Dick Emery character is Nottingham's Top Cop

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I'm not so sure. I suspect Nottingham is being saddled with another one of the Home Office's social workers in blue.

Looking at her career: she ticks all the boxes as a fully qualified desk pilot with a Masters Degree in Crime Deviance and Social Policy and a post graduate diploma in "counselling".

They'll be quaking in their Reeboks in the tougher parts of Nottingham.


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Athelstan Popkess will be rotating in his grave...

Rather like current Reader comments in This is Nottingham:

Perhaps Jerry of Carlton is ill?

Steve Green was the man i look upto and aspire to .

PC Charles Fletcher, Jail

Great news. Shes looks like a first rate choice and I am sure will get the force moving in the right direction.

Jerry, Carlton

always good when a woman is on top

brain, low pavement

Couldnt agrre more with bothcomments already posted.First Steve Green,now a female Cheif Inspector,how bad,and how quick this going to ake effect??

Dave, Nottingham

Oh great, as if this City didn't have enough problems without having a woman as Chief Constable

John, Nottingham

"Has a tough act to follow" ???? I don't think so!!

Dave, Nottingham

Good luck to Ms Hodson in her new post she'll need to it follow on from the last buffoon Steve Green !

Andy, Newark


Robt P.

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