Cliff Ton

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Posts posted by Cliff Ton

  1. I lost track of who-does-what in commercial radio a long time ago. These days it seems to concentrate almost entirely on looking at the past. When Radio Trent (and the other commercial stations) started in the 70s it was a genuinely new and different format for radio in this country. Gradually it all became more bland and anonymous - identikit radio. A pity, because it could've been good.

  2. My parents never owned a house or paid a  mortgage in their whole married life; they always lived in rented.


    They moved into the house on Clifton (council rented) when it was newly built in 1952, and lived there until the late 1990s, when they moved into warden-aided accommodation, which was also council rented.

  3. I also remember mortgage rates of 14% - 15% in the 80s and 90s.


    However the big difference between then and now is the cost of a house and size of mortgage.


    A house bought in the late 1980s cost £30,000 (amazing but true...and it was a new-build). When rates were at their highest - 15% in the early 1990s - my monthly payment was £222.


    To get the equivalent figures today you'd need to add several zeros everywhere.

  4. 1 hour ago, DJ360 said:

    In my memory, the term Beer Off, was definitely applied to shops, not connected to pubs, which sold  draught and bottled Beer.


    That's where I first encountered the name Beer-Off. Where we lived on Clifton there were two Beer-offs within short walking distance. I don't know if was coincidence or otherwise, but both were normal grocery shops which obviously had a licence to also sell alcohol.  I'm pretty sure they only sold it in bottles.

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  5. A photo from the early 1920s showing the absence of Home Ales.




    St Paul's church at the top, and Daybrook Square with the Morley factory at the bottom.


    The Home Ales building would be roughly in the two square fields (?) below the church and almshouses.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, letsavagoo said:

    Pretty much identical to the Raleigh building on Lenton Boulevard. I assume they were built similar times with a common architect 


    Both designed by Cecil Howitt....the man also responsible for the Council House and the Newton Building.


    Fothergill Watson gets the publicity, but Howitt is easily up there with him for leaving his mark on Nottingham.

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  7. What Jill says is often correct  :)


    The facility for attaching files (which you see on the lower left, when you type your message in a Reply box) is a total waste of time and space. You need to use one of the Free Image hosting sites 


    Alternatively you could send a copy of your image to me, using the Private Message facility (which is the envelope symbol at the top right......doesn't always show depending on how you're viewing the site).