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Posts posted by HSR

  1. On 11/4/2016 at 10:06 PM, Guest said:


    A couple of places I recall..bought a NATO winter parka from the Army& Navy store, Redmaynes for me arrurs ( darts).

    Great leather belts and buckles from ?..



    Remember that surplus place.. always wondered if they had done a flit, remained untouched for ages.


    Think I may have mentioned the leather place before, just before the canal, window was a display of belt buckles, memory thinks it was also, cobbler's, key cutters, Certainly a survivor by the nineties..:(

  2. Great pic"s..could be wrong, didn't Remaynes have three floors? That's were the bows & rifles were.

    It was an 7 years old paradise! 


    Never a cricket player but didn't they have their own gorgeous bats?


    Went there often,probably on my insistence with mum...


    I recall it being expensive.

    Did once come out with a brilliant football.:biggrin:



  3. 15 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:


    I remember a wine bar (but not its name) which was on the lower end of Mansfield Road,  approximately opposite the end of Woodborough Road, or a bit further up. It only existed for a few years in the 80s. The entrance was a door at street level, and the rest of the bar was upstairs on the first floor. I didn't like it much, but never liked wine bars anyway. This place isn't mentioned on Moz's website, but it might've been Vino's.


    That's a good shout Cliffton, would that be the place, that later, became the Maze?


    Over the road, I recall seeing Tony McPhee, supported by Harry Stephenson, this was an underground venue, again my memory escapes me...

    The chap that played with Harry, also played the Booze Band Jam at the Gregory (Black Les Paul)


    Anybody recall the 'baked bean boogie jam' upstairs at the Imperial on St James's St?





  4. Doesn't appear on the internet? Refreshing and equally flustrating..

    I guess the venue was short lived? 


    Think it was bordering the town centre. 

    My 'movements' at the time, were only Hockley, St James's St, Canal St,  Maid Marian Way, any further, I would like to think, hopefully, I would remember..:blink:

    My best guess.. Vino's become Browne's on Hockley??





  5. 1 hour ago, DJ360 said:

    Nice while it lasted....


    Let it roll for Joni's version...

    The Mathews & Joni version was great, my memory places this alongside Mac's Albatross and some form of 'yoga' when at school.


    Not a big Elvis fan, but he did open the doors..the true greats..Muddy & BB etc still had well over a decade to wait..

    Best white artist's were Orbison &. Jerry Lee..

    Sorry Brew..Nothing stands up stronger for the era and future than Little Richard..


    Would this be the start DJ...Mum got sick of hearing it! Great arrangement and playing..





    The Joni version of Woodstock on the Isle of Wight DVD is worth a watch...says it all...


  6. 15 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:


    The items which mention gigs, pubs, events, local history etc, are interesting, useful and nostalgic,


    Exactly Cliffton..


    I didn't even read the articles, straight to 'What 's on'

    Overall.. I conclude how poor is my memory!

    At points, I think I can track my movements to the week!

    Where was Vino's?

  7. Weren't/are they canned in Argentina?

    Neighbour gave me a tin about two years ago, ok as a one off and free I ate it.


    Heinz baked beans & sausages..I have my moments.

    Anybody recall Heinz baked beans with mini burgers? I  liked them, haven't been around for years.


    Had Korean River Cobbler & chips, with  bachelor's mushys tonight, delicious!




  8. Citywide, Nottingham's alternative paper.

    Downloaded a couple of copies of this yesterday, 

    i can't recall it, 

    Reading, it looks to be 84/85.

    If, like myself, limited to 500mb a Month

    go easy.. high Def' for a few pages ain't good. rough estimate 3mb per page!







  9. All power to your elbows!

    My brother an oarsman….as long as they could cover 500 yards they would be happy..more appearance over substance!

    Think there was something to do with a man made island and the marauders from the north not paying  council tax... guessing under

    30 people, 


    All this boat talk, happily confess I now bu??er all!

    About '91 had a mate that had a Narrowboat moored Canal Steet and lived there, zero council tax & TV licence?


    Standing charge 61 quid a year,. 0bviously a wide ball park..Boat cost £8000, never moved an inch to my knowledge in over two year's.what do they go for nowdays?

  10. Even if they do "destroy" the centre, it will be formalatic, the foot

    flow at best...

    GGGG Gran is possibly buried here...

    Me thinks a Sheffield Girl, missed out on a death certificate by 2 months.


    At the time, graveyard then ran to Bridlesmith Gate, a very select area....





  11. I hope so, roughly, I think the jeweller's on the extreme left corner, and what become Situll's gift shop, with an element of the throughfare was a St Peter's burial ground 1830-40's.


    Think it can still be seen, sort of, in a aerial pic from late 1920's,


    Hmm..have the previous 60's vandals  already done their job..

  12. On 2/26/2021 at 10:15 PM, Brew said:


    I don't think so Mary, the back room was frequented by ladies of a different persuasion...   ;)

    What year was this Brew?

    I recall the Exchange as a Football pub.

    what we called a 'towney' pub..


    Innocently sat outside the Thurland one night, old geezer gets out his car, had to offer his 'Friend' a bundle of notes to join him inside.., about '82.