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Everything posted by Beasty

  1. Down here in the SW we have Mousehole = Moussle, St Austell = Snozzle, Plymouth to the Royal Navy is Guzz and my home town of Uckna (Hucknall)
  2. Gunner297, Dave We;;s is alive in Nottingham, he has attended all the re-unions. Bill Bugg is a retired dentist in Copner/Havent in Hants and the last time I spoke to Jess Jennings he was a London Black Cab driver. I'm alive in Plymouth, often meet up with Alan Seymour, Wilf Herd and Colin Humphries and Terry Palin when he comes over from the States were he lives.
  3. Trevor S mentions in an early post a tall bearded man called Beeson in ROT, not me but that will be one of my distant relatives, my great uncle was Fred G Beeson, General Builder and Undertaker, my Grandfather's family hail from that side of the Trent

  4. Thanks for the welcomes me luvvers as we say in Plymouth, my goodness remembered from Annie Holgate Junior school. I presume that Gunner and Trevor S are two of the smoke room or down on the playing field contingent that I remember very well. As to memories when do we start there are so many? On an earlier post somebody mentioned Brian Andrews, on my first day (in 1964) at HMS Mercury, the Royal Naval Signal School who should I bump into but Brian, after leaving there he seemed to have disappeared into the ether, nobody seems to have heard from him, as we have tried to contact him for som
  5. Hello one and all, my oh my there are some old faces on here, it's Carl Beeson speaking, Brian Thompson was the teacher who lived in the caravan opposite the school, called The Habitat, he used to come my house for tea, came on his motorbike but wouldn't give me a lift on the pillion I had to catch the school bus back to Hucknall. There's been a lot of water passing under the proverbial bridge since we rolled up to the school in 1959. Speaking of Brian Thompson, glad I saw him at the 2009 reunion as he died not long after from a brain tumour, very proud that he was our House Master in Mak