Cliff Ton

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Posts posted by Cliff Ton

  1. I agree with Arkwright.

    Incidentally my local Coop charges 50% higher on prices of some items, compared with Tesco.

    You cant tell me the coops buying power cant keep prices in line with tesco?

    I've noticed that for years. Never understood why people go to Co-ops because they seem to be much more expensive than other places. It seems whatever you buy in a Co-op, you could get exactly the same thing somewhere else and pay less for it

  2. I was up there taking photographs to show the new Tesco store on Friday.

    Its not in the same building as ToRH (which was also the 1960s Tesco) but further up towards the hotel.

    It's 50/50 Mick. The Tesco occupies the right half of what was ToRH, and the left half of Robin Hood is still an empty shed. I go past there quite often and I've been watching them do it almost on a daily basis

    And I'd forgotten, - but I remember now - that building used to be a Tesco before Robin Hood took over.

    At this rate Sainsbury's will be soon be moving back into the building on Parliament Street which is now Wilko.

    All we need now is for Burtons to come back into the Arcade

    Unfortunately, the best bit of food nostalgia will never come back, but for anyone who remembers it.....


  3. Great picture Cliff. Which book is that from ?

    This one


    The date in the front says 1994, but I think I've seen it in various shops recently. Probably quite cheap now, too

    I'm getting totally confused now and used to use the Square regularly in the 50's and early 60s.

    Wasn't the Moulin Rouge a cinema around the corner?

    That's what I would've said. It's been mentioned in various threads on these pages. Not sure if anybody wants to admit having been in the place, with its reputation for "mature adult" films

  4. Digging around in some of my Old Nottingham books I came across this photo. The book says it's 1960. And I don't think it's in Picture the Past


    This is looking towards Milton Street (where the Welbeck Hotel is).

    The buildings in the previous photos have been demolished and you can see the remains running left/right across the centre.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Even though I referred to those old photos, I don't remember Trinity Square when it looked like that. And I don't remember the church which used to be in the middle.

    My first memory of it was when the church had been demolished, and the empty space - looking like a bomb site - was used as a car park. That would've been early 1960s. Then the multi-storey car park was built. which existed until a few years ago. If you've not seen the area for the last few years, the recent "developments" are a complete disaster. Worse than anything which was done in the 60s.

    And I also remember the highlight of going into the pet shop on Trinity Walk to look at the animals on sale. Have to say, I'm glad that pet shops don't operate quite like that any more, where pups and kittens were treated like packages to be sold.

  6. Both were branches of the Oadby (Leicester) Capucci family business, whose ice cream parlours were prominent in Leicester city centre...they also had a branch in Loughborough.

    Capucci family was directly related (and were initially funded) to the Forte organization...


    Robt P.

    And there was a lengthy thread a few months ago which included a lot on the subject of Capucci's HERE

  7. Their plans for world domination seem to be progressing nicely.

    Within the last couple of weeks I've noticed that the former "Tales of Robin Hood" building on Maid Marion Way, which had been standing derelict for a couple of years, has been redeveloped and become a Tesco Express.

    The old Sisson and Parker building on Wheeler Gate had been a clothing/fashion store for several years before that closed down. It's now become a Sainsbury's Local

    And a few others I can think of......the former Jolly Higglers pub on Ilkeston Road is a Tesco Express; the old 17th/21st Lancers at the end of Castle Boulevard is a Tesco Express; the old Police Station on Station Street is one or the other; the site of the old petrol station on Lenton Boulevard is a Sainsbury's Local; the former car dealers at the top of Ransom Road is a Sainsbury's Local. Every time they see an ex-pub or an ex-petrol station they dive in.

    Go along any road any time, there's a new Tesco/Sainsbury's which wasn't there a week earlier

  8. Have you had a "drive" up there recently on Streetview?

    I didn't know the area in the days you mentioned, but it hasn't changed as much as many parts of Nottingham and you might be surprised how familiar it still looks.

    There are still shops on the top bit of Forest Road, including antique/retro places; the pub is now called the Maze, and there are still a lot of shops on the way down Mansfield Road (even if they open and close and change owners every few months)

    The other thing you'll notice is that quite a few of the old "shops" have been converted back to housing, and are probably now full of students.

  9. Some of us who haven't really grown up properly, still have loads of the LPs I bought when I was younger (literally several hundred). And I still have a turntable to play them on.

    Show that to kids today and most of them won't know what to do with it, because it isn't called an i-something

  10. I remember it because you went past it on the bus route from Clifton to Nottingham, in the days when Queen's Drive was still the main through road into town from that direction.

    I wasn't old enough to be drinking in those days, but I remember it looked like THIS

  11. Another one I've remembered since I came up with the first list, is Our Price. They were a national chain who either went bust or were taken over quite a few years ago. They had a shop which was L-shaped. One entrance was on Clumber Street, and if you went all the way through you'd come out on Parliament Street

    I did mention Rediffusion in the list, but I spelt Angel Row wrongly because my fingers operated faster than my brain. Until Selectadisc appeared I always thought Rediffusion had the best, largest record choice in Nottm. I also remember there was absolutely no advertising outside the shop (or even within it) to let you know there was a record departmentin the building, so I wonder how many people missed it because they didn't know it was there

  12. Furniture Store (IMMSC) I think there may have been a national chain of them.

    That would explain why I don't remember them. A teenager wasn't going to be interested in furniture.

    I worked on the Broadmarsh Coop as an electrician when it was built. 1974 it was.

    Later it became Alders, Now boarded up.

    And for the last couple of years before it was boarded up, it was TK Maxx until they moved to the new Trinity Square disaster

  13. I don't remember a shop called Williams. What kind of stuff did they sell? Was there one in Broad Marsh? Living on Clifton I often used to go through Broad Marsh from its very early days and that name doesn't ring any bells.

    Weird coincidence if their catchphrase was "your pounds worth more" because that's about all Broad Marsh consists of these days . No proper shops left. If you haven't been through the place for a few years (and you only go through because no-one stops there) it has a branch of every kind of pound shop.

    Pound Store, Pound Stretcher, Pound Land, and to be different there was (maybe still is) a 99p store for people who aren't so well off

  14. wasnt there one called Jack Brentnalls. Sold sheet music and instruments. Bottom of Derby Road??

    Yes. I remember that one. Closed down quite a long time ago and became one of those Instant Print shops, but that has closed as well now.

    But I've learned something new today.. Never realised Jack Brentnall was Chairman of Nottm Forest in the 1950s, including the year they won the FA Cup