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Posts posted by HSR

  1. That's the one, Cliffton, Bedrock, I'm happy with the attempt with Roadblock but the date was a howler! :wacko:

    Think it was about 1991.


    These shows were only broadcast locally. Making the assumption that there were six in the series, interesting to know which other three artists featured.


    I have a bootleg DVD called  'Groupies' a real time capsule, probably available on utube, features TYA, Terry Reid & others.

  2. Recall Ten Years After playing at a TV series based in Nottingham about 1985. Possibility called Roadblock? 

    Advertised on Radio Trent,  Tickets were free or 50p picked up at the small kiosk in Victoria Centre near Jessops and Victoria market.

    Gig was in the Radford area, guessing Cental studio.  had at least two overhead cameras that were constantly on the move,

    I was standing at the rear but really annoying if you didn't want to appear on the tele!

    I i coudn't make it, but think Hawkind also appeared in this series,



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  3. Sussed it! Went to visit my daughter today, she has the internet, Google maps, it was the Old Vic, this is interesting to me as I am familiar with it, must have been my first visit and didn't get in..sold out.

    Makes sence..I saw John Hammond Jnr solo here later and it was packed & I mean packed!  

    Occasionally caught a glimpse of the headstock and the first two frets of the guitar, fantastic gig ! a real highlight.


    I'm sure this was promoted by the Nottingham Blues Society..any

    recollection or info?



  4. 1997 for me Beekay, gets the grey matter ticking over don't it!

    Took a snapshot of the mural picture, gave me the ability to zoom in. think it's not a rat run!

    I only ever caught Buses here at night. If I remember correctly all the aisles are roughly right of the photographer, unlike Victoria nothing on the mural side and it was dark in there.

    Think there were about thirteen aisles in total..The bus I caught.went to Bingham, can't recall the number of the bus but the aisle was about where the pic was taken. No 12?

    If I approached from the Subway my head would do a left.. what's that bl**dy stench! like the chap in the picture!

    Where the vertical pole of the fence 'points' behind the car.. would that be the Sherwood Rooms? 




  5. Inappropriately posted the first part of my Jack Bruce in Nottingham memories in the 'what are you listening to' thread.

    The three times I gained entry, all at the Palais were1984 twice and 85-86.

    The second time was Clem Clempson on guitar also I think third.

    I recall Clem having to leave the stage do to heat exhaustion on one of the occasions, possibility fainted?

    Also recall Jack Doing 'Theme for an Imaginary western' solo on keyboard and stopping after the intro...a few expletives later starting the song again!

    Fuzzy about the fourth time, didn't get in due to sold out..somewhere a left at the top of Hockley.

  6. Remember the Trinity square pet shop, thought the animals appeared well treated. Were they Piranha in the tanks? high tanks to the right of the door, certainly looked like it.

    Remember feeling  sorry for the Mcaw, not for sale me thinks but got lot's of attention!

    Shame to see loss of the high street pet shop, recall a good one in Arnold. Didn't know that aquatic supermarkets existed!


  7. Back on topic did a quick search, I'm sure others picked up on, references to the Robin Hood Bicycle Company Nottingham.

    Maybe connected but a very generic name. Their adverts in The forties quote bikes in 'austerity colours' ?


  8. Gave you a like DJ, not sure about the ambivalent though. Mentioned before about a couple of close shaves with pavement cyclists and had another one since! Thankfully relearnt my highway code to incorporate this.

    Pavement..no lights or bell..I am sure many people must have been injured by these Ba**ards!


    My great uncle was a leading airmen in the RAF based at RAF Grantham from 1921 to at least 1932 (not as grandiose as it sounds, his duties where anything from general maintenance to making cups of tea).


    In 1924 he was fined for having no front light on his bicycle and I bet he wasn't on the pavement!



  9. On 6/14/2019 at 6:54 PM, Cliff Ton said:


    Maybe I'm Epic.


    Very true!

    But to me it's a record label, ;) 


    In regard to Free Cavity Wall insulation..my local dentistry doesn't provide it! 





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  10. 15 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:


    He played Nottingham twice in 1984. On 5th June, at an Alexis Korner tribute gig with an all-star cast; and on August 21st with a 4-piece band....and I was at the second one.

    Must confess, I thought the Alexis Korner show was April '84, so much so I plonked my size 13 feet on the ladders to the loft..normally when I want something I leave it to my more nimble daughter!

    I was looking for a cassette tape..Spot on Cliffton! June 5th spoken by John Shaw on Trent, the Folk show, this was broadcast a few weeks later, Grandad recorded it for me as I didn't reside in Nottingham.

    At one time it was on utube, don't know if it still is, but missing the interviews with Jack, Iain Stewart and Jimmy Page.

    As for the gig itself, while being very well attended it didn't feel overcrowded, listening to the interviews think it was kept a little 'hush hush' who was appearing..a truly magical night, if I could 'revist' this would be the one.

