How clean is your machine?

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How clean is your motor?

Since moving in here last June I have been made more aware of people cleaning thair motors. My front room and office room as well as my bedroom all face the same way and that is out towards the small close I’m in.

Two people in particular in this small close spend most of thair free time cleaning and just tinkering with thair beloved metal idols, namely thair cars.

While I’m writing this new topic one of them is out with a cloth titivating his metal pride and joy, why I ask myself, is thair a speck of dust on the bonnet?

Don’t believe it, I have just noticed he’s got his hosepipe out and proceding to water his motor, what a plonker.

He is now watering the other car in the family and while doing so looking at his other pride and joy. two what a plonkers.

My front has now become a second hand car sales lot. He has parked his Gold metallic Vauxhall somethingorother right in front of my driveway, a mini has pulled up along side of it and three people are now giving the Vauxhall a once over in anticipation of buying it, didn’t I tell you his motor is for sale?

It seems that every weekend his car has got to be cleaned no matter if it doesn’t need it, it has to be done inside as well as out.

My other person who in my opinion is clean car crazy wash’s his two to three times a week even though it is very rarely that it leaves his drive.

The weathermen are forecasting rain for to day, can’t wait for the precipitation to start.


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Hmmm, must say I leave nature to clean my truck!

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I only wash mine when it goes green in certain places (I kid you not)

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