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Posts posted by HSR

  1. 15 hours ago, The Pianoman said:

    Well I got sick of reading this thread.  Bit like watching TV news where all news reporters know better than professionals in the medical field.


    Fould's was on Market St! Possibly as late as '92

    Definitely deserves a second look..



  2. Please no sub section..

    Wouldn't it be easier to banish this stuff to, I not sure here, but a certain amount of posts. hidden until 200?

    Not on it myself, but I would assume the internet is full of this..

    I joined this site to talk about Nottingham..

    Must be offputting to new potential contributor, made a similar observation about a year ago..




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    Furlough is about to be slashed.. government thinking 60, others thinking 50, possibly 40 percent.

    At 80 ..what sort of damage is this doing at the paltry level of 30k in London?


    The flipside, loads of P"ss takers where I live, sacked my folks window cleaner last week,

    Personally, I now find myself living in

    the vicinity of a saw mill!:wacko:



  4. What is now a tattoo shop, was the one that had photographic billboards in the window, think it also incorporated the shop next door to the right.

    Lots of changes here, but one thing remains the same, the area looks neglected.

    After the building of the Arena I would have liked to think the area would have thrived.

    Can only assume the Arena does it's own fast food, bar facilities Etc.. 

  5. Thanks for the link Cliffton..Well that answers my question..


    Still not convinced however, when clearance took place of what became the bus station, these were spared.

    The date plaque I recall was on the corner of  Southwell & Manvers, 1905? I my have dreamt it!


    Regarding stages of bus station, there's a photo that shows two archways back end on Manvers St circa 1890, I'm 99 percent sure they were still there in 1994. When I looked on Google in 2016 they were gone, along with every building until the King Billy.


  6. Does anybody know when some of the buildings facing the Fox & Grapes were built, some of which have circular windows, 

    I have always thought they pre date the bus station in style..

    Moving forward to 1983.I remember a shop that had large sepia, almost billboard size pictures in the window roughly next door to Flittermans on the corner of Manvers..










  7. Occasion was called Acid Jazz! That Wouldn't have been my definition. 

    Very good 4 piece..

    .Female Sax player,, had short cropped hair.. very Dexys.

    An Old timer on Bongo's, .

    Can't place the drummer..but he was very good!

    Double Bass was a young chap, ginger hair, also played the Bell on the Monday Jazz night.

  8. 6 hours ago, DJ360 said:


    Earlier this evening we took delivery of a Tesco online shop.  I think we're probably OK for about six months now..... It took me over an hour to wipe everything with bleach solution and my hands are sore again


    Traditional socialist principal....


    DJ..how much was the bill? :mellow:

  9. Brilliant picture, talk about new meets old!

    What was the use of the building that appears to have a clock on the corner?


    First time I went in the 'modern' Hearty was about 1982,  many times upstairs, went downstairs for shortlived excellent Acid Jazz night about 1993, only went in the street level bar once.

    The whole place was pretty much a dump!

    Hard to believe it was probably less than twenty years old when I first visited!


    Why pull down the original? was the road widened?

    Can't even recall what replaced it.

    I assume that top right of the picture became a car park?



  10. 16 hours ago, denshaw said:


    Could have been worse, you could have been in Sweeney Todds



    Remember a Barbers called Sweeney Todds in Sneinton,  mid eighties, near Greenwood school..

    Corner of the fiirst road down the hill, after the former railway, which became a cut through to Colwick Rd.

  11. On 4/18/2006 at 7:23 PM, mr rob t said:

    the cheek of it lol, think i was 16 when i started going to these places. also used to go sandpipers in the lacemarket, saw the sex pistols there also dire straits at venue 55 on maid marion way and the police at rushcliffe leisure centre, sad arnt i?


    Teaches me I should trawl more! Heard the Dire Straits story myself, think it was called venue 53, maid marion way. 

    I recall seeing Saxon at the Rushcliffe Leisure Centre, after they had played the boat club! 


    Edit..not trawling hard enough..last person to post was me!  




  12. Never heard of Leon Musk but might explain why i have always disliked that smell? :(


    I would never claim to be as dexterous as a squirrel, but would be nice to think they would place markers on Bamboo sticks to avoid taking an eye out! 

  13. Would that be the entrance to Hurt's Yard?

    Became a independent chicken shop, more generous portions than KFC..made no difference to me, only ate chip's.

    Opposite side of Hurt's Yard entrance was a newsagents.

    Circa mid 80's was it called the southern fried shop?


    Chicken shop had a tiny frontage, directly behind, i remember a restaurant, had unnecessary wooden shutters at the windows looking for a vibe.. Was it called "bar something"