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Posts posted by HSR


    All mid eighties age wise...

    Mum's next door neighbours already had theirs...

    Mum..Left as a dog with a bone!

    Hates to see others getting  what she's also entitled..


    Got on the dog..90 people in the queue..


    Guessing totally unrelated..Text day after, Getting jabs in 9 days time..!:victory:


    DJ..I do hope that Archie's Godfather isn't hacking into your local resources..





  2. The Western world, especially UK..doesn't do immediate effect..

    This new South African variant sums it up...still assuming people voluntary self isolate.. complete nonsence.

    the obvious abuse of the furlough system, is a prime example!

  3. Yep..but if they are pricey..you can ship them on..

    Maybe it's just me, children aside, the giving of presents is a female thing.

    Family buy crap,

    Nohing better than, how did they know that? after only meeting a couple of times,


    Thought into presents is everything..

    Including a bogie on the stairwell.. ;)


    Was referring to Phil Mayfield's post..

  4. Can't log in without posting so..Testing..can't see any icons other than a magnifying glass (search) and a icon that resembles a 1950's bush radio which is a shortcut to all activity!


    On topic.

    Regarding overspill, I think four St Mary's graveyard's, the last Bath St closed about 1894 if i remember correctly, area still densely populated until final clearence 1930ish,

    There's only to things certain in life, where did they 'go'.

  5. The overriding reason people voted to leave was immigration, nothing will be done..

    and they will return to swearwords, behind curtain twitching.


    Regarding the virus, my local shop, less than one in ten wear masks, shop owner never, Haven't been to an express or supermarket since late February.


    I voted leave, was I wrong..maybe...


    Seems to be a right and left fringe have no opinion on anything other than to stir up agitation..

  6. On 1/24/2009 at 9:41 PM, Suzuki said:

    rarities book


    I"d totally forgotten about that, black cover? 


    RadfordRed, later, wasn't the carrier grey, with black logo, very scrunchy, lacked the vinyl quality of the yellowback..







  7. On 12/11/2020 at 10:35 AM, philmayfield said:

    An old aunt witnessed the building of the previous ice stadium. She saw workmen throwing human bones about from the excavations and vowed from that day that when she died she would be cremated.


    The old ice stadium didn't overly incur on the graveyard,.it was the car park .  If i remember, only allowed if they retained the trees... Seems a straight tarmac job to me.



  8. On 12/7/2020 at 7:53 PM, LizzieM said:

    just be a magnet for winos and drug addicts, but hey-ho. 


    Big area for them to cover, think it's a really good idea personaly..  I'd like the tacky market Sq approach to be transferred here.

    Is there any archaeology research going on here? Broad Marsh?   Does anybody know  if any was done at the new ice stadium? 


  9. Hmm..council land being sold off...



    On a more positive note, and something that has confused me and my friends for year's...

    When traveling by train the amount of countryside, not even growing crop's, serving no purpose..

    If you fall to sleep on the Nott's, St Pancras train your chances of not greeting countryside through the window is well under 10 percent!


  10. 13 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

    Defecating in doorways? At least it's alliterative!


    Peeing in portals?


    Pooing in porches?


    Evacuating in entrances?


    This will keep me busy all night! :blink:   come on Phil, get stuck in. Er, not literally, of course!


    Apologies, but I always thought Defecating, was number 2 based, you learn something every day!!! ;)

    Wasn't Ladbrokes bog available? It/was a one in.. out, set up in the 80's and underground...