Craig Strongman

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Everything posted by Craig Strongman

  1. Hang on, i think I know Jimmy, and Geoff, I might be wrong but didnt they come from Sneinton? That bit may be wrong, but before I sterted going to The Dungeon, a mate, in fact the one beaten up by the mini boys, had a "club"well, it was basically a room that was linked to a Baptist church, and to get it, we had to go to church regularly. Anyway, we opened it on Monday nights, swappd the light bulbs for coloured ones, and used an Elpico record player to blast out the sounds of the day, including soul and Motown. Im certain that some of the guys you mention used to come. Did Jimmy have a bit o
  2. No I didnt go to that one, I remember a similar response from us regulars when Mick the owner tried to put on a band that was promoted as,"Not so much a band, more a way of life" or very similar, they were called This End, and were a pshychedelic outfit, needless to say, they got more than a few boos! Once when I was going down the stairs, The Action were coming up, it made my day that i got so close to them! A similar thing happened with Amen Corner too. And dont get me started on how I shook Lee Dorsey, and Edwin Starrs hands! Odd to think now, that his widow has watched me perform rec
  3. So, is the Rob Sedgewick you refer to, the one known as Sedge? cos I assumed it was something to do with the metal "sedges" a lot of us, including Sedge, put on the brogues we got from Wakefields!"!! And as for Kennys mini, it wasnt as you describe, it was either grey, or a very pale green, (grey I actually recall) with a yellow "E" on the back door, which we were all told stood for free love, which was made up of F and L...join those together, and you had an E. As I mention elsewher a while back, when I was on Century FM, I got invited by a guy who called my show regularly, to go and joi
  4. I can see for miles, by The Who......but I always thought it was " The Eiffel tower and Taj Mahal I can see on clear days" goes...." You dont know how I feel, you'll never know how I feel" Dont Google!!!!!! Come on mod boys, it was played lots at The Dungeon and Beachcomber!
  5. Do you mean Soca? cos thats what most black guys I know refer to it as......? In the really early days of mod, the music played wasnt as we think of it, in fact it was very much more avant garde jazz stuff, but at which point it changed, I dont know. When The Beatles were still playing The Cavern, sailors would bring in the R&B and Motown from The States, and thats how come we got so many cover tracks from the 4, including the likes of Money, and Please Mr Postman, both Motown tracks. Maybe at this stage, the mods of the day picked up on it. Im sure it will be written somewhere on Goog
  6. Hi MG, thats the point I was making....did they get in? Cos I dont see how they could, thats what I meant, and yes, I certainly would have gone outside to them, if I was Pete!! I remember someone questioning his sexuality when he was dj'ing at The Dungeon once, and Petes reply was that if 6 girls would care to line up on stage, he know what!!!
  7. Thats the suit Paulus! I remember the Sundays there, although I cant recall the exact times, afternoon to early evenings wasnt it? Or was that just for the all dayers that were held there? (Thats when I first went, but on Easter Monday 66) And a lot of people that had been up to The Mojo, when Mr Stringfellow had it, would arrive, having been up all night, and still fresh as a daisy!......cant think how, can you!!!??? Re Mondo dancing, in all honesty, I havent seen him do much apart from have a drink or two, possibly because I was always in the non Motown room at Ilkeston, and weve only
  8. Sorry Beefy...totally missed it!! Btw, I do know what it is, but I'll let someone else have a go. I will throw a clue in though..part of the title refers to a method of getting from A to B...........
  9. I certainly do remember Gabby! Do you remember that suit he had, at the height of bottle green and massive vents, he had one with a 3/4 length jacket, that looked like something from the Victorian era! Dusty I knew by sight, but as for Mondo, I see him about once a month on the soul and Motown nights im involved with, id be willing to bet, if his history of attendance is anything to go by, thet he'll be there at The Westgate Suites, West Gate in Long Eaton, next Friday night (30th)
  10. What, you mean the rockers actually got in, cos I thought that would've been almost impossible, or did Mr S go outside to sort it? I do remember one midweek night, immediately before Goose fair where some of the fair boys came down to cause aggro, I cant recall if they did though, but a mate who had worked on the fair for a while was singled out by the mini boys, and got a pasting before Pete Lemon stepped in. Oh, MG, there are two threads relating to The Dungeon also in the 60's bit.
  11. I cheated and asked my mum for the answer, and it was one of her favourites back then," A white sport coat, and a pink carnation," she believes the version she liked was by The King Brothers? go! ............ " Girl I cant let you do this, let you walk away"
  12. As no one is doing another set of lyrics, I will......."When you were so in love with me, i played around like i was free"
  13. Ashley, yep, that Graham Asher! I also havent seen him in years! Re Terry Flynn, he stood on the door at The Dungeon, I hear he died a year or so back, but could be wrong. As for the music policy, the club changed to 8 till late, and another name thats gone out me head, so different music could have been played. And no, I didnt watch Quadrophenia in b&w!! I remember going to the Savoy to watch it many times when it first came out in 79.
  14. I hope you aint cheating and "Googling" the answer! (as accused of earlier!!) !tony! Anyway, carry on with some more lyrics then.
  15. Hard one! I have an album with it on.........its CCR Green River. "It starts with just a little glance now, right away you're thinkin bout romance now! Wossat?
  16. Nah, that looks more like Message in a bottle!! So set the next set of lyrics then! !congrats!
  17. Right boys and girls, as I believe my answer to be correct, and to save time if I dont get chance tomorrow, heres the next one......dum dum, dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum duh dum dum......haha! It was Time is tight by Booker T and the MG's!! No, heres the proper one........... "One ticket please, Lord have mercy, everybodys here....hey whats going on man.....yeh, shes at home, shes at home ...yeh, shes at home.........."
  18. Id say, " Skiing in the snow" Wigans Ovation" or the original one, ( bu99er, their names gone straight out me head!!) Although, I dont think the "Teas going cold" bit is accurate!! Try, "Days are growin colder, snows a fallin up on the hill"
  19. Limey, according to the guys at PC World, whilst someone can "piggy back" off your broadband, they cannot access your computer. As for the router, I use a Belkin G device, (Im on Virgin) and is fine for most things, however, if you live in a large house, possibly with thick walls, it may have trouble streaming, especially (as in my case) the router is sited upstairs, and you use your pc downstairs .Another thing to consider, is if you wish to stream music stored in a "network attached storage" device, attached by cable to the router, but streaming wirelessly to downstairs, you may need an "N"
  20. I had thought about starting a little song lyric thing, where the person that gets it right, has to then post a line or two from another song, prob is, im not always here to say yay or nay. If you know your music, feel free to oversee it. Shall I start? Stupid question Craig, youre here on your own, so no one can refuse! Here we go then.........." Now everybody knows down Ladbrooke Grove, you have leap across the street" A chart hit in the 70's.................
  21. Id guess it has to be either The Cocked Hat, or The Rose Grower. I still have one of Wallys post card photo handouts that I got as a small kid, whilst standing with my grandad on Sneinton market.
  22. The image of The New Taj Mahal brought back some memories! I'd very often have a curry, and follow it with a "fantastic T bone steak" Thats how they owner Mr Choudury would describe it¬ No wonder I started putting on weight after I started eating there, back then around 74, you could have 2 curries, and a bottle of Lutomer Reisling for around a quid! I got my lot a take away last night, just one course, and that was nearly £30 !