's millions to be made, they just shun it! Although I note some big American corporations are now sponcering Soccer, maybe that will change the medias outlook with a few million bucks floating around!