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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Yes Mick still down there & looks like it might be tomorrow Monday before they are finally free ,at least they are still healthy. Just heard some very sad news see my latest expat post.
  2. Still no news to report on the 2 trapped miners in the goldmine in Tasmania, except that their mates are trying to dig them out. The poor buggers have been down there for 13/14 days now. One of their colleagues was unfortunately killed in the accident which was caused by an earth tremor in the surrounding area. It was at first thought that maybe they too were dead,but thank god not. The worlds media is in Tassie at the moment & I think it will be a real talking point for some time,very much like the Avalanche in NSW a few years ago. Apparently when they finally get the all clear, they w
  3. Was the programme set in the UK? I ask because of the skis featured in the picture?
  4. Me too !sleeping! Any one know the price of Bananas?? 10 bucks a kilo here
  5. Can anybody give me the 10/13? !rotfl! Are there any Yl's on this forum?? and are there any updates on the eye ball that you are having with Cali? lol lol
  6. Yeah i used bean cans too but it was a bit dangerous because the sharp ends cut into me tabs Never understood about all this CB stuff myself,Fluffy Ducks & all those stupid names they called themselves,I think it was just an excuse to chat up girls,much like the Internet today,difference is instead of sitting in your Robin Reliant with steamed up windows you can do it in the comfort of your own lounge room !laughing!
  7. I prefer mine with Pineapple !hungry! Theres always one isn't there? or in mine & Bips case 2!!
  8. I use AVG anti-virus & Spyware doctor for spyware Ayup,both seem to be ok.
  9. Well I will leave it up to you to prove other wise when we come over & have a drink then Den
  10. I was always told red hat no K******S!!! too cold for that at the moment
  11. I'll just go & take off my Red Sweater then.............
  12. Yeah we do too Baz in most of the pubs , but why I was so surprised is because this was a Pommy pub,not an Aussie swill hole,& it still didn't serve good beer. We can get most of the pommy stuff,Kilkenny,Guinness,Caffreys etc.even in this little town of Bright in which we live.
  13. Caz


    Hi Rob T I think R.A.O.B stands for Royal Antidiluvian Order of the least I think thats correct. I am sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong. My dad must have been in the Meadows/West Bridgeford RAOB but i'm not sure? Where did your dad live Rob?
  14. Went to an upmarket shopping complex yesterday in Melbourne,& was pleasantly surprised when we came across an English style pub "The Melbourne Lion" even had a bit of a beer garden wasn't even outside!! anyway you get the picture. So in we go,have a look at the wine list I order my drink & my partner goes to order his, when he came back [he had been circling the bar] we were informed that although they are an English style pub they serve only Aussie beer!! you couldn't possibly imagine my partners disappointment,well I wasn't too disappointed I had already started on my wine but he
  15. But who will bring the coal in when he's gone?
  16. Did you see the above Mick?
  17. Whats happening with the Market Square now Mick ,have the renovations got very far? Love to see a pic if anyone is in the vicinity. My son is visiting from W.A but I don't think he will be sober enough to take one !!
  18. That leads to Market Square right? or my memory is fading!!
  19. There's a few of them still around,especially Vietnam veterans,but i'm sure the older ones are appalled at the world we live in today. It's definately not what they fought for that's for sure,makes it all the more important we try to do the right thing & try to get on with each other no matter what nationality we are,some times it's b****y hard though.
  20. Thanks Mick. Oh gawd I feel dead thick,didn't understand any of that hope I won't need it
  21. It's Anzac Day today in Oz,we went to see all the old Soldiers,Sailors etc march through our town & very proud they were too, & so they should be. Beautiful warm Autumn day for it too,makes you glad to be alive,thanks to them.
  22. U tell him Baz. He's only jealous cuz he cant get me & Cali in the chat room..........he doesn't know the code LOL !!!! !rotfl!
  23. Thanks for down sizing my pic Bip,looks much better now. Patience is one thing I don't have much of i'm afraid. I will try & log in around those times one day Bazza,trouble is b****y work always gets in the way
  24. It's cooling down Baz, have to put the heater on in the mornings now. We got 5cms of snow at Hotham last week,too flipping early that is,oooh i'm counting down the months to my holiday,mind you it will be cold there too.