    Sorry for the ramble..Jack Bruce part 2 to come



  11. Went to a couple of Glastonbury's 1983-86 , for me the best performers were off the main stages.. Courtney Pine! Never heard of him previously. MeltonStilton..recall Hawkwind at Stonehenge was it '84?.

    In a similar vein Nostell Priory about '82 Jethro Tull. & Acid days at Finsbury Park again Hawkwind.

  12. Regarding set times, I think they had it right in the 70-80's. Roughly 30 mins openers rising to 45 mins mid set, third on the bill 1 hour, second 80 mins. Headliners full set.. 100 mins to 2 hours plus.


    Radford Red, 45 mins wouldn't leave much time after a Bonzo drum solo!;)


    I have no way of knowing if this is fact or fiction but a music forum mate

    attended a Deep Purple gig at the Nottingham Ice Stadium roughly 2006, Styx were supporting and had tech problems, thus show running 20 -30 mins late. Deep Purple had to shorten thier solos to complete the set list in the specified time. Every minute they ran over incurred a fine, unlikely to bother them, simply running over the allotted time wasn't an option.








  13. Monsters of Rock 1981 Fly2..

    Caught a NCT bus from Vic Centre about 10.30am.

    You forgot to mention Blackfoot! Slade lifted the mood..Blackfoot for me, stole the show .& the first Can flight of the day during Train Train. Reading Festival was my 'local' attended all 77-83 so can fights, were 'the norm' 

    Do you recall having a major wait  

    before AC/DC came on? Think the day ran over by about 2 hours..good stuff was having a fantastic time!

    Also recall while leaving the site a bespoke pig on a spitroast and telegraph poles being burnt down..not by me I might add.

    NCT busses back to Vic Centre..hope the drivers got overtime.


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  14. Saw them at Knebworth in '85, 1986 sounds right, can't think of any band of this genre producing anything good mid eighties. Blame MTV, the need to remain 'current' & the commercial use of the dreadful Synth' myself.

    Couple more I recall in a similar vein at Rock City, Gary Moore, not a big fan but liked the support band Samson.

    Also Y&T with Rock Goddess supporting..double damage tour.

    Y&T .. that night were the loudest band iv'e ever heard!

    But it's all about standing in the wrong place! 

  15. Recall them playing the Royal Centre..think it was a Wednesday night, roughly mid' Eighties. ..On the second tier..about 30 seats per customer!


    MSG,  at the Royal Centre..about 81/82..were very good.


    Trophy Dave, i also saw them on the last orders tour.

    R.I.P. Paul Raymond.


  16. On 8/19/2008 at 4:00 AM, steve banting said:

    Went down to see REM on the recommendation of Graham Neal on the Castle Rock programme. Michael Stipe had shoulder length hair then. Strange. Then again so did I. Also saw UFO and Rory Gallagher. Did anyone go to the Heavy Rock nights on a Friday? Why did so many people refer to it as a Heavy Rock Disco?

    I recall the UFO gig..Atomic Tommy on guitar 84? , also remember Gillan in 80/81. Very early Marillion about 82..also a couple of Rory Gallagher gigs about "86 and '88. Recall  about a week later Hawkind, think it was November '88.

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  17. On 6/2/2019 at 2:43 AM, IAN123. said:

    Capturing the Raleigh workers at knocking off time.

    -1960's.gettyimages-501214579-612x612.jpgcould'nt wait for the hooter me..on a Friday i'd go the pretty way home via the Stag and the Robert Peel...often woke up in Rise Park outside Charlie 2

    Happy days.

    What a wonderfully evocative picture! The man wearing the blazer..the badge ring's a small distant bell,

    The 'Youngster' on the right reminds of the bosses son from 'Carry on at your convenience' ;)

  18. I prefer 'Find my Past' suits my more methodical approach. I find Ancestry has a better 'clue' engine but likes to 'feed ' the user with hint's. Iv'e entered nothing into the page of my supposed tree..most people seem to do one generation, maybe 2 to 4 document's listed thus creating clutter.


    Nonna..I doubt people are 'Stealing' your pictures,  just human error and lack of commitment on their part. To research the 'Stealing' of a picture from say 1890 in my eyes would be a very laborious task unless your using the template (probably riddled with errors) on Ancestry.


    Call me a cynic, but has anybody else found that you have to use both Ancestry and FMP to get NEARLY every census?

    I had yearly subscription to FMP and didn't log in for 7 months with 2 months remaining..as if by magic the missing 1851 census I was after miraculously appeared!

  19. On 6/15/2019 at 8:17 AM, HSR said:


    Got me thinking, would there be a job definition 'Gun Slinger' at the Ordinance factory in the Meadows in 1939? This one's spot on.

    This was was my Great Uncle, served in the Royal Artillery in WW2, came though it 'unscathed' but sadly had a stammer when stressed.