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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Just been buying for the weekend...Special offer for retailers at one of my wholesalers.Multipak of 20p candy sticks (candy cigarettes) 20% off.Wow!!! An invoice from last November classifies this as a 10p line.Boy are we being ripped off. Some manufacturers are really taking the p*** Read in the paper this morning that in the last year Chopped tomatoes have increased by 73% Broccoli 43% carrots 18% All supermarkets making gigantic profits and not passing on any savings... Welcome to rip off Britain.
  2. Those were the days..Peake Freans and Elkes broken biscuits..I remember a stall next to BPS central market...loadsa biscuits...pic and mix we would call them now...Was it Joicies???
  3. I put the picture on a wildlife forum with loadsa birdie types on it...see what they say... http://www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk/forums/b...eas-anyone.html
  4. Didn't sell 'em when you were a monitor in the forties :tongue: Most lucky bags are a quid now...still the same ...pretty bag with sod all in it...and no window in the bag so you can see in.
  5. If you re-read my text you will see that I don't set myself apart from anyone, and consider myself as much of a moaning old git as the rest of you.The difference being my passion is wildlife and not planes,trains, or women.
  6. Although Waggon Wheels are more than likely smaller than when we were kids...I think we have to remember that in childhood everything was bigger,hotter,snowier,tastier and cheaper than today. As for quality of the chocolate...betcha life it's not as good today.
  7. Looks like hen kestrel to me...wrong shape for a buzzard.
  8. Can't fault the Queen for sense of duty...shame about the offspring. Let's see how popular they are when Charlie becomes king with the adultress on his arm.
  9. Same for the retailer...at the time of metrication a 7lb (3.178k) bag mysteriously became 3kilos...and guess what...same price.
  10. Watching a match one night when an irate female stormed in...picked up the black ball and bounced it off the head of one of the players.It seems he hadn't been home for his dinner that day... The opposing player demanded of the ref that the ball should be re-spotted...the following argument concerning the rules were hilarious..it seemed interruptions due to a homicidal spouse were not included.
  11. I come on here because I'm a moaning old sod, and from the sound of it I'm not alone on here. I once asked questions about my old school and it's 600 pupils,and got just one reply....so I stick to upsetting the rest of the scroats on here that have nothing better to do than fall out with a computer screen.
  12. I haven't mentioned a dictatorship..just that the land should belong to the state not a privileged few.The situation in Zimbabwe is different, seized land has been handed over to cronies...not run properly by the state. And if I need preaching to I'll go to church...
  13. Not at all surprised, we should be ashamed of our colonial history. They would be happier if we had remained living in huts and painted with woad.Then, as the primitive underdogs they could teach our kids about the horrors of the Roman Empire.
  14. On being asked why Mars bars and Snickers have been reduced in weight by 7.2% a spokesman for Mars UK claimed "the switch to smaller sizes was designed to help tackle the nations obesity crisis" And I thought bulls*** only came out of the mouths of politicians...It seems that those at the top in any profession think we are just a load of gullible prats. How come then their advertising doesn't spout how they have reduced the weight for our own good?
  15. Who gave them thousands of acres of Britain to call their own...I didn't. All their huge estates were nicked off the ordinary citizen. In this 21st century this land should be returned to the people.Not owned by a bunch of mediaeval aristocrats who think the rest of us peasants owe them a living. You want Royalty...fine...you pay for 'em. I wouldn't leave the telly to watch 'em driving past. And yes I know the alternatives would turn out to be just as costly,corrupt,and full of their own self importance.
  16. Shops like Burtons are sadly missed nowadays..I remember the smell of bacon,cheese etc as you walked through the door. Fine fare was the start of the rot that has destroyed the high street,with the loss of stores like Maypole,Home & Colonial,and Meadow Dairies.The old days of personal service and good tasty food,like bacon that's not pumped full of water. While I type this an ad is on the box for the great god tesco's with another 'celebrity' raving about a shirt he's just bought. Mac Fisheries was on South Parade...And I was with Crawfords
  17. Slightly off topic... On my sweet stall on Sunday an old lady quizzed me on my range of sugar free sweets.. "Are these really Sugar Free?" "Yes love like the sign says." "Only I'm diabetic and it's important that they are." "Yes dear no problem...I wouldn't advertise them as sugar free if they weren't,I would be in a lot of trouble." "Not half the trouble I'd be in...I'm diabetic you see." "No problem love ...the ingredients are displayed here for you to read if you want to." "But are you sure they're sugar free..........You never know what you are buying on a market." "I'm a bit busy
  18. All thoses still around... Some years back I thought I'd have a mars bar...aint had one since I was a kid..Spat it out, far too sweet...same with fudge,used to love it, but too sweet now.As for Caramac...Yuuuuuuk!! I think the old taste buds slip into savoury mode after your teens.
  19. Sweet tobacco's back on the market...pricy though. the Olde Worlde Candee Shoppees will flog it ok at their prices. Remember...??? Horlicks tablets... Bar 6... Satin Cushions... 5 boys chocolate bars...
  20. Yep...three floors up...Byard Lane I think, just over the road from the Windmill.Blacks and whites mixed with no hassle... After the club closed in the early hours one night a group of the staff came back to my place. We were still wide awake (Oh to be young again) Booze? Drugs? Women?....Nope...We settled down for a game of Monopoly as the sun came up ..... Imagine telling that to a passing cop nowadays...Yeah right!!!
  21. Never bothered about cricket...but used to chat to him in the early hours at his club...nice bloke.
  22. Why?? look at Blair the worlds greatest purveyor of bullshit.
  23. That name rings a bell...Some years back there was an artificial pepper shortage created by one of the big boys in the Far East..Bulk buying and storage creating a shortage is a way of life for these mystery millionaire businessmen.
  24. I sell £1 bags on the markets...in 2000 275gms...2005 250gms...today 225gms, compare that with other foodstuff nowadays.. In 2000 a tin of Heinz soup was 30 odd,today 85p. Last December 6pack Tescos own brand dog food tins £1.86...today £2.81...Tinned tomatoes have doubled over the last year,and eggs. I know a year ago the price of wheat rocketed because of a world wide shortage...so the price of animal feed shot up.But even so somebody is making a packet ...even a tin of Heinz beans has doubled in the last 12 months. And as for the price of a pint....... The price of a bag of sweets is