The Good Old Days?

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Had to smile at this from The Daily Mash today

'...most crimes were solved by a clip round the ear from a friendly policeman, or, if that didn't work, hanging'

'...not exactly sure when the good old days were, but believed it was a period somewhere between 1940 and 1955 when everything looked like a Ladybird book and it was illegal not to wear a hat.'

UK to vote on return to ‘good old days’

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I know it's intended as a joke, but there's many a true word said in jest. IE kids being scared of a copper, and showing them respect, instead of giving a gob full of verbal abuse. In fact kids showing respect to any and everybody !

I still find it hard to talk to our kids teachers with out a tugging of the forlock and a doffing of the cap first, wierd I know , as I'm older than all of them !

The same goes for their Cub/Brownies leaders, I always feel a bit strange when they talk to me as a human being instead of a 'pupil'. (Even weirder getting asked to give a talk on photography, for 'badge work', reaction went something like "They want me !!!!??

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