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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!
  2. Why should they want to write SPOT on the road?
  3. And this man wanted to be President!
  4. Ah! yes but we get the wrong kind of snow these days.
  5. Jonathan Ross over paid, over bearing, pompous "little" man.
  6. Cupboards & Freezers well stocked so no need to go out and as long as we don't get a power cut we will be O.K. P.S. we have a corner shop two minuets walk away that always has plenty of the basics(milk,baked beans etc)
  7. I never buy cheepo burgers you can't trust what's in them. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21054688 I always wondered what happened to "Shergar" makes a whole new meaning to "Fast food"