Cliff Ton

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Posts posted by Cliff Ton

  1. I just checked and Springfield street is listed.

    One to Littlebro.

    So I've learned something new today, because I've driven past that road/street quite often and never noticed it even had a name. I thought it was just the entrance to that small block of apartments. And now I've looked at it on Google maps it goes back a long way too.......

  2. I was never into CB during its peak period but this thread has brought back a few memories. I lived at Clifton in the 1970s and the guy next door to us had a CB. I don't know anything about the technicalities of how they are set up or operate, but his could break through into our television or radio.

    It wasn't just interference, you could clearly hear every word he said and you could recognise the voice which was saying it; it was one step away from him being in the room. We never mentioned it to him but I reckon he would've been very embarrassed if he'd known how many people on our road were listening (unintentionally) to his conversations. In the middle of watching "The Sweeney" or "Columbo" you'd get this Nottingham voice pretending to be American using his talk-like-CB phrase book. Impossible to take seriously.

  3. Talking of good markets around this area which may still be there (or not), when I was a kid in the 1960s we often used to go to Loughborough market on a Thursday afternoon. That was a great place and always busy with a nice atmosphere.

    I'm pretty certain it still exists, but I haven't been for quite a few years and don't know if it is still successful, or has it gone downhill like the others mentioned

  4. There's some good stuff in there!!!

    I discovered that site quite a few years ago and it used to have frequent updates and additions, always worth dropping into. But it doesn't seem to have changed for quite a few years, and there haven't been any new/old photos added for a very long time.

    (And for website layout, it gets about 1 out of 10)

    He seems to spend most of his time now writing/compiling books on the subject. Probably brings in a bit more money. (Look at the 'local' shelves of WH Smith)

  5. Just come across this thread...brought back so many memories for me.... the maisonettes which were incidently upside down, you used to go downstairs to bed which took some getting used to.

    Now that brings back a few memories I'd forgotten about. My grandma lived in one of those in her later years; she was the first occupant in her particular place and as a young kid I was fascinated by the way they were laid out upside down. As you mentioned, you went in through the front door in a normal way to reach the living room and kitchen, and then went downstairs to the bedrooms and bathroom. My grandma moved into one of the first built blocks, but at that time the other blocks were still being built - so those early occupants were literally living on a building site. You could go along those concrete walkways which linked one area to another, and half way along you come up against steel fencing to stop you going any further because the next stage hadn't been built yet. I remember staring through those fences watching the builders doing their thing on the other blocks.

    I don't suppose any of them expected that the whole lot would be demolished within 20 years

  6. nottingham playhouse ?

    If the houses were demolished in the sixties they must have been replaced with the Playhouse.

    I go away for a few minutes and get two correct answers!

    If you look at the original photo before I cropped it, you can see how it gives the game away with the Cathedral on Derby Road in the background


  7. Cliff Ton:

    By answering littlebro's poser, it now becomes your turn to set the next question...


    Robt P.

    So here it is.......not sure if this will be very easy or very difficult.

    These houses are no longer standing, but it's a location very close to the city centre

    I've cropped the photo to the left, because otherwise you'd get it straight away


  8. Hi Limey, you are correct, it's not him.

    The airport was built in 1964/5 and opened in April '65, the guy in the image was the first director, Googling should give you his name.

    Finally, the clue I've been waiting for.

    I've been looking at his mug since this thread started and I knew I'd seen him somewhere before. I worked for British Midland at the airport in 1974-75 and it was all vaguely familiar

    The answer is !englandflag! ERIC DYER

  9. I think the main reason it's closing is because there just aren't enough kids there to keep it going.

    Take a look at this link

    You'll see there were 174 kids and 19 teachers remaining. When I was there 66-73 there were around 1600 kids and 100 staff.

    I had a shock a couple of years ago when I looked at the place from Google aerial maps; half the buildings had been demolished even then, so the site still existed but there were big empty spaces where various buildings used to be.

  10. Hi Cliff and welcome, I hope you have a good time trawling through the interesting topics that are on here.

    I had about 3 years at Clifton till I had my car nicked from outside my house....Luckily I escaped to a place that has no lawlessness, just peace and quiet and a good place for me to enjoy my retirement..


    To be fair to the place, it never seemed all that bad when I was there. I'd stopped living there by the early 1980s, but I always thought it was the 'least bad' of the various Estates. My parents lived there till the end of the 1990s, and if I'm up that way I occasionally drive through for a burst of nostalgia. Most people go out of their way to avoid it, but I go into it (ok only once every couple of years) and It looks much grimmer now than back then.

  11. Just noticed this category.

    I became a new person a few days ago and I've already posted a few messages, but I'd missed the introduction bit.

    So a few days after the event, here I am

    Born and bred locally (guess where by the name) and I've lived in various places around Nottingham over the years.

    Old enough to remember Nottingham in the 60s before it was ruined by the planners.

    And I'm not quite at the retirement stage yet, but I'll probably be doing that here as well.