Cliff Ton

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Posts posted by Cliff Ton

  1. Searching the site...the majority of photos are of the library on Nuthall Road...none whatsoever of the dozens of shops North of the Newcastle Arms at Basford Road...or Bar Lane/Melbourne road...and few of Cinderhill.Anybody got any?

    Here's a couple of contributions which I hope are vaguely in the direction you are asking about.....


    The road going up the right is Aspley Lane towards Nottingham. The almost-horizontal road across the top is the ring road (you can see the Wilkinson Street triangle in the centre); and the next horizontal road down from that is Melbourne Road. Note the fields to the right of Aspley Lane.......the photo is 1930s.

    And this one says it's Bells Lane


    The colliery in the background is apparently Cinderhill - later Babbington

  2. 1. The Post Office Sorting places in town

    There was the big sorting office near Parliament Street/Huntingdon Street (I think it was officially known as Brook Street), and going back a bit further there was the sorting office at Queen Street

    2. A big dairy (It might have been United Dairies) going out on the Derby Road.

    Was it United Dairies or Northern Dairies or Express Dairies or.....etc etc?

    Actually on Triumph Road just off Derby Road. Closed down several years ago and the site is now occupied by University buildings, like everything else in that area.

  3. Stu

    I don't know the area very well so I'm sure you are right. I was quoting the caption on the photo in the book I took it from. Seems like they've given the photo the wrong information.

    Looking at the photo, isn't that Morley's factory behind the building? So maybe the photo is the building which was near Daybrook Square, but it shouldn't be called the British School (which was the one in Arnold).

  4. Just remembered a book I have which has a few photos relevant to this thread, so.......

    I mean the building that is in the centre of the photo, it looks like a school.

    I think this is/was the school, apparently called The British School.


    And to go back to the original query

    Does anyone remember Alf Hutchin(g)'s barber shop just below the railway bridge in Daybrook? I remember my father buying a fishing rod for me in about 1959ish from the shop next door.

    I've found this photo which may show what Compo was referring to


  5. Talking of Mansfield Rd any one recall the the petrol station on the right going towards Arnold just after Woodthorpe Drive?

    I can remember that one, I reckon it was still operating for petrol until the mid 90s.

    In its slightly earlier days wasn't it a branch of the Datsun/Nissan dealers who had another place on Woodborough Rd near the top of Ransome Rd

    • Upvote 1
  6. i also bought albums from a guy on the market near the palais

    I guess you're talking about the old Central Market on Parliament Street, so I reckon I also used to get stuff from the same guy. He did part-exchange on records (singles or LPs), so you'd take in something you were bored with and swap it - with cash adjustment - for something else. Or you'd just buy his second-hand records because they were pretty cheap. His name was Arthur (but can't remember his surname). I first knew of him because my dad - who was into classical music - used to go there probably once a week to swap something for something else.

  7. Just asking the question as I don't know but isn't there a reasonably new pub at Castle Marina on the right just as you drive in from Castle Boulevard? (Not the Exchange/Baltimore).

    I guess you are referring to "The Boathouse", which is on the right immediately after the Marina where all the boats are for sale. I know that place has been there since at least the late 90s.

    (And the Baltimore/Exchange has changed its name again, and is now called the Water's Edge)

  8. The Old Map from the 1960s might answer a few questions. You can see the word "Garage" twice in the area on the east side of Mansfield Road, as well as the "Garage" on the Bedale side, which is now (still?) a Kwikfit or something similar.

    So what were the group of buildings right up next to the railway bridge, which include the place shown in Stu's photo?

    I think the motorbike place I'm trying to remember is the site of the two "Garages" opposite Bedale (where a row of garages backs on to the Day Brook)


  9. .Down the alley was Walkers garage (ground floor) and Majors engineering works.

    Was Walker's garage a motorbike dealers?

    Back in the early 60s when I was a kid, my dad owned motorbikes and I can remember going with him round the various bike dealers looking at what they had in stock - usually on Sunday mornings. So we went to places like Kingstons and Dawsons in town; but we also went to one at Daybrook - just on the Nottingham side of the old railway bridge.

    And I've never been able to remember the name of that place - my dad just referred to it as "Daybrook Bridge"

  10. Re: the small island.

    I'd never seen it shown like that as some kind of physical/geographical feature based around the Leen, so that is probably the origin of the name in that area. I'd only ever known it called Boots' Island Site (and was Island Street there before Boots appeared?) because the canal does a kind of loop back on itself and creates an almost-island in the middle of everything. Like this........


  11. It's not difficult to find (ie you can see it from a long way off. The problem is driving to it, because you have to go in the opposite directions to what you would expect to actually drive in to the place. If you approach it from the Clifton Bridge side, you have to turn left to go right. It eventually makes sense

  12. I was trying to figure out where exactly these two shops were.

    The Selecta-Disc I remember was on Arkwright street almost if not next to The Bridgeway Hall?

    When I first knew them they were just about under the railway bridge near Kirk White Street, on the Queen's Drive side of the road

  13. Just found this story http://www.thisisnot...tail/story.html

    on the impossible-to-understand Evening Post website.

    Fred Riddell might be best known as Chairman of the Education Committee in the 80s and 90s. Before that he was a teacher and house master at Fairham during my time there (although I was never taught by him). He had a fearsome reputation as a hard man, and even the most extreme head-case pupils at Fairham would tremble and fun away if someone said "Fred's coming".

  14. thousands of men trooping along Triumph Road turning out of the old Raleigh works at knocking off time

    And you can still see what that used to look like......A few months ago I got the recently reissued DVD of "Saturday Night Sunday Morning", and there's plenty of shots of Raleigh workers along Triumph Road in the early 60s. And obviously a lot of other views of Nottingham in those days.

    slightly melancholy feeling . Perhaps many of the current inhabitants will never understand that though for obvious reasons.

    When the world was full of push-bikes, cobble stones, flat caps, permanent fag-in-mouth, women with vertical hair styles, and those macs which nobody ever wears now