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Posts posted by HSR

  1. Always recal lthe steps to downstairs being at the rear of the building in the Metal Mickey days. Just a man behind a till.


    Later, entrance to downstairs was just left of the main upstairs entrance, this had a kiosk and possibly a small cloakroom, struck me as being the original?

    Ithis had blocked off behind fire doors


    This was the time of a Reservoir Dogs mutual.

  2. On 10/1/2021 at 8:20 AM, letsavagoo said:

    It was a new one for me too. The trick to understanding this is that DJ’s CD recorder is specifically for a HiFi system. It’s these that need the special discs.


    Thanks for that clarification, makes total sense,

    DJ, when did you buy your CD HiFi recorder?

    Regarding disks, I recall those fussy buggers even being brand specific for recognition. (TDK, Sony etc).


    What do you see if you put a disk in a computer? 

    If it was me, I would be looking if the header could be replicated? on a truely blank disk..I have hours to waste!


    I haven't used CDR's for year's, after about 10 copies used to get cyclic redundancy error, they were marketed to do 100's of copies.

    span widgetspan widget

  3. Exact audio copy still works perfectly, windows

    10 or 7..


    DJ..That reference to, for 'audio only '  is a new one on me, I still have hundreds of genuine blanks bought over ten years ago..

    Red book is red book, mixed media has been around for over 20 years..

    Are these 'for audio' blanks recently purchased?



    Visited my friend in Nott's about 2002, recall a double tremor, it was a Sunday about 3.30 pm. 

    First one woke me up, second i was coherent, that pre-rumbling sound is very strange. Think this rated high on the scale for the UK.

    I could be wrong, but it's epicentre may have been offshore.


  5. Just watched my Motorhead boot dvd copy, superb..


    trailer add's a couple more to the list.

    Joe Jackson and Martha & the Muffins...


    Does anybody recall the Cig' kiosk in the Sherwood Rooms / Astoria.? 


    Fag machines had been the fashion for decades.

    Don't get it.. A payed human.. dedicated solely to.cig's..before you ask..yes they were all female



    Remember those Pretty girls hitting the inner city pub's with a free 5 pack mid nineties. 










  6. Thanks Rob, I'll get that book, I think a little early for major clues, but has potential one liner's. No Nott's connection until late 1879 ag but an interesting read.


    Other side of the family, 1907, signed up for seven years attestation, still called Nott's & Derbys..


    Think Stuart's right, it"s complex!


    No military connection Nott's wise before 1889. 


    Rob, I see you trawl online newspapers, I found out lot's 1820's 1840's, only single sentence, called troop movements, can't recall the paper, might have been the London Gazette. It was very Greenwich and Ireland focused I thought, but priceless.. 









  7. Thought the same Ben, but where's the facts?


    Stuart, thanks for link, I have downloaded a few war diaries over the years.


    Excellent emotive reads.. but WW1 only.


    I've never been able to put a name to the 'author's,'


    The 'best' are..in my opinion, written by junior staff Officer's...


    Cross reference with the division can also

    also provide a rewarding insight. 


    Back to pre 1910..

    i have Nothing!


    Musket training in Newark? 1880's, anybody suggest a potential venue?



  8. On 7/23/2019 at 1:15 PM, Cliff Ton said:

    The irony is that I worked at Central during that period and was hanging around during several of the gigs. I was paid to be there


    Found another, Gong 1991, I"m confused, hardly the most commercial artists even in their day!


    Castle Communications releases? Straight to VHS / DVD.


    Like to know if they rented the studio or brought in their own crew?




  9. Thinking it was about '85, remember seeing WASP at the Palais, Mon/Tues night, Wrathchid supporting. 

    Not a huge fan of either, too busy playing pooyan over the road at space city but had previously bought a ticket.

    Anybody else attend? remember outside?

    Madam X, roughly 2 Weeks later was cancelled...


  10. Dont recall ever going to a gig there, a quirky place, upstairs 'dance' floor was odd, wooden box seats around the perimeter in almost total darkness.

    The door policy was interesting, if you weren't dressed in black you didn't get in...??  However when looking at the people on the fire escape, a huge cross section!

    Obviously got fussy when nearing capacity.


    The Door's reference in the video is obviously complete hogwash. Was the Jimi gig down them steep steps?...




  11. Last I heard people were dancing on tables, talking the courtyard area, this was over 10 years ago and another 26 in personal memory.


    Way before my.time, was the Jimi gig down the Steep stairs? Holding a pint was tricky being over six foot.


    After entering, can't recall a bar?

    I think this was rougly 1982.

    Toilets extreme left, one female, one male.

    Recall music being played but no dance.area, access came from the main buildings fire escape 

    Which at the time was called the Garage.


    Anybody recall the acoustic sets? In between rooms, recall psychedelic furs.