Cliff Ton

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Posts posted by Cliff Ton

  1. 3 hours ago, MRS B said:

    Isn’t it funny how we all do our own things. Nothing to do with scale models but transport related. If ever I see a car number plate that includes a 3 letter airport code I always say oh they’re going to “so and “so. For instance ABZ is Aberdeen.


    For some reason, I always seem to note and memorise car registrations of people I know or meet. I'm always surprised how easily I can think of someone and tell myself "they have a 55 Fiesta.....or she has a 62 Toyota".

  2. I remember from my earliest days that you could use helium to get the squeaky voice effect.


    Sometimes balloons were inflated using helium, so you'd slightly release the knot in the balloon to let the helium out slowly, whilst breathing in what was being released. Instant amusement for a few seconds.

  3. I first became aware of him with the Lily Savage character, which was clever and funny; a sort of update of the Les Dawson women.


    He seems to have been a genuinely nice bloke - and obviously did a lot for animal welfare charities.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Blakey said:

    Too big to add the photo here


    Were you trying to use the internal system within Nottstalgia for posting the photo (the one which says 'Max total size 50kb' ) ?


    That is a useless feature and nobody uses it. All photos here are posted using one of the free, online image-hosting sites such as Postimage or Imgur.  If you want to post any more I recommend you use one of them.

  5. 1 hour ago, Blakey said:

    Followed Cliff Ton's advice found some photos on FB - one of Mrs Stapletons class at Whitegate with what i think is me in it - never realised i was ever that young


    That's something I've come across that I never previously realised; some people don't recognise themselves in very old photos if they'd never seen that photo before.



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  6. 2 hours ago, DJ360 said:

    OK. I decided to try finding NS by using Firefox, with DuckDuckGo as search engine, still on my phone  Logged in and se a bookmark, but still doesn't work well. I can't see notifications, inbox etc.


    I think the problem may be the fact that you're using a phone. I've just looked on my (Android) phone and I reckon I'm seeing what you see - with slight variation.


    Try this......when you go to Nottstalgia on your phone, tap on the three black dots at top right.......then scroll down to 'Desktop Site'.

  7. It depends - amongst other things - on what device you are using to view NS; and on what you've bookmarked.


    When I click on my NS bookmark on the Mac, this is what I first see. It gives me everything in chronological order, whether I've previously read it or not.




    Are you going to NS from a bookmark, or from something else ?

    • Like 1
  8. The offenders don’t always throw their rubbish out of the car whilst on the move.


    You often see a pile of rubbish (eg takeaway trays and drinks cans) all piled together at the side of the road, especially in side roads or lay-bys.


    That’s because the occupants have bought a takeaway, parked their car to eat the food, and when they’ve finished eating they just open the car door slightly and drop all their leftovers into the gutter, and drive off. I've seen it done many times, even in pub car parks.

  9. Nottstalgia is good because it's more low-key and personal. Unfortunately that is also its weakness because it will never have the reach and scope of FB, so the chances of finding an old friend are much less on NS than on FB.


    As an example......only a few days ago on the Clifton School Photos Group someone has posted a class photo showing my first teacher at infants school. I've been waiting for years for such a photo to turn up, and it's the first time I've seen her since the early 1960s, although she's probably changed a bit since then.


    That's what FB is good at, and the chances of that photo appearing on NS are very slim.

    • Like 2
  10. I know what you mean about photos of meals, but you need to dig a bit deeper. There are a lot of Facebook Groups dedicated to specific subjects, in which you’ll only find posts on that topic;  and they’re moderated, which hopefully cuts out the moron element.


    I’m in a number of Groups on various subjects, and you can learn a lot there, without having to scroll through idiot posts.


    In your quest to find ‘old mates’ there are several Clifton-based FB Groups where you would definitely find familiar names. One is dedicated to old Clifton School Photos, and the other is specifically Fairham Comp.

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