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Warnings of rioting as prison population surges

The prison population is on course to hit 100,000 in four years’ time, after hitting a new record of 83,000 for the first time.

The Prison Officers’ Association warned that suspected criminals might be going free because there are not enough cells to house them while prisons watchdog Anne Owers also said that conditions in jails were the worst she had known in eight years, with evidence of low level unrest in some prisons.

Adding to fears of an overcrowding crisis, Lord Woolf, a former Lord Chief Justice, warned of a summer of “small scale rioting” as Britain’s prisons were pushed close to bursting.

Internal Ministry of Justice figures obtained by the Prison Officers’ Association showed the number of people being held in Britain's jails was 83,070 - up from 82,779 at the end of last week.

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About time we started chopping fingers off for theft and shooting a few for armed robbery, maybe if the punishment fitted the crime the goals might not be so overcrowded.

As it is now the criminal fraternity have no fear of being caught and why should they it’s a home from home.

Bring back the stocks for petty crimes like smoking in bus shelters and dropping kebab meat in the street.


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