Cliff Ton

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Posts posted by Cliff Ton

  1. 12 minutes ago, DAVIDW said:

    It's a fairly common name but this could be the Stevenson family in 1921 living 17 Pegg Terrace  Essex Street   , Nottm.

    And Pegg Terrace, Essex Street, was off Wilford Road in the Meadows.



    Which means that working at Clifton Colliery was a 5-minute walk away.

    14 minutes ago, DAVIDW said:

    Census says Stanley and George's "father dead" and despite their young age occupation both given as "pit boys at face" at Clifton Colliery.


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  2. Coincidentally I was in Wilko on Parliament Street this morning. I've always been a fan of them and it seemed as busy as ever. One thing I've noticed is that they often have gaps on the shelves where certain items should be; apparently some of their suppliers are no longer too keen on doing business with them.


    It'll be a pity if they go because they are one of the increasingly small number of survivors of the 'good old days' when there were lots of shops in the city centre.

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  3. Everywhere in Nottingham the e-Idiots ride along any road in any direction without bothering about other traffic or road signs etc.


    They work on the assumption that everyone else will get out of their way. I'm amazed there haven't (so far) been many serious injuries or deaths.

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  4. And also electric parcel delivery vans which fly around at stupid speeds - even in the city centre - and you don't hear them coming.


    Almost every parcel van you see will have some kind of bodywork damage, even if they're only a few months old. The drivers get carried away with the performance, but aren't actually good enough.

  5. It all happened several (at least 6 or 7) years ago. PTP was funded by several organisations and councils, including Notts and Derbys, and Notts CC didn’t want to be part of it any longer.   Most of the Nottingham pictures on PTP were transferred to PictureNottingham, and PTP became primarily Derbyshire.

    But for some reason, a number of Nottingham photos remained on PTP even after PictureNottingham was created, so it’s not totally cut-and-dried.


    I don’t like PN at all. They have a strong watermark across all their photos, which is obviously intended to stop people copying them into other places. They only see it as something to generate revenue. But the watermark is so strong that it’s difficult to see the photo even if you’re only casually browsing; making the whole thing pointless.

    I sent a lot of my own photos to PTP so they could be seen by a wider audience, but I won’t sent anything to PN because they ruin everything with their watermark.


    The old  reference numbers on PTP are no longer valid following the change, but I just put ‘Bramcote’ in the Search box on PN and got 96 results, which may include some of those you referred to. As far as I’m aware nothing was ‘ditched’; you’ll just need to search for them again on whichever site.


    The whole thing was a step backwards. No way was it an improvement.

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  6. On 7/5/2023 at 2:24 PM, Cliff Ton said:

    You've obviously all got my share because for the first time for a long while, I've had nothing this month.


    And now I've gone two consecutive months with nothing from Premium Bonds. That's a new record.

  7. My car doesn't have a SatNav, so if I go somewhere I've not been before I have a couple of pieces of paper.


    One page has a written list of the main roads to the general area, then I print off a couple of close-up maps from Google to get in to the final detail.


    It's not failed so far.

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  8. I hadn't realised that the football season had re-started today (not the Premiership)....although the weather might've been a clue.


    Newly promoted County had their keeper sent off early in the game, and ended up losing 5-1 at Sutton United.

  9. The past always seems better because, being younger, you weren't aware of everything happening in the world around you. You only saw a limited range of what goes on, and everything seemed much better because you didn't know all that was out there.


    And there's also the natural tendency to remember good, pleasant things, whilst your brain filters out the unpleasant and inconvenient.



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  10. 1 hour ago, Messy Hessey said:

    I currently as I said only have two photographs from my life pre 26 in Nottingham. I was looking to piece together my life, I have my birth certificate, but was trying to do a who do you think you are? On myself, what other records would I be able to obtain about myself? The only place I remember things like school photographs being taken was Mountford House. My mam had one large one of everyone at the school,


    Are you on Facebook ?  In recent years FB has turned into the main place for memories and nostalgia. There are a lot of Facebook Groups for particular schools and areas of Nottingham (or anywhere else). For instance, I belong to one which is specifically for school photos from schools in Clifton. I already had some of my own, but I've since seen dozens of other photos from all the various schools in Clifton going back to the well as making contact with people who I hadn't seen for 50+ years.

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