Cliff Ton

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Posts posted by Cliff Ton

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. I used to look at the site in its old version and it was pretty good, but these days it's a total disaster.

    The thing that bugs me is that you have the main list of stories down the centre of the page, and then a short version of the current stories on the top right corner. Click on those stories on the right and it expands to give a full list of current stories.

    But....sometimes the stories down the middle of the page are several days old; nobody seems to delete or clear them.

    Agree also with the point about there being no obvious difference between a readers opinion (and some of them are fully qualified morons) and a news story. A few days ago there was what appeared to be a "story" about an expensive house for sale in The Park; but once you'd read the piece you realised it was just free advertising for the estate agent with no news content at all. I'd be interested to know how that item got where it was.

    And the "mouseover" effect is totally out of control. You get pop-ups jumping at you all over the place.

    Pity Al Jazeera don't cover Nottingham. I'd watch them.

  2. If you click on the Forums heading from the blue bar across the top, quite a few at the bottom of the page are almost white on white and impossible to read "eg Sport and Politics, or Computer Chat

    Holding the mouse over helps a bit, but not much

  3. Looking at Google Maps, the junction on the tram line is much further north than the area covered by the old map, I assume that the colliery line was on the same site.

    Surprising that the Cinderhill/Babbington Colliery rail branch, beginning just beyond the level crossing, was yet to be laid...


    Robt P.

    Looking at the wider view of the old maps, the branch to Cinderhill is marked, but is further north along Vernon Road (although that didn't exist in those days). The line branched off at a point nearly level with the site of the old GN Basford station

  4. The picture enclosed hopefully shows the original alignment of the crossing at Basford, certainly now it is called David Lane but not sure for how long?

    Looks like it's been called David Lane for quite a while. This is 1880s and the alignment doesn't seem to have changed that much.

    Biggest thing to notice here is that Vernon Road had only got as far as the crossing; to get to Bulwell you still had to go up Bulwell Lane past the Old Pear Tree pub


  5. Station Road is shown as if there is a level crossing next to the station, I guess there was at one time?

    I've only ever seen one photo which comes close to showing that, but even this is obviously years after any crossing had gone


    But back in the 1880s, obviously before the bridge was built, looks like there definitely was one


  6. On 07/09/2011 at 2:08 PM, mick2me said:

    In Pic 1 can I see the sign Morkel & Carnill?

    And you can see it even better on this.


    On 07/09/2011 at 2:08 PM, mick2me said:

    What was Ingles? (Pic 3)

    Describe themselves as "Motor Accessories". But wasn't that the place which some people also remember as a Chandelry?

    And showing a different angle of the Albert HoteL.........and a great shot of an old Jag.


  7. i thought the Imperial was a little higher up St james Street than The Roebuck? I may be totally wrong but thought the latest name was Bla Bla Bar?

    I thought it was a bit further up as well, such as Bla Bla; or even further along where there is/was some kind of Australian bar.

    Which one was (or is) the Newshouse up there?

  8. I still think the Nottingham Contemporary building at Weekday Cross is the easy winner for the ugliest building in town, worse than any of the concrete monstrosities of the 60s.

    The location looked better even in the days when it was the black hole of the tunnel entrance leading to Victoria Station.

    Like this




  9. early 1960's?

    Spot on. According to the book 1963.

    whilst the chaps all seem to be wearing suits plus one in a trilby type hat,

    And nobody with hats/caps which are facing backwards or twisted sideways

    When we'd been into town we used to walk up the alley (what was it called?) past those huge lamps outside the Imperial up to Granby Street to catch the bus home to Elstree Drive at the bottom of Hollington Road.

    Last time I walked up past The Imperial in 2007 those huge lamps had gone. Can't remember if it's still called The Imperial even.

    Like Ashely said, not so much an alleyway, just a narrow road which was split in half by Maid Marian Way The place isn't called the Imperial any more but I couldn't tell you what it's called now

  10. Something else I've remembered which I hope one of the railway experts can confirm...........

    The Melton line to London was the one where you went through Corby (when it had a line and a station) and you went right alongside the Stewarts and Lloyds steelworks. I was impressed because it seemed like you were going through the middle of the works, not just going past it

  11. Yes re my first question it was indeed Meadow Lane Scrap, at one time the owner had a load of ex Bell Fruit one armed bandits in his yard, as I recall he sold some complete, and nearly got done for selling gaming machines without a licence or some similar offence! re my second question it was a boat, something like a 30ft steel ex lifeboat with a steel "shed" welded on the top, seemed to be there years in the open on grass, after the new road was opened it was just feet away from the kerb

    I've put two and two together and worked this one out.

    I think this is the answer to your own question in the "Lady Bay" post :unsure: referring to life on Meadow Lane. We seem to have jumped threads along the way!