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Tri-Iso Super 9, designed for use in spacecraft, it's amazing, the thickness of it is negligable, like a thick blanket. Trouble is Local Authorities hate it because they:-

1) Don't understand it.

2) It's French, therefore it's crap, it wasn't a British invention.

3) They don't want to make the U-Value calculations work because they can't believe the results.

Theres also been a smear campaign by the 'Great Gods of Insulation', Celotex, who are terrified at losing all their business to this company, a statement confirmed to me by decent, knowledgeable old boys from LA Building Control.

You may have to bring down your ceiling, or put it over the top and re-plasterboard underneath, as you can staple this stuff to the underside of the existing joists, no worries about cramming in oversized chunks of Celotex, or stupid thicknesses of fibreglass insulation and having to provide ventilation over the top, it's the business. Don't involve Building Control, they'll just moan and whinge, I used to be the architect for a top developer and we introduced it to this country, we discovered it by chance, and I can assure you it's the dogs, no mess, can be installed with a stapler and a pair of scissors, job done, house over the top insulation wise.

No, I'm not on their payroll.

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Incidentally matey, if you want any advice on planning and building control crap for conveyancing purposes, or any other reason, just PM me at the relevant time and I'll help out. All this bollocks about needing heat loss and carbon bloody footprint graphs available to sell your house is a pathetic waste of time and money, I really don't understand what it's meant to prove, apart from the fact that probably 99% of the houses on the market don't comply, so what are you supposed to do about it, rebuild your bloody house before you try and sell it? The worlds gone mad.

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