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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. I rode on the footplate of the 'Angela' in the fifties...the driver was Ernie. Go through Kingston on Soar from Gotham...under the bridge and turn left for Kegworth.A hundred yards on your left is a conker tree. The railway line from Angelas shed to the main line was just before the tree. On the satellite pic I've shown the route...the arrow is the tree...the cross is the spot where Angelas shed was...the iron bridge built for her across the stream is still there. Her route was over the road,under the main line to the side of Kingston and Lord Belpers estate to East Leake.On the return tri
  2. I remember some nut in his fifties who reckoned he was from Venus...Didn't take much notice.
  3. Joining??? Joinerering...Carpenterering...Sod it...a working chippie.
  4. Probably 300 rabbit hutches with it's own tesco express...if the council have anything to do with it.
  5. Well done...so have I... :tongue:
  6. Exactly...why bother?? If all teachers,scout leaders etc got together and said "No more" maybe the stupid politicians would ammend the laws which allow the ambulance chasers to make fortunes. No matter how hard you try kids will die on field trips and the like...it's impossible to guarantee the safety of anybody anywhere.Take every precaution, yes...but accidents will always happen.Especially with kids now, who have no idea what discipline is, and will ignore the safety tips given by what 40 years ago were their 'elders and betters'
  7. Buddy ...you wouldn't believe how broke I am at the mo...not a spot of grub in the house.....Stay home. All my spare cash went on clearing the moat, and my last helicopter trip to the golf course.
  8. I would do some good with my money, not be a continuous leech on others. I'll help some poor pensioners ..you go and wave your little flag at that lot.
  9. Teeth lasted 60 years ...can't moan at that.Trouble is gum disorder loosened 'em.I'd love to be able to afford implants but I don't have 15 grand spare...unlike MPs.
  10. It can keep you healthier though...good food..housing...keeping warm. Royalty and Maggie Thatcher have constant private nursing care...They'll live longer than some poor old biddy on the pension...and in greater comfort.I bet none of them will get MRSA in some scruffy hospital.
  11. £25,000,000 Euro Lottery. What would you spend some on if it was you??? Me??? Get some decent dental work done... Buy a huge country estate with lakes and turn it into a nature reserve with no hunting or farming with chemicals.Somewhere to walk my dogs in peace in my older years. Hire a mega yacht with crew and cruise the Pacific islands during Englands winter. Help out some mates I've made over the years who are working all hours on the markets for next to sod all. Provide a group of friends and visitors for lonely house bound pensioners who never see a living soul from one week to the
  12. That'll teach 'em to park overnight at Liverpool....
  13. So they sit in the dark during relgious holidays with the fridge and central heating turned off in case they switch themselves on and off...I don't believe them.
  14. Every bone in her face broken!!! 'mitigating circumstances' you gotta be joking
  15. Unfortunately due to the news from Iran, other stuff has taken a back burner...thieving MPs must think it's Christmas. This old lady was battered to death for money...EVERY BONE IN HER FACE WAS BROKEN. A bloke has been arrested...detectives say they have positive DNA evidence linking him with the murder. Could somebody out there explain to me WHY he shouldn't be strung up instead of doing around ten years in the nick. We spend 50 million a year protecting the Royals and God knows how much protecting MPs and other dignitaries no damn use to little old ladies who have to live in the real
  16. Well Bip,nice to know you have a long list of available adjectives in your edit.But totally over the top when somebody is having difficulty working out how to post.Your short explanation was all that was needed.
  17. Click on the 'Add Reply' button to answer a post then you won't quote the previous post.
  18. Wassup Firby baby???? no sense of humour today???
  19. You don't know how true that is...mate of mine opposite with a huge range of womens summer tops and slacks only took around £80 (Takings not profit) Next to me was a guy with a trailer full of clobber...welders,drills,tools,etc etc he took around £500.He had 6 sets of ali steps..good big 'uns,new in Home base around £40/£50 A bloke bought the lot for a tenner a piece...took them to his own stall and flogged 'em all at £15/£20 each...Where there's junk there's cash....beats jelly babies hands down
  20. Cracking day on Calverton Car Boot...beautiful day...lots of people. But they didn't want sweets Ah well. Was on at 5.30am and made about £20 if that. In a future life I'm gonna be an MP......they probably tip the waiter more than I've earned today.
  21. Gave Sneinton market a go today with the sweets.Seven of us on there.Greengrocer busy all day as usual... My takings didn't even cover the rent.It's a shame..nice sunny day but a lack of punters, and at least half of them were from foreign climes. Traffic wardens had a good day,and NCP kept us amused watching them lift a car to take to the pound.Really good for business that lot. Ah well,some you win.............Big car boot tomorrow,at least I know there will be loadsa people passing my stall.
  22. I don't object to supermarkets,they are a fact of life and I use them myself.What I do object to is them being allowed to get too big and numerous. Catfan says "each to his own let those that want to shop at their local corner shop do so" But that's the point ...at this rate there won't be any left soon. It's not just the high street shops,it's the cafes and pubs that will disappear as the streets become deserted and full of empty shops. Tescos have got the go ahead in Beeston,not just for a big store but for a GIGANTIC store.The result will be more shop closures.There's only one way this w
  23. .....Just watched a programme on the gradual take over of the corner shop by the Tesco brigade. Question addressed to a Tesco executive..."Would you agree that wherever a new supermarket appears it is to the detriment of the local high street and results in the closure of small businesses.?" Answer...."Absolutely not...a recent government committee addressed this and came to the conclusion that this is not the case." So there you are folks...all the high streets up and down the country cluttered with empty shops and gradually dying off are all in your imagination...'the government' and Tes
  24. Gedling Borough Council is bringing in parking charges for Arnold and Mapperley Top...another nail in the coffin for local shops...It'll drive them all to the big boys with free parking...Councils never learn ..then they wonder why they get loadsa shops empty.
  25. That's a proper market...right in the middle of things.Passing trade from those using the shops and banks.This is where places like Arnold miss out...the market is only round the corner but those using the main shopping precincts tend to walk straight past unless they need something specifically on the market. This shot of yours shows what they wanted to do in Sherwood but the shopkeepers thought the stalls would block their displays...which of course they do a bit...but it also channels the people right past their front doors.An advantage for both the shops and the traders.