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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Shame...I bet some were a thousand years old if not more.
  2. If these are the caves of the Hermitage in the 1890s...where are they hidden from sight now?
  3. I called in there for some gear a few years back....part of the Pownalls heirachy.
  4. Re the view of Nottingham.. This print shows that building as a mansion with extensive laid out gardens...Whoever lived there had lotsa money...ideas anyone?
  5. Yep...There it is 1880s 1910 Already gone in 1975
  6. This picture of Sneinton Hermitage 1888 shows the hill in the background that is now Greenwood Road.Not a house in sight.....maybe 88 years earlier that is where the artist set up his easle for the 1700 picture of South Nottingham.
  7. My Mother told me she used to play with friends on these steps on Sneinton Hermitage when she was about 5 or 6...I take it there was a railway bridge at this point years ago.No traffic as such for parents to worry about in those days. I've stood on these steps and it's a strange feeling that your own parent played there as a little girl nearly 100 years ago.It makes you realise we will all be just a memory one day....sad.
  8. She died three years ago and was thrilled to have made it to the millenium...stood at her bedroom window for ages watching the fireworks.Bedridden for the last few years unfortunately...but was still grafting part time into her eighties. She didn't talk much about her childhood and it took a lot to get her to talk about the early years.She said they were very poor and she had a lot of bad memories unfortunately. She was born off Colwick road in a slum (long gone) She told me as a kid she played in the then derelict windmill that has now been done up.Used to go with her pals down Colwick Hall
  9. I think it was a branch of a Leicester firm...Underwoods comes to mind but I may be wrong.
  10. My Mum worked in the top floor of this building at Mansfield Rd/Forest Rd in the early thirties.She was around 17 and was repairing typewriters for 17/6d a week...17/- went straight to her Mother and the other 6d got her in the Palais on a Saturday where she was lucky to meet my Dad who with £3/10s a week was able to give her a good time...I've never been in there but can imagine her looking out the windows...probably the same sashes that were in then. Does anyone have info on these buildings...Who built them...Architect etc. It's amazing the crap councils over the years haven't flogged 'em
  11. Got to agree there...I drive a Landrover because I tow a heavy trailer for work...No ordinary car or van would reverse it up the slopes I come across. When they were talking about huge hikes in tax for 4X4s a while back I was livid.There was to be no let off for folks such as me,and the increases would have meant nothing to the filthy rich who cruise round in their Range Rovers and the like. As Jasper Carrot said on his show about 15 years ago..."Are they expecting deep mud in the Waitrose car park?"
  12. The Spread Eagle Goldsmith Street Nottingham (As it used to be called)...that the one? Don't think it's there now...may be wrong...I think it's part of the college now.
  13. Bloody council have a lot to answer for the sixties and seventies planning cock ups.
  14. I remember as a kid playing in ruins at the back of Basford Hall just beyond Cinderhill Park...There were huge holes in the ground and the local kids talked about them being bomb craters.As this was just a few years after the end of the war, was this kids talk or what their parents had told them from a real occurence?? Maybe a failed attack on the nearby colliery and sidings?
  15. I was firing a Smith & Wesson at a target on the pistol range at Newton Aerodrome when someone said "Hey...have you heard Kennedy got shot?"...My response..."Yeah go on then" waiting for the rest of the joke.
  16. Yard was full of scrap...used to sell him lead and buy pram wheels for the trolleys we built as a kid. Scientific exchange had shops both sides at one time...Not forgetting Marshall and Hancocks the ironmongers at the top...
  17. In the early fifties the farthing was phased out...all I can remember you could get with it was a third pint of still orange off the milkman.So that's 4 bottles for a penny...240 pennies to the pound...960 bottles for a quid...cheap or what?? Did the Saturday morning job for a grocers on Nuthall Road...shilling an hour and the shop bike weighed more than me.The old sod used to stack it high too...nearly killed me. Wool was a hell of a price in the early fifties,no wonder they re-used it over and over.I remember the rag and bone man offering £1 for a full carrier bag of wool clothing...and a
  18. As a matter of interest I put ad in local shop last year for kids to wash van and trailer...about 1 -1/2 hours work £15...not one reply in 3 months...kids now are lazy and don't know they're born.I'd have killed for that job as a kid.
  19. Trent Bridge?...planned, but a respected landmark I would have thought.
  20. Hard to tell 'aint it Firbeck? depending on your lens I still feel the painting was from further back and higher because of the size of St Marys church.And he showed the horizon above the level of the church.It would be great to get shots from 100 foot up to get over the buildings.You've got two of the landmarks on though.
  21. I hope if it closes some council wallah will have the common sense to preserve the statue of the General on the premises. A famous eccentric in his day.... Mentioned under 'customs' in this link. http://freepages.family.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~taylorsofongar/nottingham.html
  22. I think Colwick woods is much closer to the Trent...only a few hundred yards of flat land which is now the racecourse and would seem likely to be that ridge in the foreground..That's what made me feel the artist was up Carlton hill...or Bakersfield.On the other hand you may be right if I'm looking at the wrong angle I'm not clever enough to do the map bit.The only way to be sure nowadays with all the buildings in the way would be to get a couple of hundred feet up in a hot air balloon,then maybe you could compare the view with the picture.
  23. I thought those bridges mid picture were more likely at the start of London Road and closer to the artist than the castle.If I remember correctly I read somewhere that London Road before the Grantham Canal was built was a series of bridge arches that lead to the trent crossing marshland.And that the people of Newark contributed to the upkeep of some of the arches.It's possible the road mid picture joining London Road might be Meadow Lane...it would certainly explain the name. When I said Charnwood hills I was thinking more of the Coalville, Swadlincote area more than the Leicester side.Funny
  24. Thanks Rob 237 you may be right, I was asking a semi serious question...Ah well back to the blogs.Sorry to raise the subject of Nottingham on here...my sincere apologies.