Cliff Ton

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Posts posted by Cliff Ton

  1. As an experiment, I've just got a quote from Lloyds (even though I'm now committed to Saga).


    They were almost identical to the Saga quote, so they're good.....and sensible.......nowhere near the stupidity of Churchill. 


    I'll bear them in mind for future years.



  2. For the past few years I'd been with Direct Line who had been good on price. This year their automatic renewal was a 40% increase, which I thought was a bit too far. A look around MoneySupermarket pointed me to Saga who were only slightly above what Direct Line had been last year.


    As a random experiment, I looked at one of the companies who proudly tell you they aren't on comparison sites - Churchill. They came up with a price 90% higher than Saga.  That's why they aren't on comparison sites.

  3. In the early-mid 60s the Classic Cinema on Market Street featured films and cartoons for children - before it later specialised in 'adult entertainment'.


    I was taken there by my parents on more than a few occasions, and in the gaps between films they played a piece of music which I alway liked but never knew who/what it was. I guessed it might be The Shadows, but I eventually discovered the answer many years later.



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  4. Nice to know you're still here crankypig.


    I'd suggest that the jabs actually do work for you; you've had Covid twice but you're still here to tell us about it. If the jabs didn't work, you wouldn't still be posting.


  5. I think so, but it might get a bit complicated having to use the library system.


    I save information by writing on paper using a pen....or.....I use my phone camera to take a photo of the information on the computer screen; and then you just transcribe it yourself when you get back home.

  6. 1 hour ago, FatGandalf said:

    Hi all. Just wanted to say I’ve just spent a happy hour reading all the messages on this post.


    That's the kind of comment which justifies the existence of Nottstalgia.


    Those of us who've been here seemingly for ever sometimes forget that a random 'stranger' will come along and be fascinated by an old thread which will spark all kinds of memories for them.

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