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About mrsb

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  • Birthday 09/01/1941

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    Nr Newark
  1. Hi Joiner You have replied to turtanics posting, unfortunately she passed away last year. Did you know Pat, Eileen and Jean well?
  2. happy birthday 2 u hope u have many more mrsb
  3. As you are tracing your family history, The Nottinghamshire Family History Society are in the process of recording the inscriptions of the Rock Cemetery. As a member of the society, I have just finished checking some of the inscriptions, but I am not sure how many they have actually recorded. If you want more information it may be an idea to contact them. They do have a web sit with details of who need to contact. Byeee mrsb
  4. Very sorry to hear of the death of Ann, deepest sympathy to all her family. It was through Ann and this website I was able to get in touch with her sister June, who was in my class at William Crane school. Would love to hear from June again if that is possible.