Cliff Ton

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Posts posted by Cliff Ton

  1. Can one of the admin people answer this........

    Look at my details to the left of here. There's a heading which says Internet Service provider Used? I'm the only one who has that on their profile.

    If I go to edit my profile to get rid of that, I get a message saying Internet Service Provider Used?: Cannot be left blank

    So why have I been chosen especially to have this and no-one else? And why can't I get rid of it?

  2. HI, I have just joined the forum and went to comp in 1966, as did my brother 3 years previous,(Hill )my tutor was Mr Kisby, I was in Fleming house. Does anyone know the full list of the houses and the occupations of the famous people they were named after I know a few but not all, glad there are members wishing to keep the memories alive! Cheers Marc.

    Small world, i reckon I might know you. I started at Fairham in 66 and my Tutor Set was Fleming A with Mr Holt (who later left and was replaced by PC Price). I remember Kisby as a history teacher who taught me in my later years there. Smart was the house master

    The houses were John Kenyon - named after a local councillor/mayor/civic somebody

    Alexander Fleming - the penicillin man

    William Penney - something nuclear

    John Hunt - mountaineering

    Frank Whittle - jet engine

    Elliot - not sure, but I think it was the poet

    Alfred Bernard Lovell - astronomy

    Benjamin Britten - music

  3. going back to petrol stations I never saw any of them but am told Radcliffe On Trent had 3 on it's main Street in 1960's, nowadays a 5 miles round trip to fill up!

    I didn't know the area at all back then, but Picture the Past has a couple of photos which seem to show some of them.

    Look in the centre middle distance and I reckon you can see two pumps at the side of the road


    And this looks like a garage which is partly hidden by the black car


  4. There's one oddity I've noticed - which I reckon is a bug

    Use the Search - Forums function at top right of this page. Choose any word or phrase to search.

    The results show all the threads which contain your chosen word. It also shows who posted the last message in that thread. And in all cases, the avatar for each of those people is not their actual avatar....they all get mixed up. :rolleyes:

  5. the only two people in Cardiff who knew where Doctor Parks' Corner was.

    Just out of curiosity, is that still the common name? Used to catch the 74A Trent bus from Thurgarton to visit friends and family in Netherfield, get off there and walk down Conway Road; every Trent driver knew where it was.

    I would presume that Doctor Parks either had a surgery there or owned a house nearby; can someone confirm this?

    I'm sure someone will answer those questions, but here's a 1920's photo of the place and it hasn't really changed much


  6. Apologies for taking this thread a bit off course but it made me think of something I remember doing as a kid........

    If there are any Notts coppers here, I wonder if I ever heard their voices back in the 60s/70s on police radio.

    I'll bet I'm not the only one who used to do this, but back in those days police radio used to operate on VHF, so you could hear it on a normal domestic radio set. So if I was bored, or if it was late evening/night and I had nothing else to do, I'd turn the radio on and wander along the VHF wavelength listening to the police control room sending crews out to various incidents. The highlight was if there was something like a chase, when you'd get a running commentary of who was going where, and a minute by minute update of locations and progress (although it didn't mean much to me if it was all happening in an area I didn't know).

    Listening in that way I learned about a lot of things that happened in Nottingham which never got a mention in the Evening Post or on the radio.

    By the early 1980s (or even earlier) they moved to UHF frequencies so it was no longer possible to listen at home, and anyway I'd grown up a bit by then.

  7. Daft as it may seem , I'm pretty sure there's a (Still usable) tunnel through from The Park to either The Ropewalk or Derby Road .

    Yes there is. It runs from Tunnel Road in the Park, and comes out here,180.06,,0,4.7

    It's the white "arch" right in the background. Go under there, you think it's nowhere, and it suddenly opens out into the tunnel.


    I think they are the rocks behind "Park Rock" apartments on Castle Boulevard

    Although there's a lot more bushes and trees, look between the apartment blocks here,342.8,,0,0.7

    And the road directly above that rock is the Park is called Hermitage Walk

  8. re: the yellow line of the "road" on poohbear's map

    In roman times I guess that would've been quite a way outside the city walls and boundaries, almost a bypass. The castle wasn't built then, so obviously no Park, and the nearest civilisation would've been the western edge of what is now the Lace Market.