Cliff Ton

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Posts posted by Cliff Ton

  1. It's a question of whether the BBC can continue to pay for programming from individual areas. Having separate stations for every city is a nice idea, but it’s expensive; listeners may want it but aren’t particularly prepared to pay for it.


    Commercial Radio gave up the idea a long time ago; many people here will remember when Radio Trent first appeared in the mid-70s and was genuinely local, but by the early 2000s most commercial stations had merged to become one big national/regional entity.


    And that was before the internet, which made things even more difficult.

  2. I wonder how many 'normal' people are actually interested in the story.


    I suspect it may be that journalists think people want to know - or have decided that everyone will be told, when in fact it's only those working in the media who have any interest in the matter.

  3. I remember Duddoos; and I thought the word was embarrassing even when I was a kid; likewise Tegs.


    My grandma in Radford always said Coursey for pavement; I never heard anyone else use it.


    With frozen jubblies you'd suck the flavour out of them and then be left with a lump of ice. I could never actually eat one in the normal way.



  4. 17 hours ago, nonnaB said:

    Try this one. If not it’s a drum group playing at my daughters hosts for the festival. They are so good and noisy and you really have to be there to appreciate them


    It produces the FB message saying that it can only be seen by certain people - those who may be friends of the person who originally posted it. It can't be copied around to anyone and everyone.

  5. 21 hours ago, DJ360 said:

    I'm convinced that the average level of political awareness in the UK is pretty low. People are simply unaware of the darker ambitions and machinations of the Tory right. 


    That's rather a condescending attitude towards others; and also a very politically-biased statement. (And I'm definitely no great supporter of the current Tory Government).


    Some people - although not me - would say that those 'Tory machinations' are exactly what the country needs at the moment. They fully understand what is being said.


    • Like 3
  6. I don't see any point in getting worried.  You can find whatever you want to find if you think it's there, and you go looking for it.


    It depends on your political/social views; something which worries one person is the sensible, obvious solution to someone else. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, DAVIDW said:

    A crisp frying range caught fire today at the Crookie Crisp Factory, Hucknall-road, Nottingham. The City Fire Brigade attended, but the fire was out on their arrival. 

    31 July 1951 - Nottingham 


    Another report , from around the same time (but not giving the factory name ) mentioned a "crisp factory at 288 Hucknall Rd" being fined for employing a 15 year old boy beyond the allowed work times.


    Slightly awkward to locate that today.


    Haydn Court - on the right - is 286 Hucknall Rd; and Townsend Court - on the left - is 294.

  8. 2 hours ago, Oztalgian said:

    My brother had a Sturmey Archer 3 speed hub with a twist grip gear change instead of a handlebar lever. He thought it was the bees knees.


    I had one of those as well. I thought it was really cool, and used to pretend it was like a throttle on a motorbike.

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