A single mans night out

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They were at it again last night, just one hundred yards away too.

Went to the club last night, was going to stay in, but after flicking through the one hundred channels which I have on me digi box I found nothing but adverts and repeats, so I had a shave put me best tucker and bib on and walked the five hundred metres to the club.

While taking my leisurely stroll I passed the Railway Inn, looking through the windows while passing I could see that there were only a hand full of people adorning the bar area, for a Saturday night I would have thought there would have been more in. Passed the Nags too on my journey and again only twenty or so in there


While walking along Tamworth road I was taken by surprise by some idiot in his back garden letting off a rocket, felt like shouting ‘it was bon fire night last Monday you twat’ but thought better of it, if I had had a couple of pints in me well then I would have.

Approaching the club I was confronted with a plethora of smokers, fighting my way pass these drug addicts I finally came face to face with the door.

Not being able to see the door handle through the blue haze of cigarette smoke I groped for it and eventually found it. Giving it a sharp turn to the right I coughed my way in to be greeted with a full club and an unpleasant temperature of thirty degrees centigrade. Thank god the new stewards haven’t turned the chillers down a notch because by the time I got my first pint I was wetter than a brothel keepers handkerchief.

Stayed only an hour or so, the artists that were on weren't the ones advertised in the clubs events menu for that month, apparently the original artist let them down at the twelfth hour and these stepped in at the last minute.

Don’t want to sound ungrateful here but they were crap, the guitarist pretended to be jimmy Hendrix of which he wasn’t by a long way and the vocalist was out of tune for most of the time, but saying all that at least they tried, if I was them I wouldn’t be giving up me day job in a hurry, that’s if I had one.

I walked back the same way I had come, back to the Nags head. Stepping inside I was greeted with several choices of beers all of which weren’t local. I settled for a brew from the Hyde brewery in Manchester, Jykle and Hyde if my memory hasn’t faded since last night, not an unpleasant brew but nothing like Harvest pale though.

Sampled three of those, didn’t want to mix me ales after all I was drinking Mansfield Bitter in the club.

Talked to Gavin the landlord for most of that time while the other bar person was giving me daggered looks for keeping him from serving customers.

Walked out of there just after mid night, gave the Chinese throw away the cold shoulder even though I hadn’t had any tea before I came out, passed once again the Railway Inn couldn’t see through their windows this time because of the condensation on the inside and took the short cut to me Bungalow to be greeted with a sleeping dog on me leather settee.

I fell asleep watching something of which I don’t remember and got up this morning feeling great.


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