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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Hope you're not including me in your comment Rob?...If you are I challenge you to a duel in St.Anns with the drug dealers weapon of your choice.(Excluding the Uzi)
  2. I left for Arnold in '59...house fetched £2,650
  3. You answered your own question there...Commodore now Sainsbury's. The end of that block was the driveway up to Dr Ryans Surgery in the fifties.The first shop was George Jones the barber,later to become a cafe when George moved to larger premises a few hundred yards further on towards town.The second shop was Emmings the greengrocer then McCarthy's sweet shop....and finally a bank before the Aspley Cinema entrance.Over the road was the Library that my Mum enrolled me in as a five year old (Which is why I can spell) and to the right of the library a rare building nowadays....a public toilet.
  4. Walk to a park?? Don't be silly,think of the stress on the poor darlings worrying if they're gonna be kidnapped by Paedos.No...they just wiped out the dozens of allotments round the school and grassed it. Those allotments were crammed with chaffinches,greenfinches,bullfinches and loads more.
  5. To those no longer in Notts. This is what's replaced the old school on Bar Lane,built six years ago.Another memory gone.
  6. And nearby a sweet shop...quarter of Meltis vanilla fudge every time I passed....still like the odd square now...but the old palete is not used to extra sweet nowadays.When you were kids a bucket of Caramac would have gone down a treat.Yeeeaauugh!! super sweet!!
  7. By the way Katyjay I've been reading a 2006 post of yours where somebody asked if you remembered a 'Norrish' butchers on Nuthall Road opposite Pinkets newsagents shop near the Melbourne Rd junction...YOU DIDN'T Well to whom it may concern the butchers shop was Jack Norris's a cricket fanatic and friend of my Dads.A few yards from Stansbys the chemist.
  8. Thought you'd know that Rob...ta Expanding the subject a bit...does anybody remember the collapse of the Lamberts building on Talbot Street some years back?? The night before, I was up top of there examining the finials (Vase shaped ornamental stone) It was my job to reproduce the weathered ones. I commented at the time I didn't like the look of the sandstone tower...it was severely weathered and had previously had metal ties holding it all together.Not good... Well it seems the builders were gutting and restructuring the building from the inside and had overdone it.I had arranged for a
  9. I wonder if you were thinking of another terminus Cliff Ton...maybe King street? Hanley Street was I'm sure only the terminus for the 1..7..and 22 which indeed travelled up Alfreton Road through Canning Circus...but then down Talbot street,and right onto Hanley street.We used to get the bus back home from there too...not just drop off point.That's why I remember the old stoves...as we sat waiting for the bus to leave.A lot of the Alfreton Road route buses were trolley buses...I remember the old bamboo poles being used at Bentinck Rd junction when they jumped the overhead power lines...Hanley S
  10. How many remember the old Hanley Street bus terminus? Used to come shopping with Mum in the fifties,often to the big Co-op because that was near the terminus. Numbers 7...1...22...I never did know where they finished up the other end as we got off at the Aspley Cinema (Later the Commodore) on Nuthall Road. The final destinations of these buses was a mystery to me as a kid as they were outside my 'play' area.And the Blue buses that travelled Nuthall Road may as well have been off another planet...never ever got on one. What made the powers that be pick Hanley Street as a terminus ...Lord kno
  11. I got some fantastic pictures of Fergie in bed with an alsatian...not gonna bother sending 'em in now...
  12. Nottingham from London Road 1808...Trent Bridge behind the artist.
  13. Present day locks of the Grantham Canal where they meet the Trent... Picture of the 1875 floods...haven't worked out where the camera angle is from yet... Written comment on the old horse bridge lost to the flood...
  14. Whatever the exact details I now know there was another bridge over the Trent that I'd never heard of before.Would make a good question in a local pub quiz.
  15. As you say maybe a short lived structure...Trent Bridge was a notorious bottleneck,and I've read that the Beeston canal junction was popular to avoid the shallows at Clifton Grove and Trent Bridge.I suppose at the time of the new bridge construction with the old bridge in place,river traffic must almost have been brought to a standstill.
  16. As I said Cliff Ton...it's a new one on me...that picture I found states 3 bridges and shows some brickwork in the foreground...the rest of my stuff is surmising.denshaw mentions the use by canal horses ...we'll have to ask him his source of information.It sounds about right but I've not heard of it myself.But this photo certainly raises questions.
  17. No road...If it was for barge horses to cross from one side of the river to the other it would follow the line of red dots I've put on this 1880s map (Bridge already gone) the path would lead from the Grantham Canal near Abbey Bridge...along the Trent and linking by the bridge to the London Road section of the canal into the town.At least that's how I see it.
  18. Ladybay bridge is quite a distance from Trent Bridge as this modern shot shows... Here's the photograph of the old Trent Bridge still standing alongside the newly built one in the 1870s... This 1871 photograph shows the old bridge in the far distance still standing alongside the recently built Trent Bridge.It also shows a third bridge in the foreground and states the fact on the photo.It's far too close to be Lady Bay,and it's a new one on me...anyone know any more about this?
  19. "My Mam was on the social...didn't 'ave a Dad...can't remember 'owt was always pissed or spaced out weren't I...we 'ad a trampoline though...didn't do skool...gotta go now,gotta see me dealer."