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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. With money like that I could live to a ripe old age like royalty.And afford lobster... Margarets favourite meal on Mustique...mind you she got it free from her crawler neighbours.
  2. I would have said sixties...if you're on Picture the Past there are plenty of pictures of this junction over the years.This one from the same camera as yours shows the library to the right has recently been demolished,the site not having been built on yet.
  3. I can't stand Two Ronnies...bits funny,but all the dressing up and song routines always too long and drawn out. But Barker in Open all Hours and Porridge...absolutely brilliant. IMO
  4. All my savings go on bloody bills never mind foreign jaunts.
  5. Two people each reading a sentence in turn...WHY? it's annoyed me for years. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2098422/BBC-end-pointless-dual-anchors.html
  6. You would have noticed my smiley......IF WE HAD ANY....MICK!!!!!!
  7. I bought a copy of every newspaper when we landed on the moon...Rolled 'em up in brown paper and taped it up for future grandkids. Hid it in the attic away from my Mother who had a mania for chucking things out.Some years later it was 'discovered' by a plumber who handed it to Mother...that was the end of them...straight in the bin. We had about a thousand old family photos going back to Victorian days....she chucked the lot out..I could have cheerfully strangled her.No thought for future generations.
  8. I didn't complain about the mask...just said I couldn't stick him. No idea who this one is.
  9. Only what you see there...Notts archives are a pig to get on line.
  10. And a pretty version... :tongue: It would seem from the plans that the architect was aware that hefty pillars would be necessary from the cellar level to support the building.I would have thought any cave systems would have been found before building,and filled in.
  11. If you read the caption you will see it's Miss Violet Walker...City archivist.
  12. But now it's nice and flat for all the fantastic 'venues' they have lined up Just like it was 100 years ago. And in reply to the thread title....When you hear folks moaning about what they've done to the town centre.
  13. We did the same....only on Woodthorpe Park. That lake was handy on Highfields though...made a good ice rink in '63...
  14. Haven't been into the city for years....I don't do crowds. Just Googled the square,what was all the fuss about?...it looks like any other Tesco car park.In ten years the pillocks will no doubt alter it all again...after all it's not their money is it? I'm just surprised that Mellors and his chums on the council haven't got a permanent waltzer in the middle of it.
  15. Nice thought but can't see that happening,where would they put it? It would cost a fortune to copy it properly and they would no doubt have to change a thousand things to meet modern safety and insulation regulations. And the new name....The Afro Carribean Non Gender Specific Hotel.....just doesn't have that ring to it!
  16. Can't stick him...like the Chuckle Brothers,alright for the kids. About time you swapped again Mick....Einstein or Katie Price.
  17. No it doesn't...I told you that I don't...see above.Why the hell should I be interested in your drinking habits...I couldn't care less.
  18. If I can guess what you're on about do I get a prize?
  19. Disdain?....Drink yourself into a stupor for me mush.I don't drink at home,never have.The whole point of drinking to my mind is in company in a pleasant pub.And I haven't done that since the smoking ban. My visit to the Black Boy was 40 odd years ago.
  20. I didn't know there was a bit on display!...Don't say someone in the planning department in the sixties actually had a brain? Looks like most of it is under this lot.
  21. I've read that part of the old town wall was discovered in Victorian days,one of the gates being at Chapel Bar. In the sixties when they were building Maid Marian Way they exposed a large section that was then reburied. These pictures show a group of 'dignitaries' walking on the wall.In picture one I can make out the Co-op in the background. I was just wondering if the old wall is under a road surface or they put buildings on top? It's difficult to tell because surrounding buildings in the pics may have been demolished too...What do you think?
  22. Only went in the Black Boy once, and stood having a drink next to old man Steptoe...William Bramble.Didn't recognise him at first with his expensive teeth and glasses and a Crombie overcoat.
  23. Highways commitee spokesman.... "Albert! do me a favour and give out the snow depth in metric!" Meterological office... "Why wassup?" "It makes it sound a lot more and doesn't make us look such a bunch of plonkers!"