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Posts posted by Beekay

  1. Sunblest again, when I were a Park ranger at Holme Pierrepont, every week we used to nip up to Sunblest to collect stale bread for the water fowl. We never left with less than two flower sacks full of bread, cakes and all manner of goods. Back at the park one of our rangers used to scrummage through the bags and would often surface with a fruit cake or sponge saying,"too good for the birds, only 3 days old. It'll do for us".

    When we used to get a coach load of visitors, we always said they were just in time, as we were going to feed the birds, didn't matter when it was, the birds were always ready. One of us would jump on the coach with a sack full of bread and we would start the tour, calling at the nature reserve to feed. More often than not, the birds would be walking down the service Road to meet us. It was hilarious watching them turn round and fly after us. Our visitors always thought this was their special treat. Happy Days!

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  2. I've got a mate down in Eastbourne who, when carphones first appeared, he used to keep a plastic toy one in his car and whenever he was about to pass anyone or stopped at traffic lights, he used to pick it up and pretend to be talking to someone. No idea who he was trying to impress? His daughters thought he was barmy.

  3. I bought a couple of hand held radios when I was at Chailey Heritage school. It help 'er indoors to locate me as I could be anywhere on sight. This was of course, before I'd even got a mobile phone. The radios came in handy when travelling in tandem with another car. Able to communicate without having to stop and converse. I used to have a pager but the radios worked better, (if my pager went off, I would have to find a phone). Still got a couple of pairs of radios.

    Used to have radios at Holme Pierrepont, when I was a Ranger. (HP5)

    Another point, CBs are free to use.

  4. I reckon the novelty started to wear off in the late eighties Phil. Then when mobiles came along, it killed CB stone dead. A pity really, I used to like using the link to other travellers. Once the estate kids got their hands on radios it all went downhill as they were not using correct radio procedure and just bucket mouthing all the time, blocking out bona fide users. I fitted a decent little radio to my son's mobility scooter, so was able to monitor him if he went visiting or along the seafront without us tagging along. For example, if we went to Wollaton Park, he could be half way round the lake and we could be enjoying a cuppa in the café. 

  5. DJ, up in Boolwool,  they never asked, " what's your twenty"? It always came out as "Twenny ".

    We had a club that met in the Nelson at  Crabtree. Met on Wednesday nights, hence "Wednesday Squadron".

    I've still got two rigs, one being a Midland Ready Recue, still in it's case.

  6. Then my sincere apologies to you sir. I must admit, I didn't know what the establishment was called when I frequented it. Memory and Fog come to mind. 

    On a lighter note, wasn't WHSmith stall just inside the archway entrance, where the taxis pulled up? With a little cabin on the outside pavement. Those arches look like they're glazed now. (Unless I've got that wrong as well).