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Posts posted by HSR

  1. What amazes me...no reference to bed sharing 24 hour taxi drivers

    , sweat shops paying under the minimum wage, 

    Over a million illegals by the

    government's own admission.

    Unlikely to go for test..All going under the radar,  not entitled to furlough but everybody needs to put food on the table...

    The flipside of this, I'm happily surprised how they appear to have conquered the London Corvid issue...


    London centric with resources?





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  2. Does anybody else only see the first 3 pictures when using the link on this site?

    Did a general Google for the page, worked fine.. strange.


    Yes that's the picture, Hindleys, must be close on 100 years? What year did Virgin close?


    Letting my brain race here..nothing new


    Did that Virgin Shop have turnstiles at the doorway entrance? Recall an upstairs that had arcade games...

  3. On 6/29/2020 at 9:29 AM, Beekay said:

    Thanks for reminding me HSR. Heard an advert on BBC 1 telling me about tennis on BBC 2 at 1.30pm with another guise of " Wimbledon Re-wind" ! I love tennis but for crying out loud another name for repeats !!!

    I/we tend to watch programmes like Smithsonian, Quest, Abandoned Engineering, CCXTV to name a few. 

    I realise that a lot are old films but at least they are interesting. There's been some good steam railways on and I reckon Bill Nighey s " Greatest train journeys in the World" have some stunning scenery, I take my hat off to the cameraman. Some good stuff on " Talking Pictures". Can't help but notice that BBC s breakfast tv and Victoria Derbyshire all repeat themselves about every half hour. I've no idea, the last time I watched ITV. 

    Victor Meldrew, move over.


    I like tennis.. but the only sport's I could watch repeats of are Snooker, Football, & Dart's..

    hmm..social profiler? :tony:


    Got 14 episodes of Walking through history with Tony Robinson still to watch, TV will be in the garden for extra authenticity..

  4. Would Lincoln St be the one that had Jonathan James on the other corner?

    When I looked at the original pic, I was thinking back entrance to Littlewoods..

    Don't currently have access to maps, Google etc..


    Unrelated. i recall seeing a picture

    that show's Bradley's/Virgin being a music shop in about 1900, possibly could have been music related, for close on 100 years!

    Looked on Google the entrance/alley to the right, was blocked, but the outline can still be seen today (well..4 years ago)


    Again unrelated but when walking from Clumber St to the back entrance of Littlewoods, on the left before entering, there was a large expanse that resembled a wasteground, remained like that for year's to my knowledge, what's there now?

  5. 19 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:

    The Kardomah on Clumber Street was on the corner with Lincoln Street.


    Scroll down to photo 10 on here (but take a look at all the others on the way)  



    Wish i could, always had issue's with the Nottingham live site, 3 pic"s then black squares, site fully loaded & scrollable.


    Good  things to say about Broad Marsh, 

    BHS Restaurant, John Menzies, Wimpy & Argos.. & Situls gift shop!

  6. A little confused, Where would the Kardomah Cafe be today, does the building still stand? I'm thinking facing McDonald's...

    I remember the remnants of the old photographic studio, up a flight of stairs, had the name in frosted glass in the early 80's, looked for it on Google earth years ago, modern market stall was the best I got, also looked like the building behind had been modernised.. 


    Think the studio was taken over by Joules? (Name/spelling) in 1930, they also had a branch on Arkwright St, and branches Nationwide/Manchester. Can't recall off hand what the studio was called previously..

  7. In the mid to late Seventies I recall a shop, roughly next to the Lion Hotel, doors were always wide open, so the chap on the mic could be heard, 

    Never went in personally but did find it interesting!


     I quote...

    'not asking 20 quid, only looking for a tenner, a sea of hands go up..

    tell you what, a fiver, sorry folks..the lady there got it'


    Used to see these sort of shops regularly at the seaside, this is the only time I recall seeing one on a main high street.


    Some real tat, but did throw in luxuries like a toaster etc... probably reserved for the 'chosen few '..

  8. Watched it, last week's had at least four, what would be considered un-pc moments in the first fifteen minutes!

    Tonight's wasn't much better, refreshing to see a programme broadcast without those silly warnings.

    Best bit..Big Rock Candy Mountain, at the end..





  9. Agreed Radford Red, Cookie Club was Pelham Until St James's St watched a video years ago, they said move was 1990, more like '95


    Anyway, reason I searched this out, was there a club that had  spiral staircase in the lace market? Was thinking Beetroot but memory did a virtual tour & not sure!

    After going through the door large wooden bar on the right, staircase beyond, on the left a row of leather sofas, had a bare wooden floor.


    Now this is where I think my confusion kicks in, the upstairs could be accessed from both sides, from the left, you were greeted by a row of seats with round ultra violet tables, to the right a bar, with a narrow walk space in between.

    Another flight of stairs downstairs that I don't recall being spiral on the right.

    Hope somebody"s still reading this, directly ahead was a very small space, could have been a dancefloor for about 10 people max, the space carved out of the rock.


    Forgot to mention, this was about '95







  10. 6 hours ago, TBI said:

    Yes Loppy, the major problem was the tv rental cash cow had gone by the '80s. Electricals had stabilised in price and in real terms were dropping, hence profits too. 

    There was a place that survived, roughly facing the St Peters church, next door but one to Either Weathermans or Flittermans, very small in comparison, could have  been possibly Radio rentals or fusion, picked up a recon' video recorder there for £35 with a 3 month guarantee about '97, clapped out after about 5 months, but served its purpose.

  11. I was a Maverick Wimpy Golden egg as a child/teen..

    I do recall being disappointed when MC seemed to be everywhere, can't recall visting one before "85....& only about 6 times since....the fillet of fish was OK..


  12. On 6/15/2020 at 10:13 AM, Cliff Ton said:

    hideous, dull, sickly dark green. I'd like to meet the person who thought it was a good idea.

    For a moment there a thought you were talking about the Lettuce!

    Is that shade of paint known as gherkin?


    There was a burger joint roughly next to what became M'donalds, Wheeler Gate side.

    It was called Mavericks, pool table upstairs, this was about '83.


    Pretty sure Mc predated Burger K in Nott's, which was the first one? I was thinking Clumber St?

  13. 9 hours ago, The Pianoman said:

    That one seems to live where it is photographed. I have seen it on many occasions over a long period of time. I haven't had the chance to photograph it otherwise I would have done. People have taken pictures of my cars in various places. How can I object?


    Seen many times and haven't had the opportunity to photo?


    Would these 'Various Places' include your house and driveway,..

    I look forward to your pic's on this forum....



  14. Dr Killinski's (yep spelling) take a left at the porn shop. 

    Imposing place, front door black, and below street level?..


    Through the door.. Doctor first left, waiting room directly ahead, gas fire on full bore, patient's sat on wooden chairs... magazines in the bottom right corner.

    The overriding memory I have is the smell of disinfectant, and the staircase to upstairs, first right after.going through the door...scary for a five year old.


    When seeing Killinski, I remember he always wore a suit, including waistcoat, sat behind a big desk, double chin and small glasses. 

    Remember him visting Grandparents on a regular basis.









  15. 5 hours ago, Rob.L said:

    unless it is parked on private property.


    I dislike the assumption that everybody is internet savvy, at least go to the trouble of blurring plates, door numbers etc before posting on a OPEN forum.


    I would never take a picture without permission in this scenario, it's selfish and a damn cheek!


    Lizzie, the fact that you would never apologise...I wasn't looking for one..

    hint's that you might think twice in future.


    Not getting on my high horse or looking for a moan..just what I consider to be a sensible observation.

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