Cliff Ton

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Posts posted by Cliff Ton

  1. Interesting that this thread has come back to life.

    I remember often seeing the girl (although didn't know her name until now) and it''s amazing how many other people remember her if you mention the subject. She definitely made her mark, in more ways than one.

    And I'd never realised that she was also a pavement artist; probably saw her work without knowing it was the same girl who sold papers.

    And the question which everyone I knew used to wonder about in the days when she was selling papers on Long Row.......did she really speak like that in her normal conversation, or did she "switch it on" for the occasion. Did she come from an up-market background? Was she aware that nobody in Nottingham talks posh like that?

  2. mystery sidings mentioned in an earlier post could have been, wonder if anyone ever took a face on picture from heathfield estate showing incline rising from right to left? Also missing are photos of the down Bagthorpe to Basford North station line and the bridge(s) over Arnold Rd carrying such

    Not exactly the view you are referring to, but did you notice THIS photo of the Bagthorpe/Rathole area, from one of the two fotopic sites mentioned at the beginning of this thread.

    It's a different angle on the subject looking north with Heathfield on the left

  3. I never went to the Empire either - and have no recollection of it even being open! All I remember of it was the old facade and wondering if it had ever been used!

    Me likewise. I know it was demolished in the early 70s to make way for the Concert Hall but when did it actually close for business? It stood empty for quite a long time before it disappeared.

  4. have you tried " picture the past" ?? they are very good.

    I'd never heard of the place before, so I had a look at Pic the Past.

    They have a few photos of it - what a surprise - and they refer to it as Pearson's Mill.

    Now I've seen where it is, I'd been past the place without knowing anything of its history, but still no clue as to what was made/done there

  5. was going to say "late 60's" a bit early,

    Now you mention it, I agree.

    I was thinking of when the Horizon factory opened near Clifton Bridge, which was early 70s. I'd forgotten that some of the Radford factories lingered on for a long time after that

    • Like 1
  6. I know bus stops aren't the most interesting subject, but I noticed this a few years ago.

    On Player Street in Radford, near its junction with Radford Boulevard, there's a metal panel fixed to a wall.


    It's obviously a bit ancient, and hasn't been much use since the late 1960s when Players pulled out of Radford.

    I guess it's a sort-of bus stop, but is it referring to special bus services which were put on for workers at Players? I didn't think normal NCT routes went along Player Street, so why is this thing stuck on the side of a wall, instead of being a conventional bus stop? And right in the middle of what looks like a loading bay......


    • Like 1
  7. That corner of Trent Lane was full of railway lines

    By the side of what is now the Vigin building - going down Trent Lane towards Sneinton - you could find two railway bridges and one level crossing all at the same point. One of those bridges is now demolished but the pillars are still there; the other bridge is still there but has nothing on it; and the level crossing is still there but only for pedestrians

  8. Maybe.......

    Is it something to do with the whole principle of the Great Central having a straight run everywhere with no interruptions?. Would the GC have said "keep your line out of our way so that our trains don\t have to slow down" and the only way to do that was to dig a complicated hole

    Similar to the old junction at Meadow Lane where the up suburban line had to come round, over, and and wide of the Midland Line and GNR, because those companies didn't want the upstart getting in their way

    • Upvote 1
  9. Can only think that a short-term temporary siding might have been there for spoil removal at the time of construction?

    I think your theory may be correct.

    Digging around on the old OS maps website, and 1901 shows this............


    But move on to the map dated around 1910-15 and those extra sidings have disappeared

    • Upvote 1
  10. Maybe I'm not the most cultured person because I've only been in the Playhouse about half a dozen times, but I remember my first ever visit.

    A junior school trip in December 1965 to see a performance of Dickens' Christmas Carol. The star of the show, as Scrooge, was Wilfred Brambell - old man Steptoe. Don't remember much about the actual play itself, but I think I was fairly impressed.

    For some reason, I've managed to keep the original programme from that day, so here's the front cover....


    and the inside title page........


  11. Here's a view from the opposite direction which sums up the old Broad Marsh area really well.

    The flat roof cafe - god knows how many times I've been in there - is on the right.

    C & A is on the left with the big flat glass windows, and just to the right of it is the white vertical tower of "The Tower".

    The smaller building behind the van in the middle of the shot was a newsagents

    Lister Gate is at the end of the road just out of shot.