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Posts posted by MRS B

  1. 12 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

    The only Boats ive had owt to do with were rowing boats down the 'Embankment''....about 2 bob for an hour...back in 61/62....

                   Oh yes not forgetting the   odd thursday half day closing...over at 'Highfields'' '.......couldnt swim back then....but never told the lucky Lass...i was rowing for........after nearly 'Drowning'' a couple of times decided to learn to swim when i was 30....

                             As was the great 'Rod' when he sang nearly 80 he still looks and sings good...........

    I am a massive Rod Stewart fan and have been to see him in concert so many times.  Talking of water venues, I used to go to Carrington Lido as a child with my mum and loved it, also the boating lake on Queens drive (?) where we used to sail my brothers little boat and paddle. 

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  2. Now then, Beekay taught me how to do it like this on my iPad. 
    sign in to Nottstalgia. At the right hand side at the top of the page there’s a “+” symbol. Click on it and it will bring you to Google search. Enter postimage and from the suggestions click on Go to “choose images” and then photo library. Click on photo you want to use and click “add” in the top right hand corner.

    You should the get an “upload completed” screen. Go to the second option down “direct link” and click on the right hand side blue symbol. It will say “copied”

    Go back to Nottstalgia and where you would normally reply to a topic hold finger down in the box and select “paste”. Hope this helps.

    Night night all Mrs B

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  3. Any fruit and veg that you grow yourself always tastes better than shop bought. A classic example is strawberries. Those huge ones from supermarkets are awful, give me a smaller sweeter home grown one any day of the week. The storage and carbon footprint on shop produce takes the flavour away. I grow melons in my greenhouse and although small they are like nectar. 

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  4. Rog, it went on for a couple of hours with the male circling the female grunting. I thought it was the chuffing of the steam train at Great Central when I first heard it !

    They ended up under my barbeque after he went there first  and she followed so I guess she finally gave in. He’ll be off now with no interest in the bringing up of the babies.

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  5. Just been investigating some very loud hedgehog grunting by my shed and there are 2 hedgehogs presumably going through the rutting procedure. Have left them to it and left more food out in case they need some sustenance!  Bless them. 

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  6. I always plant coriander either end of my runner and green beans which seems to minimise the blackfly and marigolds in between my umpteen roses which helps with the greenfly. Far nicer deterrent than spraying, especially when you’re eating the end product. Last resort is a dilution of neem oil. 

  7. Col, I love lupins, unfortunately so do aphids which just suck out the sap which is annoying so keep an eye on them. There is a beautiful lupin called Manhattan Lights which is a bi colour purple and yellow, truly splendid. We have been at the allotment today planting sweet peas which climb through my grape vine and cabbage (Greyhound) which are the conical ones and really tasty. Now we both know we’ve been there with aches, me with my knee and Mr B with his sore hands. Maybe we are the “hands, knees and bumpsy daisy”  couple eh?

    Just been watching “Herman” the hedgehog feeding. He’s huge.

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  8. Mine have “Symply” dry chicken cat food along with a dish of water and seem quite happy. They shouldn’t have anything fish based apparently or milk. I remember as kids we used to give them a saucer of milk with bread - very bad for them we are now told. 

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  9. 11 hours ago, plantfit said:

    Another very windy day but make the most of it eh?, dustbin day today out here, general waste and garden waste, first job this morning was to (once again) clear all the cat poo off the garden, I've got some netting on the way to see if that helps with the problem (fingers crossed) at the moment my back garden is covered in leaves from the tall tree in the corner of the field, do I clear them up or do I leave them to break down and act as some sort of feed for the grass?, Might try out the powered scroll saw today cutting out some components for the wooden "golly frogs"  frogs and teddy bear models if I make enough I might take them to the newly re-started monthly car boot sale on the sports field in the next village,

    Under the kitchen window where I sit with my laptop I can hear the cock bird pheasant, he comes here twice a day with two of his "wives" to clear up the spilt seed from the bird feeders that hang in the silver birch tree, not the best of photo's because I took this one through the window


    He usually starts shouting in the back garden near the bedroom window around 05.30 every day then makes his way to the side of the place for his breakfast of spilt seeds, great to see him though, anyroad, have a great day all and lets see what the day brings us



    Rog, I put bean poles about a foot high in my pots in the garden to deter cats (mostly my two) from using them as toilet facilities which works and I’ve always got a supply of broken poles so good recycling. Maybe you could try that, would be a bit more hedgehog friendly than netting as they’ll just avoid them.

  10. I make a years supply of passata every year so I grow fleshy tomatoes like San Marzano, Coeur de Beau and Iraqi. The Iraqi ones are from Mosul originally and to prevent the seed from becoming lost, some bright spark in the Iraqi war collected loads to keep them going. 

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  11. When hedgehogs hibernate, apparently their brain remains dormant so they wake up thinking they are in the same place they were when they went to sleep. I think it’s a great idea, I would quite happily hibernate in my duvet over winter.

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