FAO Mick/bloggers: Traffic numbers hit across the web

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Hi Mick (or anyone with an interest).

I note that many bloggers are complaining about their hits being down by a significant number of the past few weeks. Doing a little research the reason, according to a few experts, appears to be due to the way Google has reorganised its image search and the way browsers now view those images. In short, people Googling the net for images can now view them directly from Google's results page as opposed to having to visit the originator's page and therefore record a hit(s) in their analytics's.

There has been a noticeable decrease in visitors to my site due to this though to be fair, it's not a big issue to me personally, although it's always nice to understand that people are viewing your contributions. I see though that some commercial bloggers and webmasters are up in arms as their income has been hit by Google changing their system.

I know you're knowledgeable on these types of things Mick and wondered if you'd seen any changes in Nottstalgia's analytics and had anything to offer about combating the negative effects created by Google? Do you additionally surmise that Google might change things back again under a little pressure from people?

As I say, addressed to not only Mick but to anyone who has any knowledge/experience in this area.

Cheers, Stu

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